Love in Twilight

Chapter 439
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Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 439

Chapter 439 Aren’t You Two an Amazing Couple?

Caleb viewed Dannien as a close confidant. To him, Damien was a knowledgeable man who was

helping him to inquire about Clarissa‘s background and past.

“I was in a relationship when I was still a university student,” Clarissa answered. “Oh, really? How

about after university? Why weren‘t you still with him?”

“He went ahead to become a teacher in a rural village and sacrificed himself to save a kid from

drowning,” Clarissa replied.

“Wow! What a heroic young man. What about the years after that? Did you get into a relationship after

that?” Damien pressed on. His interest in Clarissa made him seem like an interviewer grilling an

interviewee for more answers.

“After that...” Clarissa thought for a moment. “No. Not at all.”

Damien‘s hand shuddered slightly when he put out his cigarette. “Looks like you‘re still hung on the

relationship you had during your university years, Miss Johnson. How old are you, Caleb?” Damien

cocked his head to look at Caleb.

“Me?” Caleb shot Clarissa an apologetic look. Love and guilt filled his eyes in a flash. “I‘m twenty-


“You‘re thirteen years younger than me. You should refer to me as Uncle Damien, then.” Damien

sounded self–deprecating at the moment. “No way!” Caleb felt that Clarissa didn‘t like his age simply

because he was too young, so he sounded rather apologetic.

If someone else asked him about his age, he would have retorted with “None of your business!” withoutnovelbin


However, the person asking him that question was Damien. Caleb had always maintained his image as

a good and obedient young man in front of Damien. Meanwhile, Clarissa kept fiddling with her fingers,

her head bowed the entire time.

Damien’s words may sound like blatant concern to Caleb, but all she could hear was mockery. “Where

are you from, Miss Johnson?” Damien pressed. “I‘m a Genovian who went to university in Genovia.”

“Wow! I‘m a Genovian too.” A wide grin spread across Caleb‘s face, one that showed off his pearly–

whites. That grin made him look bright, cheerful, and charming.

“So, both of you are Genovians who met in Florin, huh? Surely, you‘re fated to meet.” Damien sounded

like he was joking. He was the only one who knew what he was thinking at the moment. “I’m a

Florinian, but I ended up moving to Genovia. But Miss Johnson is a Genovian who decided to spend

her life in Florin. No one can know for sure what life‘s going to throw at them,” Damien commented with

narrowed eyes as he gazed at Clarissa. “What‘s the reason

behind your decision to move to Florin, Miss Johnson?”

The CEO of Eden investment went to Lotharia in the past and decided to extend a job opportunity to

me I already had an acquaintance who teaches at the University of Florin before I made up my mind to

come here. She was the one who convinced me to do so,” Clarissa replied formally.

“Is that so?” Damien said, “I thought you came here because of someone.”

“Not at all.” Clarissa shrugged.

“I guess I was simply overthinking,” Damien replied in the same self–deprecating way.

“Speaking of Eden Investment, my lecturer, Prof. Mclaurant, introduced me to a part–time job in that

company as an assistant,” Caleb piped up excitedly. “Mclaurant?” Damien asked. “As in, Don


“Yeah! Do you know him, Mr. Lawrence?”

“Of course. He used to be one of my grandfather‘s students.” “You want to work as an assistant in

Eden Investment? I‘m an independent director there!” Clarissa gasped out in shock as she stared at

Caleb. “I know that. Professor Mclaurant knows that as well,” Caleb replied, tilting his head in Clarissa’s


“Hmm. It seems your relationship is widely accepted by your peers and even your lecturer.” Damien

raised his palms and clapped them together slowly, emitting a thick and dull sound.” You two sure are

an amazing couple, yes?” Clarissa knew Damien great when it came to mocking people. However,

Caleb misunderstood and assumed that Damien was blessing them with all the sincerity in the world.

“Let‘s eat. I‘m hungry,” Neil piped up, sounding quite upset. All he wanted to do was to pair the pretty

lady and his father together. Unfortunately, he was a step too late.

Once Clarissa was done eating, she made up an excuse of having a headache before excusing herself

away from the table.

Caleb didn‘t make any attempts to stop her. He stayed behind to talk to Damien. “Mr. Lawrence, can

you please not tell my mother about me courting Clarissa? Just tell her that Clarissa‘s a normal

student,” Caleb requested.

“Why?” Damien asked slowly from the shadows cast down by the Sonders Café‘s entrance. “Clarissa‘s

quite young, but she‘s still way older than me. Plus, she‘s a teacher. I’m afraid my mom might think of

our relationship as inappropriate.” Caleb was already treating Damien as one of his closest relatives.

Even his tone sounded quite casual.

“You’re afraid your mom might not agree to your relationship?” Damien sounded very compassionate.


“I won’t tell her anything. One day, you’ll be the one to spill the beans to her.” Damien patted Caleb’s

shoulder kindly.

“Okay! Thanks.” After that, Caleb and Damien parted ways at the restaurant’s entrance.

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