Love in Twilight

Chapter 363
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Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 363

Chapter 363 She’s Neil’s Birth Mother Yonah was waiting for Clarissa at the airport. Clarissa had

already contacted Yonah in advance. stating that she would be arriving soon.

Yonah wanted to hand over the physical offer letter to Clarissa When Yonah noticed Clarissa, who had

just gotten off the plane, she waved at Clarissa immediately


Clarissa lifted her head to see Yonah. She replied with a greeting of her own.

“Now that you’re here, what’s your plan?” Yonah had worked in Emmeria for a few years now, so she

had her own car. She started the engine while asking Clarissa that question.

“I think I’ll stay here for a very long time. After all, I need three years to complete my master’s degree


While Clarissa talked, she opened Whatsapp and scrolled to Damien’s private chat that was labeled

‘Hubby ‘After that, she sent him a message

Clarissa: (Reached. Safe and sound)

She chose to not say much. If the man in black’s organization had bugged her phone in advance, they

wouldn’t believe her claims of having severed her relationship with Damien and Neil once they checked

her Whatsapp messages. This might put Damien and Neil in jeopardy

Damien didn’t reply to her message,

“The lease on my house is already due. I’ve set my sights on another house in the meantime You can

take a look at it. If you think it’s a good house, we can rent it together. How about it?” Yonah suggestednovelbin

“No problem.”

“Let’s go take a look at the new place then.”


Even though they were going to check on the new house, Clarissa found it difficult to focus on the task

at hand. Instead, she kept checking her phone.

She wanted to know what was Damien’s initial reaction when he realized that she had flowni overseas


However, he never replied to her message

That made her quite anxious.

The new place was located quite close to kortel University. Yonah worked a full-time job in a media

company she spent her free time dealing with paperwork for foreign students as a part time job. This

place was close to her company as well

The house was quite clean and cozy. It suited the ladies

“I’m done inspecting this house Jl you like it here, we’ll rent this place right away. We’ll split

the rent and the rest of the bills. What do you think?” Yonah asked, leaning against the doorframe.

“Sure. No problem.” Clarissa sounded quite unfocused. “Are you thinking about your son or your

husband?” Yonah joked with a smile. “I don’t miss them. Why would I fly all the way here for my studies

if I miss them this easily?” Clarissa was quick to deny it. she didn’t bring much with her, so she was

able to put everything away with her soon. The sky gradually darkened.

After Clarissa ate a burger, she started a video call with Lily.

It was currently morning in Merania, so Lily was eating some baguettes with a glass of orange juice at

the side.

“Clarissa, where are you?” she asked. “I’m in Emmeria to continue the studies I wasn’t able to complete

because of labor.”

“Wow! Isn’t that a little too sudden?” Lily exclaimed in surprise. “Did Penelope upset you that much last

night? If that’s the case, should I go commit suicide as well? Everyone in my department has a

master’s degree, you know! I’m so depressed!”

“It’s not a sudden decision at all. I’ve always wanted to come to Emmeria, and you know that. Last

night, I told Damien that I’ll come here, so now I’m here. By the way, can you pass a message to

Damien for me? Tell him I’ve arrived at Emmeria safe and sound. I’ve rented a place of my own as well.

I texted him on Whatsapp earlier, but he didn’t reply to me,” Clarissa said.

“Mr. Lawrence didn’t reply to your Whatsapp message?” Lily asked. “Is it because he didn’t notice the

message? Why didn’t he pin your chat at the top?” “Okay. That’s enough Talk to you later, Lily. I’m

going for foreign language classes tomorrow.” After that, Clarissa hung up on Lily.

It was Clarissa’s first day in Emmeria, so she was unable to get rid of the jetlag and get used to the

local time zone. No matter how much she tossed and turned in her bed, she could never fall asleep.

She watched as the sky gradually became brighter outside her window while counting sheep.

“One little sheep, two little sheep, three little sheep…” Even after reaching beyond five hundred sheep,

Clarissa was still wide awake.

She kept reaching out for her phone to see if Damien had replied to her Whatsapp message. She even

took it with her to the bathroom.

However, Damien never replied to her message,

Clarissa thought, ‘That was definitely an empty threat. He wants to scare me into staying in the country


Damien would still let her go home even after she left Merania. After all, she was Neil’s birth mother

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