Love in Twilight

Chapter 327
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Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 327

Chapter 327 Do I Really Have No Say In This? “I have friends who have gone to Emmeria when they

were just teenagers, so why can’t I do the same? i’m already an adult! What’s wrong with going to

Emmeria alone?” Clarissa said. narrowing her eyes. “And who are your so-called friends?” Damien


Damien knew who exactly Clarissa was talking about. It was Joseph

He was still irked about the fact that she had spent a long time with Joseph in Emmeria a while back

“I have a lot of friends who went to Emineria,” Clarissa said, blinking

“Do you still wish to go there?” Clarissa thought, ‘Why is he asking me the obvious? I’ve already told

him that I want to go to Emmeria in January”

“I think so.” Clarissa didn’t give him a direct answer. “Are you still planning on going even after you give

birth to your children?” “I have ample time to spend with my kids, but these few years are crucial for me

to get my postgraduate certification.” Now, Clarissa viewed work as more important than her children

Only when she had acquired said academic qualification could she land a long-term job in Genovia

As of now, she didn’t value her children as much when compared to pursuing her studies

“Do I really have no say in this?” Damien asked.

“You can’t stop me. Getting that Masters is what I’ve been yearning for a long time,” Clarissa said


“You know I can always get you the position you want, right? Why are you making your life so difficult?”

Damien insisted

“Being an auditor is what I’ve always wanted ever since I was a child. If I climb up the corporate ladder

through connections, nobody will respect me I want to be a professional auditor who can work my way

up through legitimate means.”

Clarissa’s intentions sounded genuine, her every word reflecting her passion for pursuing her career


“Are you still going to Emmeria after you give birth?” he asked again


After they walked out of the park, Clarissa was exhausted. Since spring had arrived, the weather was

hot, and beads of sweat had formed on her foreliead.

Clarissa pulled Damien’s hand and said, “Lel’s rest for a while.” Then, she sat on the bench just beside

her when Damien joined her, she rested her head on his shoulders almost instinctively. That was low

tired she was

“I can give you a villa that’s worth one billion after you give birth,” Damien offered.

Clarissa wasn’t fazed by it.

Money wasn’t what she wanted at the moment. Self-recognition and knowledge were what she needed

to thrive in society.

“If I accept your help, nobody will ever respect me! My colleagues will look down at me and will try to

step on my dignity time and again, just like what Penelope did to me! I don’t want to live like that.”

Clarissa panned out her logic to him.

Damien sneered, “You’ve thought about aborting your babies when you knew you were pregnant,

haven’t you?”

“I’m tired. We should head back,” Clarissa said after a momentary silence.

Clarissa sighed. She couldn’t explain herself after Bethany exposed her secret to Damien.

Damien stood up. Hand in hand, they went home.

On the way back, Clarissa received a Whatsapp message from Cindy.

[Clarissa, Connie’s been struggling to land herself in acting roles recently. She still managed to sign up

for a minor role, though, with the script being the male lead splashing a bucket of water on her face.

When that scene was filmed, Connie noticed something odd and dodged it The water ended up

splashing on the floor and made a sizzling sound. Everyone in the cast was terrified when they realized

that someone had deliberately put acid inside the bucket. I know President Lawrence was on good

terms with Madelynn before. Could you ask him to talk to Madelynn to stop making things difficult for

Connie? We’ll apologize to Madelynn for what happened in the past.]

Upon reading the long message, Clarissa jumped in shock. She didn’t know Madelynn was capable of

doing something as wicked as that.

However, Damien did make a point that Madelynn wasn’t the one behind the allegations made. by


“Connie almost got poured by acid in the face during work. Can you talk to Madelynn so she’ll stop

making things difficult for Connie? Connie said she’s sorry for reporting Madelynn to the authorities.”

Damien, who was driving, frowned. “I wonder who’s behind that.”

“My aunt said Madelynn’s the one behind it.”

“Madelynn isn’t in Genovia at the moment. How could she tamper with the props when she’s not even

here? Do you really think she’s the type to bribe the cast members into doing it for her?” Damien


“I don’t know, but why are you speaking up for her?” Clarissa turned to look outside the windows in a

huff, ignoring Damien.

Although what Damien said did make sense, Clarissa was still deeply irked by the way he covered for


Angry, she shifted her focus and browsed through her social media.

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