Love in Twilight

Chapter 304
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Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 304

Chapter 304 Upset That I'm Not Dead? Outside the ward. Clarissa didn’t dare to go in. She was afraid

of what she would see.

"Go on! Don't waste any more time.” Janet couldn't help feeling anxious. Clarissa was ashen. Janet

knocked on the door, and Dennis said, “Come in.” When Clarissa heard Dennis's voice, she almost

slumped to the floor. Damien wasn't the one who had spoken... Her legs had turned to jelly. "Come on.”

Janet helped Clarissa into the ward. The moment the door swung open, Clarissa saw Damien sitting on

the bed. He was leaning against the bed frame and his arm was bandaged... He wasn't unconscious,

and he was still alive. In that instant, Clarissa finally relaxed. She collapsed onto his bed, feeling dizzy.

She saw Madelynn, but at this moment, she couldn't care less about the latter. "You're not badly

injured.” The words came out of Clarissa's mouth easily, as if they were from the bottom of her heart. At

the same time, she let out a deep sigh and relaxed completely. "What's wrong? Are you upset that I'm

not dead?” Damien asked. Madelynn couldn't help feeling gleeful. Clarissa had managed to make

Damien furious with a single sentence. She knew she had made the right move by telling Clarissa

about this. Clarissa lifted Damien's quilt to check on his injury. Dennis said, “Mrs. Lawrence, President

Lawrence had his arm slashed. That bitch's already been arrested, so you can rest assured." She

looked at Damien's arm. It was bandaged, so she couldn't see how severe the wound was. "Is the cut

deep?" she asked. "Deep enough." "Does it hurt?" Clarissa continued, sounding worried this time.

Chapter 304 Lipset That I'm Not Dead? "Hurts like hell." As Damien spoke, he glanced at her. His eyes

were flirtatious and teasing. Then, he whispered into her ear, “I learned it from you!" It was only then

that she realized how wrong his words sounded. He didn't sound like he was in pain at all. “Do you

want to go home later? Or are you going to spend the night here?" Clarissa asked. "I'll go home.” She

nodded, a little dazed. “I'll ask Leah to send us home later." "Didn't you tell President Peterson that you

had something to tell me?" Damien suddenly asked. “He...” She leaned in close to him. “He hasn't told

you yet?" “No. What did you want to say?" "I'll tell you when we get home." She felt it was best for them

not to say too much with Madelynn around. Since his arm was all wrapped up in gauze, he couldn't

even bend it. "How are you going to eat like this?" "You'll be feeding me, of course.” Clarissa was lostnovelbin

for words. Madelynn was infuriated to see the two of them being so affectionate. Worse still, she didn't

even know what Clarissa wanted to tell Damien. "I was talking to some producers about a new show,

and I dropped everything to come here when I saw that Damien was injured. Since everything's fine

now, I'll get going,” she said. Madelynn turned and left. What a terrible idea Connie had given her!

Madelynn was really starting to feel that Connie was a double agent for Clarissa. Dennis left as well.

Janet said, “Clarissa, since President Lawrence is fine, I'm going to go back to the company as well.

You two are going to head home, right?" "We can drop you off at the company first before heading

home," Damien said. “Alright, then. I'll wait for you two downstairs." Janet left. Chapter 104 Upset that

im Not Dead Damien didn't continue questioning Clarissa. He asked the doctor to check on his arm and

got ready to leave. "President Lawrence, your dressings have to be changed every two days. Come

back to the hospital for a checkup in a few days, and we'll be done. I'll get you a roll of gauze," the

doctor said. Damien turned to look at Clarissa. “Do you know how to dress a wound?” He was

obviously saying that she would be doing it for him. Didn't he know she was pregnant? However, since

he was injured, Clarissa still said, “Yes, I do."

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