Love in Twilight

Chapter 298
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Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 298

Chapter 298 A Scumbag And A Slut The next day.

When Clarissa woke up, Damien had already left.

She suddenly remembered that the maternity clothes she normally wore at home had all been put to

wash. This would probably be her only pregnancy, so she hadn‘t bought too many of them. Since she

was going to change after having breakfast, she didn‘t think much of grabbing one of Damien‘s shirts

and putting it on. She couldn‘t button it around her belly, so she left it and put on a pair of leggings

before heading to the dining room.

It was a gray shirt, and the color looked good on her. If not for her being pregnant, she could‘ve tucked

it into her pants. She would‘ve looked smart in it.

Mrs. Faber was packing her lunchbox.

“Did you make one for him?” Clarissa asked her.

“I was going to, but President Lawrence said he was going out for lunch,” Mrs. Faber answered.

Clarissa‘s hand stilled. “Out for lunch? Whom with?”

“Ask him yourself. How can I possibly ask him something like that?” Mrs. Faber then added, “Are you

two still fighting? Why don‘t you just make up?” Clarissa didn‘t say anything.

She wanted to make up with him, but she just couldn‘t get over Theresa‘s death.

She couldn’t help feeling that Theresa was watching her from above.

As they were talking, someone suddenly opened the door.

“Huh?” Mrs. Faber said, “Is President Lawrence back?”

Clarissa stilled. ‘Why‘d he have to come back at this hour? I‘m wearing his shirt!‘

She feigned calmness and continued to eat her breakfast.

“I forgot to take some documents.” Damien was taking his shoes off in the foyer. Then, he saw Clarissa

sitting at the dining table. She was wearing his shirt.

She didn‘t even look at him.

The top two buttons were unbuttoned, and he could see the thin chain of a necklace around her neck.

She looked very sexy.

Her long legs were stretched out underneath the table.

“You‘re wearing my shirt?” Damien sat down at the dining table after he collected his


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things from the bedroom. “My clothes were all put to wash last night, and I‘m going to change into

something else later. I just randomly grabbed a shirt of yours,” Clarissa said, trying to remain calm.

Anyway, she had the intention of making up with him. She wasn‘t afraid of him reading her wrong.

“Well, it can be considered yours, anyway.” He nonchalantly tapped the table with the folder he was

holding. “D&C belongs to both of us, after all.”

“Oh? I didn‘t even notice what the brand was.” Clarissa ate her croissant elegantly.


Damien watched her with amusement.

After spending more than a year with her, he could tell when she was truly angry.

“Do you want to leave with me when you‘re done with breakfast?” he asked.

“I‘ll ask Leah to pick me up. She always picks the most scenic route,” Clarissa said.

“Is that so? Aren‘t you going to save me some gas money?”

It was past ten, and the sun was shining brightly. Damien and Clarissa started squabbling.

She glanced at him. “Does it even matter to you?”

“Best to save whatever I can.” He saw that her mouth was oily, so he grabbed a tissue and passed it to



“Just doing what I should‘ve done.” Damien sounded like a playboy flirting with an innocent woman.

Clarissa was no innocent woman, though. She looked alluring in his shirt, and she seemed to be in the

mood to play. Damien knew this, which was why he was flirting with her.

The two of them seemed to slowly be breaking down the wall that had been built because of Theresa‘s

death. One was trying to get closer, while the other was trying to accept it.

They were like a scumbag and a slut.

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