Love in Twilight

Chapter 279
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Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 279

Chapter 279 Someone Like Her Doesn‘t deserve to Have Children

Clarissa was done with her yoga session in the afternoon. Then, she sent Leah a Whatsapp message

since she wanted to go home.

However, the moment she arrived at the lobby, she had the urge to use the restroom.

Not many people worked on the first floor, and the restrooms there were rarely frequented. So, the

restrooms there were quite small compared to the restrooms on the other floors.

Just as Clarissa was done using the restroom, she was about to exit her stall when she heard two

voices drifting from the sink area.

“Have you heard? Clarissa came to the company just now.”

“Yeah, I heard the news! Her stomach is super big!”

“Her mother died a gruesome death, right? Everyone here knows that her mother didn‘t die in an

accident. To think she still views Mr. Lawrence as her husband despite what he had done... They‘re

even living together, for heaven‘s sake! She also plans to give birth to not one, but two of his children! I

don‘t know what she‘s thinking about. Doesn‘t she care about her dead mother anymore?”novelbin

“Well, if you were in her shoes, wouldn‘t you use this opportunity to produce more children for Mr.

Lawrence in order to stabilize your status at home?”

“Then again, who‘s the father of her babies? Didn‘t the rumors say something about Joseph Moore

being the father?”

“Are you dumb? Why would Mr. Lawrence bring Clarissa to the company if Joseph Moore was the

father? Besides, HR has already made arrangements for her to work here. She‘ll be on maternity leave

even if she doesn‘t work for now, so she‘ll still get her salary.”

“Ugh! Why can‘t I get the same treatment?”

The voices soon faded into the distance. Clarissa could no longer hear their conversation.

In the past, she wouldn‘t have cared about people who gossiped behind her back.

But when the ladies mentioned Theresa‘s death, Clarissa could feel the most vulnerable spot in her

heart twitching in pain. Their words left another fresh scar on her already tattered heart.

‘I can‘t believe I chose to disregard Mom‘s death by letting my heart make my decisions for me! Am

Theartless for doing this to Mom?‘

When Clarissa exited the restroom, Leah was in the middle of calling her.

Clarissa quickly noticed Leah in the lobby, so she waved at Leah immediately. Leah

Chapter 279 Soneone Like Her Doesnt Deserve to Have Children

disconnected the outgoing call after that. On the way home, Clarissa kept thinking about Theresa.

Ever since her mother had passed away, she had grown even more mature. She no longer resembled

her former self.

When Theresa was still alive, Clarissa felt like a child.

Now, she was a full–fledged adult.

After Clarissa went home, she used her fatigue as an excuse to retire to her room early. She also

locked the door behind her.

She could hear Damien arriving home afterward, but she decided to ignore him.

He knocked on her room door, only to hear her tell him that she would be resting early due to

exhaustion. Damien was also required to sleep in another bedroom for the next few days.

This time, he kept his cool instead of kicking down Clarissa‘s door.

When Damien left for work on the next day, Clarissa had yet to wake up.

A few days passed just like that. Damien could sense something was wrong with Clarissa. He knew

she was struggling with her internal dilemma.

He decided to let her be.

Three days had already passed, yet Shirley didn‘t return to the residence.

She didn‘t want to welcome Clarissa back to the Moore residence, after all. All she wanted were the


Damien called Frank on the phone and warned him to keep an eye on his wife, as she had been

causing trouble recently.

Since Frank was afraid of Damien, he immediately agreed to do so.

Frank didn‘t hesitate to bring Luke up. He told Damien that Luke was the one who convinced Shirley to

pull off that stunt.

“Luke?” Damien knew someone must be behind this incident. Otherwise, Shirley wouldn‘t have

changed her mind so easily.

“That‘s right, Mr. Lawrence. This has nothing to do with my wife! All she did was place her trust in

Luke‘s words.” Frank was quick to shirk the responsibility to Luke. It seemed Frank cherished his wife

very much.

After that, Dannien dialed Luke‘s number.

Truthfully speaking, when Luke noticed Damien‘s number flashing on his screen, he didn‘t dare to

answer it at first.

U Sameone Like Her Dont Deserve to Have Children

However, he knew just how capable Damien was. Thus, he had no choice but to pick it up.

“Do you know where Emily went?” That was the first question Damien uttered the moment Luke

answered his call.

“N–No! Damien, don‘t go around playing mind games with me! I won‘t believe anything you say!” Luke

replied decisively.

“You won‘t believe me? What if I hire someone to snap some of her pictures and send them to you?”

Damien sounded very confident, to the point that it drilled fear into Luke‘s heart.

Luke knew that Damien was way more dangerous than Joseph.

A while later, Damien sent a few pictures to Luke‘s phone. They depicted Emily wrapping her arms

around a man‘s neck affectionately. That man looked like he was in his forties, and he seemed pretty

wealthy too.

“She wasn‘t pregnant with your baby. Aren‘t you supposed to be grateful to me for solving your

problem?” Damien pointed out.

“Damien! How is it possible for you to know the father of someone else‘s baby, only to falter when it

comes to Clarissa‘s babies?” Luke mocked back. Naturally, he was very furious once he found out

about the news. If Emily truly was pregnant with another man‘s baby, that meant she had tricked him

for a very long time. Fortunately, Luke

didn‘t give Emily any of the money he had received from Damien. Otherwise, he would be left in

mountains of debt by now.

“Her babies are mine. I don‘t even need to think to know the answer,” Damien replied nonchalantly, as

though Luke‘s question was nothing more than a joke. “What do you want?” Luke continued. “Do

something for me.” Damien replied.

“What‘s the task?” “Who told you to go find Shirley?”

“Connie. Are you happy now? I never knew I was attracting danger back when I convinced her to move

to Genovia.”

Damien disconnected the call after that, his mind spinning rapidly as he thought about the incident. If

Connie was involved, that meant Madeline was most likely there too.

Back when Theresa lost her life, Damien had a feeling that it wasn‘t possible for Patrick to push her

down the stairs. It was true his father had wrongly recognized Theresa for another woman, but how

would he know that Theresa happened to be in Universal Gardens at that time? Moreover, Patrick had

suffered from a huge emotional trauma on the day of the incident.


Someone Like Her Doesn Diseme to Have Children

Damien was willing to bet everything he had that someone must have triggered Patrick‘s distress.

The only person who knew about this was most likely Emily.

Emily must‘ve realized that she screwed up big time, hence her decision to flee to another city. Right

now, Damien‘s men were still keeping tabs on her.

It was true that Emily‘s miscarriage was caused by Damien‘s men.

He had no idea if the baby belonged to Luke, nor did he care about that measly fact. However,

someone like Emily didn‘t deserve to have children!

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