Love in Twilight

Chapter 243
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Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 243

Chapter 243 He Was Too Ruthless

At the Moore family. When Frank saw Joseph grab his car keys and turn to leave, he had the

housekeeper stop Joseph. “Where are you going in the middle of the night? Don’t you know what you

should and shouldn’t do? She’s someone else’s woman!” Frank was enraged. “They’re already

divorced, and there were other reasons for them getting married in the first place,” Joseph said as he

hurriedly put his coat on. He had a gut feeling that something was wrong with Clarissa. Otherwise, she

wouldn’t have just agreed to him going over in the middle of the night. “Why did you guys kick her out?!

Do you honestly find it so hard to accept her?” “Is that the way you should be speaking to your father,

Joseph? She’s someone else’s woman, and she might not even be pregnant with your children. Why

are you sticking your nose in her business? If the babies aren’t Damien’s, why would he have come to

take her away? Clarissa was happy when she was packing up, too. Don’t you know how disgraceful

you are, getting in the way of a couple’s argument?” Frank was extremely disappointed with Joseph.

Joseph couldn’t come up with a retort. 1 He was a young man in his prime, so naturally, the

housekeeper was no match for him.

He got into his car and headed straight for Clarissa’s place. Half an hour later, he arrived and rang the


Clarissa shot to her feet and opened the door.

She finally relaxed when she saw Joseph standing there.

Damien was still wondering who would be visiting them so soon after they had moved in. When he saw

Joseph, he knew Clarissa was the one who’d told him where they were.

It turned out she had sat here for so long not because she wanted to chat with him. She had, in fact,

been waiting for Joseph. She was afraid that if he were the one to open the door, he would turn Joseph

away. How farsighted she was! “You’re here?” Clarissa asked with relief. “Yes. Are you okay?” Joseph

looked her over. He breathed a sigh of relief when he

saw that she was fine.

He followed her into the apartment.

Damien, who was sitting in the living room, turned to stare in the direction of the door

“Oh, I have something to talk to Joseph about.” After saying this to Damien, Clarissa pulled Joseph into

her room.

She had been terrified. It was only at this moment that she relaxed.

“God! I was scared out of my wits.” Clarissa patted her chest

“What’s wrong?” Joseph asked.

She told him about what had happened earlier. She was afraid that Damien would get rid of her babies.

“Do you think I should tell him that the babies are his?” she asked.

Joseph thought about it before saying, “I don’t think he was talking about you. Rather, he was probably

talking about Emily.”

“Emily?” Clarissa was surprised. “What does this have to do with Emily?”

“I overheard my dad talking to someone on the phone the other day. Apparently, Damien got someone

to get rid of Emily’s baby, possibly because of something to do with his dad,” Joseph said in a low


Clarissa sat down on the bed, looking dazed.

It was true she didn’t like Emily and Luke, but she still found it much too cruel for Damien to get rid of

someone’s child like this.

As a mother-to-be, she couldn’t bear to listen to these things. She found him terrifying

She didn’t want to talk about the babies anymore, so she changed the topic and started talking about

the firm.

Joseph said that now that they were at the end of the year, there were a lot of things to do, and they

were very busy. Since Clarissa was pregnant, he was looking to hire a new accountant.

“What’s the recruitment criteria?” Clarissa asked.

She was trying her best to calm herseli.

“They have to at least complete their master’s and be a certified public accountant ” Joseph was

seated next to the desk.

“I guess I wouldn’t even make the cut with my qualifications,” Clarissa said, pretending to joke. In truth,

she didn’t feel too good. There were plenty of people out there who had the same qualifications as

herself. Though she was good at what she did, she didn’t actually have much experience, and she had

only completed her degree. “How’s that the same thing? There are plenty of highly educated people

who have no choice but to work for rich people, aren’t there?” Joseph tried to comfort her.

She smiled.

She checked the time, and was surprised to see that it was already one in the morning

They had been talking for two hours. “It’s already so late. I’m sorry for taking up your time,” Clarissa

said uneasily. “It’s fine. It’s your first day here, and it’s only right for me to come to visit you.” Josephnovelbin

played with a pen that had been on Clarissa’s desk. She had used it for her journaling earlier. “Alright.

I’m not going to keep you any longer since it’s already so late,” she added. “Anyway, you’ve already

gotten rid of my doubts.” “I just hope that it doesn’t make you worry too much.” Clarissa lowered her

head. Indeed, she was more worried now because of Damien’s personality.

He was too ruthless.

“Oh, right. Make sure not to tell Luke about this,” she said to Joseph. He looked into her eyes. “Why

not? Are you afraid he’ll try to get revenge? Or that Damien will get into trouble?”

Clarissa instinctively took a step back. She hadn’t thought about that.

“I didn’t think that far ahead, and you shouldn’t either,” she said, flustered.

Joseph was silent for a while. “Clarissa. Don’t you know that if you do something instinctively, it means

that those are your true thoughts and feelings?” Clarissa was taken aback. Her lips trembled, but she

couldn’t say a word. “I’m leaving.” After that, Joseph opened the door and walked out of her bedroom.

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