Love in Twilight

Chapter 234
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Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 234

Chapter 234 You’re Pretty Hardcore, President Lawrence Clarissa looked at Damien, a prune in her

hand. “Don’t you want your business?” he asked. She walked over and sat down next to him. “Is this all

you’ve got?”

“What else did you expect, President Lawrence? I’m sure the projects you’ve been taking on lately are

insignificant to New East Corporation, and auditing isn’t even your core business. It means everything

to us, though. President Lawrence, can you please have mercy on us and let us go? Look at me,

pregnant and having to wine and dine you. Life isn’t easy for all of us, right? It’s almost the New Year,

and if I don’t manage to make any money, my babies and I are going to starve,” Clarissa said. “Us?

Who’s ‘us’?” This caught Damien’s attention. It had to be her and Joseph. “Oh, my babies and I.” She

knew he didn’t like Joseph, so she didn’t mention him.

Damien’s gaze landed on her belly. It seemed to be larger than average, and it was very round.

He reached out to touch it.

Clarissa wanted to shrink away from him.

“There’s no need for that. This isn’t my first time touching you.” He stared at her.

“We’re already divorced, and we’re strangers now.” “Since we’re strangers, why’d you hit me up?”

Damien asked in return.

This rendered her speechless.

“Why’s your belly so huge?” Damien changed the topic when he saw her lost for words.

He allowed himself to hope that maybe Clarissa had gotten pregnant earlier, and that she had lied to

him by saying she was only five months along. However, she just smiled, “You don’t even know hownovelbin

lucky I am, President Lawrence. I’m having twins.”

“Twins?” Damien frowned.

“Yep. Others need to go through two pregnancies, but I’ll have two kids after just one pregnancy,” she

said. He snorted. She truly was lucky, and that man was fucking skilled! “Spend one night with me.” He

scooted over to her and put a hand on her thigh. Clarissa shrunk back. “You’re pretty hardcore,

President Lawrence.”

“Yeah, pregnant women are my favorite!” He breathed into her ear.

Now that he was close to her, he could smell her perfume. Its floral scent made him feel like he was

amongst a garden of flowers.

“My hand’s really sticky. Can you get me a wet tissue, President Lawrence?” Clarissa glanced at the

wet tissues.

Her hand was sticky from the prunes.

“Sticky? Why?” He looked at her teasingly.

“From the prunes.” She leaned in close to his ear, “We’re no longer in that sort of relationship. The

moment you pushed my mother off that building, any chance of us ever being together in this lifetime

was destroyed.”

Damien got her a wet tissue.

Clarissa wiped her fingers one by one.

She happened to glance at his hand just now, and she found that it looked nice. He had long fingers,

and his nails were healthy. In fact, he also had beautiful eyes. They were dark and full of spirit

For a moment, Clarissa wondered whether her babies would look as good as he did.

Perhaps it was because she had never truly taken a close look at him, or perhaps it was because she

suddenly wanted to know what her babies would look like. He was the father, after all. She wanted to

see whether she could get a hint from his face.

Damien had thick earlobes, which were a sign of fortune.

‘How nice it would be if my babies had thick earlobes as well.’

“What say you? Spend one night with me, and all the projects will be yours. I won’t have a choice but to

honor your wishes if you use such a method to negotiate deals.” Damien wrapped an arm around

Clarissa’s waist and pulled her close. However, her belly was so huge that she had to lean away from

him to avoid getting crushed, and it made her chest look smaller

“Sure, why not? Don’t be in such a hurry, President Lawrence. I can’t do it tonight, though. I’m always

tired now that I’m pregnant, and I’ve been out for such a long time tonight. How about tomorrow? I’ll

choose somewhere that fits the mood,” she said patiently.

After all, he was her cash cow. As long as he was willing, she would be able to profit endlessly. “Why

do you still need to choose a place?” He was making it obvious that his house was the best place. “It’s

more exhilarating to do it outside, don’t you think?” “Fine, then. Call me when you find a place. Once

you sleep with me, you’ll never run out of business.” After that, Damien left.

He knew Clarissa wouldn’t allow him to send her home.

She didn’t want him to know where she lived.

When had she ever managed to hide anything from him, though?

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