Love in Twilight

Chapter 223
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Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 223

Chapter 223 Whose Is It?

Clarissa’s hand stilled. “President Peterson?”

“Yes, it’s me. I heard that you went abroad to study. How is it? Are you back for good?” He ran his eyes

over her.

Clarissa didn’t know what to say. ‘Damn, why did I have to run into someone he knows as soon as I’m

back? What am I going to do?’

Her only hope was that Dennis could quickly return to his meal and get himself drunk, then forget all

about seeing her.

Damien rarely left the house at night, so she wasn’t too worried about running into him.

“Yeah, everything’s good. I’m back for an exam, and my friend’s buying me a meal.” Clarissa had just

finished her sentence when she felt nauseous again. She turned back to the sink and started vomiting

Dennis felt that it would be really awkward for him to remain here. “Well, Mrs. Lawrence, I still have

some friends waiting for me, so I’ll make a move,” he said.

Clarissa nodded.

Dennis went back to his private room and sat down next to Damien.

“Is Mrs. Lawrence back? I saw her just now,” he said.

Damien was silent for a short while. “Yeah, she’s back. She’s having dinner with her friends.”

“You work fast, President Lawrence. You didn’t manage to get her pregnant when she was here, but

she’s only gone abroad for such a short time, and she’s already pregnant. Come on, how often did you

fly to Emmeria?”

“How’d you know that she’s pregnant?” Damien smiled, but his eyes were frosty.

“It was so obvious. Who could miss the way she was vomiting? She doesn’t look that far along, though.

She isn’t showing yet.”

“Yeah.” Damien chuckled.

She was back!

She’d returned without letting a soul know. And she was pregnant with another man’s child. Clarissa

had left four months ago, and if she was pregnant with his child, she would already be showing.

Moreover, she had taken contraceptives to his face that day.

The chances of the baby being his were close to zero.

Joseph was in Emmeria as well.

If Dennis hadn’t happened to run into her on this night, she probably would’ve continued to play dead.

Clarissa went back to the private room and said to Lily, “I’ve had my fill. Let’s go.” “Are you feeling

better?” Lily asked. “Which washroom did you go to? I couldn’t find you anywhere.”

“Oh, the one on the left-hand side. Come on, let’s go. I want to do a bit more reading before hitting the

sack early. My exam’s tomorrow, after all.” “Alright, then.”

Landon drove Clarissa back to her hotel before dropping Lily off. Lily’s phone rang, and she almost

threw it away in her panic. “What’s wrong? Answer it.” Landon watched as she trembled. “Have you

seen a ghost or something?”

“It’s President Lawrence! If he wants me dead, I definitely won’t live to see tomorrow,” Lily said in fright.

She calmed herself down and answered the call, feigning a relaxed tone. “President Lawrence.

Anything I can help you with?”

“Is Clarissa back?” Damien’s voice was icy.

To Lily, his voice was no different from a tiger’s roar.

“Yes, President Lawrence. We just had dinner with her. How… How did you know?”

“Where’s she staying?” he asked. “At a hotel near her exam center. It’s called Lake Garden Hotel, and

her room number’s 3342.”


“There’s another thing, President Lawrence. Please don’t let her know that I told you this,” Lily said.

Damien hung up without another word.

Lily felt rather uneasy.

Soon, Damien showed up in front of room number 3342.

He knocked on the door. Clarissa opened the door, still holding her textbook. She was very surprised to

see him, and she stood there stunned.

Damien strode into the room and shut the door behind him.

“Whose is it?” he asked, looking grim.


mis moment, a pregnancy test on the table caught Damien’s attention. He walked over and picked it

up, gritting his teeth when he saw the two bars on it. “Whose is it?” He held the pregnancy test up. He

was now positive that the baby wasn’t his. If it were, there was no way Clarissa would wait

till now to use a pregnancy test!

“President Lawrence. If men could get pregnant, you probably would already have four or five kids by

now. Why are you acting like it’s such a big deal when you’re not exactly the picture of innocence?”

Clarissa sounded confident.

Back then, she had suggested getting a divorce. But he hadn’t agreed, instead letting her go. Thisnovelbin

meant he’d agreed they could live their own lives. Clarissa had initially planned on them being

separated for three years. That way, they could automatically get a divorce. Damien strode toward her

and grabbed her by the wrists, pinning her to the wall. “I asked you, whose is it?” He gritted his teeth.

She didn’t say anything and turned her head away. His gaze landed on her wrist, where the diamond

pendant caught his eye. Women rarely bought bracelets that looked like this. Moreover, the diamond

was so huge. There was no way Clarissa would’ve bought it on her own.

This meant that that man had bought it for her.

Once upon a time, Damien and Clarissa had shared a bed and got along well.

Now, she was sharing someone else’s bed.

“Did you ignore everything I told you?” he roared. “Why did you give me sleeping pills after my mom

died? President Lawrence, you shouldn’t force others to remain innocent when you yourself have done

so many bad things!” She glared hatefully at him. “Let’s just get divorced!”

Her gaze was cold. “You came back here pregnant with another man’s child just to ask me for a

divorce?” Damien was enraged. “I’ll give you what you want!”

He threw her onto the bed and started to undo his belt. Clarissa knew what he wanted to do. It wasn’t

his first time, after all. She knew she couldn’t change anything, so she calmly grabbed some condoms

from the bedside table.

Damien’s face darkened at this, but he didn’t stop.

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