Love Her to No End

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Playing With Fire

At the table in the dining room long enough to accommodate a dozen-odd people, the two elder Xanderssat on one side while Michaela and Jonathan took their places opposite them.novelbin

Coming in, Michaela was under the impression that the head of the Xander family would preside over thetable. That way, she might seize the opportunity to sit with Mavis and away from Jonathan.

Little did she anticipate being grabbed by the wrist as soon as she stepped in.

The sensation of the large mitts wrapped around her wrist had the immediate effect of putting a thoroughblush upon Michaela’s dainty cheeks.

There was no way she could have expected Jonathan to behave so insolently in front of the elderXanders. In the midst of her trepidation, Jonathan said, “My father wants to sit with my mother, so youshould come and sit next to me!”

So, it would seem that having been so loving throughout their lives, the older couple were equallyinseparable even at mealtimes. That was something that had come to be normalized within the Xanderfamily.

Michaela was somewhat uneasy about returning to Jonathan’s side once more. Her movements becameextremely conservative out of fear that she might make contact with any part of Jonathan’s body.

There was still a warmth left around the circumference of her wrist where he had held her a moment ago.It left a titillating sensation so overwhelming that it nearly swallowed her whole. Hence, she was fearful ofmaking any further physical contact with him again.

Mavis was oblivious to the awkwardness between the pair. All that was apparent to her was Michaelascraping away at only what was on her plate with her head bowed. Eventually, she said, “Since you are

seated closer, Jonathan, help serve some food to Mich!”

“Got it!’“

Correspondingly, Jonathan did as he was told, only to hear Mavis let out a sigh of disapproval, “Howcould you ever hope to bring home a wife for yourself being as klutzy as you are? Even your Dad and Iwonder whether we would ever live long enough to see you have a family of your own!”


In Michaela’s esteem, she felt strongly that Mavis did not understand her own son well enough.

Never mind starting one family, her son was so adept at the game of seduction that starting severalfamilies at a time would be considered child’s play to him.

“Have I not arranged for you to undergo anywhere between a minimum of eight to over ten matching-making sessions previously? You weren’t happy with any of the options presented to you, and even thatgirl from the Johnsons failed to catch your eye. Although I am aware that you possess some greatqualities, Jonathan, surely you cannot expect to spend the rest of your life alone? Your Dad and I can’tpossibly be around to keep you company forever, so won’t you make it so that we could depart withoutworries?”

In consideration of her youngest boy’s predicament, Mavis’ consternation became palpable on her face.In the end, she placed down her utensils and looked over with mixed emotions. “Mich isn’t an outsider,Jonathan, so you can give it to me straight today. What sort of girl do you fancy? That way, I might havea better idea as to what sort of prospects I should be scouting for on your behalf. Unless you mean to tellme that you are interested in men, just like they are saying out there?”

Him interested in men?

With her head lowered, Michaela attempted to restrain her own amusement.

Old Mrs. Xander is really progressive, able to so have the mention of same-sex attraction roll so casuallyoff her tongue. It’s as if she’d be receptive to anyone who is remotely human.

That scenario was, in actuality, a monthly spectacle within the Xander family.

Mavis would rehash the same thing as and when Jonathan came home to eat, as though being without agirlfriend was a matter of aggravating shame.

Jonathan was especially skilled at maneuvering his way out of such insipidity. Only that time, he had hisplayful impulses surprisingly drummed up in response to that little lass’ gleeful gloating at the side.“Actually, I’m already attached,” he declared in ambiguity.


That pronouncement that came out of nowhere left Mavis her momentarily stunned. Reflexively, sheexchanged a look of astoundment with her husband beside her.

“Attached? To whom? Tell me, what’s the name of this girl? Where does she work at? How did youbecome acquainted, and when did you both start dating? Is she someone known to your Dad and me? Ifthis was true, why did you not tell us about it earlier? You know, Jonathan. Your father and I have alwaystaught you to be honest and forthright since you were little. It’s okay if you don’t have a girlfriend, butdon’t you try to lie to us about stuff like that!”

Amidst the well-meaning nature of Mavis’ words was a measure of self-reproach, as she wondered if shehad been heaping too much pressure on her own son.

Who was to expect that Jonathan would maintain his own stance in the face of Mavis’ doubts. “I have agirlfriend and that’s a fact. Why would I need to lie about it?”

Being as poised as he was since young, not once has Jonathan ever said anything that he was unsureof.

Seeing the steadfastness in his demeanor, Mavis’ eyes glinted with joy. “Then, when do you intend tobring her home to meet us? Since we have no need to engage in strategic unions, we aren’t thatparticular about her family background, so long as she is a young lady of fine character. We have noobjections so long as you love each other and are happy together!”

Jonathan refrained from responding immediately and instead cast Michaela a meaningful glance. “She’sright…”

Choking on a mouthful of soup, Michaela started coughing up a fit until her lovely face turned red fromear to ear.

“Oh dear. How careless you are!”

Jonathan’s low inflection was tinged with chastisement, prompting Michaela to regard him askance.Whose fault was that? Do you mean to scare me to death?

In spite of being told that words of the inebriated cannot be taken at face value, he seemed intent onbeing as loud as possible about it, as though hoping that the whole world would come to find out aboutthem as a result.

Regardless of how Jonathan viewed the situation, the fact that he was Zack’s uncle would be scandalousenough in itself should word about this spread.

She was almost embarrassed to the core.

In the belief that she was merely there for a simple meal, she had not anticipated that Jonathan mightseek to set her up. That, per se, was a misstep on her own part.

As much as Jonathan was eager to let everyone in on his relationship with Michaela, he was aware thatthe timing was premature for that big reveal then. He could ill-afford to ruffle that young lass’ feathers, or

at the very least, not before she was fully committed to him.

In truth, he only meant to have some fun at her expense. Only after Michaela’s coughing subsided didJonathan steadily state before the two elders’ watchful eyes, “She’s a little shy and besides, we’ve barelystarted becoming serious. That’s why I’d probably have to wait to have her over at a more appropriatetime!”

“Oh, praise the heavens above! Our Jonathan now has himself a girlfriend!” Smiling broadly, Mavis,however, did not neglect to caution Jonathan, “May I remind you, Jonathan, you absolutely have to treather right. Getting a girl to think enough of you isn’t that easy, so you better make sure that you hold on toher!”

“Roger that! I’d keep that in mind!”

While he answered in his deep inflection, Jonathan saw Michaela’s cheeks reddened once more In thecorner of his eyes. She seemed to be on the verge of wanting to throttle someone.

At that very moment, Nick, who had been silent all that while, chimed in, “Yes. Chances are, this girl whohas taken a fancy to you must be someone kindhearted in spite of lacking a discerning eye. I bet sheprobably took pity on you for still being single at your age. Seeing that it’s the company’s anniversarynext month, you might as well invite her over to see us. After all, such a girl is really hard to come bynowadays!”

Could there be anyone else in this world who would diss his own son any more than he does?

That heartstopping meal served to lead Michaela to a singular realization; the rumor of Jonathan beingthe apple of two elders’ eyes would seem largely unfounded.

After dinner, the few of them chatted briefly about Hannah’s effort to start a school in Gerton over coffee.

Through a call with her mother, Michaela learned that things were not going swimmingly over in Gerton.Within the week, they were not even successful at their aim of acquiring all the materials they needed,and Hannah also really had her work cut out for her.

Initially, Michaela wanted to inquire of Hannah when she would be returning. She decided against askingabout that after she heard what happened, and only requested that her mother take care of herself.

In response, Mavis purposefully instructed Jonathan to reach out to Hannah to help pull some strings tosmooth things out whenever possible.

Naturally, Jonathan was not going to pass up on the opportunity to get on his mother-in-law’s good side.He, however, felt conflicted. For in the event that everything became settled in Gerton would mean thatMichaela would be moving away from him.

He had planned to discuss the matter with her in-depth after they returned home later at night. That wasuntil they were both unexpectedly asked to stay over at Mavis’ insistence. Giving Jonathan no choice inthe matter whatsoever, Mavis went on to have the butler settle Michaela in a guest room.

Jonathan’s expression grew increasingly sullen as he watched Michaela happily follow the butlerupstairs.

Did she think that staying in the family home would allow her to be free from his grasp? Haha. Fatchance! c

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