Love Her to No End

Chapter 54
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Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Skirt Is Too Short

Jonathan’s words tickled Michaela’s heart like a feather. A feeling flashed by too quickly and she wasunable to comprehend it.

Under Jonathan’s scrutiny, Michaela finally nodded her head obediently. “Okay, I’ll do what you say.”

Resolving the misunderstanding had lifted the weight from Jonathan’s heart. He gently caressedMichaela’s long hair as gratification filled him. “Go change. I’ll bring you to the campfire party.”

I think girls her age like lively events. I don’t mind catering to her demands as long as it makes herhappy. I can do more than this for her.

Noticing Michaela was still rooted in place, Jonathan asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Mr. Jonathan, I don’t want to go to the campfire party. I’m hungry.”

The meal earlier was tasteless, and now I’m feeling my stomach is empty. Her stomach let out a hungrygrowl with impeccable timing.

Jonathan’s eyes darkened, seeing her acting coquettishly with him. “Let’s grab some food then. Put morelayers on. The mountain is chilly at night.”

His gaze landed on her pair of slender legs.

My phone still has the photo Gary sent me. I don’t understand what fashion designers are thinking thesedays. Why did they make the skirts so short? It’s way too distracting.

Oblivious to Jonathan’s thoughts, Michaela assumed he was worried about her health. She muttered anacknowledgment and got up to head back to her room.

After a few steps, she halted and asked, “Should we invite Vincent?”

That idiot again!

Jonathan was pissed when he heard the way she addressed Vincent. He paused and trained his intensegaze on Michaela. “Mich, he and I grew up together. Do you think it’s appropriate to call him Vincent, andme, Mr. Jonathan?”

What a melodramatic old man! Does he have to be so adamant about the way I address people?

Michaela wanted to tease him all the more when he got like that. A gleam of cheekiness flashed acrossher eyes. She feigned ignorance and said, “But didn’t you ask Vincent to treat you with respect? SinceVincent and I are friends, I should be more respectful too!”

Did I just shoot myself in the foot?


A charming smile tugged at the corners of Jonathan’s lips, and his eyes narrowed slightly at her.

Sensing danger, Michaela perked up in alarm. She was about to dash to her room when she was savedby the doorbell, accompanied by Vincent’s shoutout. “Mich? Open the door, hurry. I brought somethingtasty for you!”

Vincent sneezed when he was alone in his room just now, probably due to his empty room. Hence, hebrought dinner for Michaela.

Hearing Vincent outside hardened Jonathan’s expression, but Michaela simply flashed him a grin andshouted, “Coming!”

Seeing Michaela skip happily to open the door, coldness filled Jonathan’s eyes. Since he’s servinghimself up on a platter, I can settle some old scores with him.

Once the door opened, Vincent gestured for the servers to push the meal delivery carts into the room,slandering Jonathan in the process. “I can’t believe that hiberdating Jonathan left the two of us here andwent somewhere to enjoy. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you company-”

Before Vincent could finish talking, a tall figure appeared in his line of sight, staring at him with a grin.“Hiberdating?”

The expression on Jonathan’s face sent chills running up Vincent’s spine. All Vincent could manage wasa dry chuckle.

After the servers left and Michaela had shut the door, Vincent started coming up with an excuse forhimself. “Did you say hiberdating? You must have misheard. Who dares to slander you like that? I’ll bethe first to object. Our Jonathan is a man who exercises self-control. I knew you would be in the room, soI called for room service.”

Vincent’s mind was running a thousand miles an hour. He knew Jonathan best since they were childhoodfriends.

Knowing Jonathan couldn’t be fooled easily, Vincent had prepared to run for his life. Instead, Jonathanmerely cast him a glance and walked toward the dining table. “Mich is hungry. Let’s eat first.”

That’s it? He’s let it go and turn the page?

Vincent was in disbelief as he watched Jonathan tug Michaela to the dining table and cut the steak forher. Seeing Jonathan focused on his task, Vincent let out a breath of relief.

Jonathan must’ve not wanted to embarrass me in front of Michaela. It looks like I’ll have to hidesomewhere for the time being. I’ll have to remain hidden until he forgets about this slip-up, at least.

Vincent had been overthinking a little.

When Vincent sat at the dining table and picked up his fork and knife, Jonathan had set the plate of cutsteak in front of Michaela and took away the plate of steak in front of Vincent.


“Didn’t you just said you specifically called room service for me? Didn’t you order the steak for me?”

Vincent couldn’t come up with a retort. It slipped his mind that he only requested dinner for two.

Feeling Jonathan’s stare on him, Vincent felt an overwhelming pressure looming over him. Without achoice, he resignedly went with Jonathan’s narrative. “Yeah. I ordered that for you! I just wanted to helpyou cut it.”

“No need to trouble you. I can do it myself.”

Slandering me behind my back, and even trying to have dinner with Michaela without me! Is he planningto decorate the table with candles and wine too?

There was no change in Jonathan’s expression despite the jealousy burning within him. Yet, Vincentcould feel a murderous aura exuded by Jonathan as he cut the steak.

Vincent ducked his head and tried to make himself as small as possible.

Vincent felt wronged. He didn’t have any ulterior motive. He just wanted company, so he went looking forMichaela. Since they already had stir-fries for lunch, he figured they should have something different fordinner.novelbin

He never thought it would cause someone to be jealous.

Most importantly, Vincent didn’t see through Jonathan’s intention.

Feeling the tense atmosphere between the two, Michaela kept her laughter in check and passed a plateof pasta to Vincent. “You can have this, Vincent.”


A distorted smile sadder than crying tugged at Vincent’s lips. He speared the pasta and was about to popit into his mouth when Jonathan stopped him. “Your mom called me earlier to watch out for any goodgirlfriend material with a suitable background for you.”

“Huh? What did you tell her then?”

He almost choked on the pasta in his mouth at Jonathan’s disclosure.

Yet Jonathan feigned ignorance to his choking and casually continued, “I asked what requirement shehad, and she answered as long as it was a woman and alive would do. If that was too difficult, she askedme to add men into the line up too.”

Vincent didn’t suspect one bit those comments were something his mom would say and began coughingurgently. From his side-eye, he caught Jonathan gently urging Michaela to eat more. At that moment, herealized something.

He must be doing it on purpose! Does he have to be so petty? I just judged him a little. My life is sodifficult!

Vincent didn’t know that this was only the beginning.

For almost the entire night, Vincent couldn’t shut his eyes. The phone in his room kept ringing. Thecallers were either asking whether he needed a massage or a foot spa.

Vincent made a complaint to the front desk about the endless calls he’d been receiving. Their responsewas the resort was a legitimate business premise and guaranteed those calls weren’t from within the


Furious at their response, Vincent detached the line to the phone and returned to bed. A few minutesafter he closed his eyes, someone came knocking, claiming there was a leak next door, and wanted tocheck if his room was affected.

In the end, Vincent couldn’t take the torture any longer and left the resort alone in the middle of the night.

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