Love at First Novel

Chapter 611
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Married At First Sight By Gu Lingfei Chapter 611

Chapter 611

“Zachary doesn’t fully treat me as a family either. What right does he have to demand me to becompletely open with him when he can’t do the same for me? He’s being

hypocritical. He has to have the final say in everything. When things don’t go his way, he gets angryand says I don’t think of him as family.

“I got mad too and said that he was self–centered and narrow–minded, so he hung up on me. When Isent him a message, he refused to reply to me. He’s always like this. He stops. replying to mymessages every time he’s angry, and he doesn’t pick up my calls either. He’s like a petty woman.”

Mrs. Lane was speechless.

Zachary was indeed like that. Serenity’s analysis was spot on.

Zachary was raised as a successor since he was young. All his younger brothers revolved around him.

When he took the helm of York Corporation, whether it was Old Mrs. York or his parents, they relentedand let him in complete charge of the company. In York Corporation, his word was law.

His brothers and everyone in the company deferred to him.

He was already domineering by nature but coupled with that environment, it raised him to be the centerof all things. He was used to lording over everyone and having them be subservient to him.

However, Serenity’s life experiences had her refusing to let him dominate her. She was not used toobeying him in everything and relying on him.

Zachary would feel that he was neglected by Serenity.

He felt that Serenity did not pay enough attention to him. He felt that she did not treat him as a family.

However, in Serenity’s words, was he completely honest with her?

“Mrs. Lane, help me keep track. Let’s see how many days he’ll keep up this cold war with me. I won’tbother sending him messages anymore since it’s like shouting into the void. Maybe he deleted mycontact again.

“If he really did do so, I’ll never add him again in my life!”

Mrs. Lane responded, “Mr. York is a bit overbearing. He’s angry because he feels that you don’t payenough attention to him and exclude him.”

“I’ve already explained it to him, but what can I do if he keeps being stubborn? He can stay angry if hewants to. Anyway, out of sight, out of mind. Let’s not talk about him anymore. Let’s eat.”

Serenity was done speaking and bit into another sandwich.

She finished two sandwiches, a plate of pancakes, and a cup of coffee.

Mrs. Lane was worried that she had eaten too much.

Serenity did not overeat. She was a glutton and had a large appetite, so she ate a little more becauseshe was angry. It would not kill her.

However, she still had a headache, and her eyes still hurt.

She sat on the swing chair on the balcony for a while before heading back inside and rummagingthrough the cabinets.

“What are you looking for, Ms. Hunt?”

After washing the dishes, Mrs. Lane came out of the kitchen and saw Serenity looking for something. “Icleaned up the house, so some things may not have been put back in their original places.”

“I’m looking for the home first–aid kit. It’s a white box I bought online. It’s the family medicine box.”novelbin

Mrs. Lane hummed, went into the guestroom, and soon came out holding the medicine box. “I placed itin the guest room. Are you feeling unwell?”

“My head and eyes hurt. It’s because I didn’t sleep well. I’ll be fine after taking a painkiller.”

Opening the medicine box, Mrs. Lane watched as Serenity snapped a tablet of painkiller from the sheetand popped it into her mouth.

Mrs. Lane quickly poured her a cup of warm water.

“Do you often have headaches, Ms. Hunt?”

“No, just on occasion. The medicine works fast, so I always have it at home.”

Mrs. Lane said, “You should still take it sparingly. The medicine has side effects.”

“I don’t take it often. The pharmacist informed me too that there are side effects when I bought themedicine. I only take it when I have headaches and pain behind the eyes.

because of poor sleep.”

She only had the medicine because she had to go back to the store today.

Ten minutes later, Serenity took her purse as well as her car keys and said to Mrs. Lane, ” Let’s go,Mrs. Lane.”

mop the floor first, Ms. Hunt. You go on ahead. I’ll take a cab there later.” Mrs. Lane wanted to wait forSerenity to leave so she could call Zachary.

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