Love at First Novel

Chapter 3339
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How much debt did Mr. York owe to the girl in red?

The girl in red looked ugly. Did she not collect the debt?

Fox entered the elevator, and Evan wanted to follow her in, but she kicked him out.

The secretary witnessed the girl in red kicking Evan out of the elevator. Evan fell backwards and sat onthe floor, looking very embarrassed and funny.

The secretary laughed secretly and quickly stopped laughing, fearing that the boss would see him andfire him.

The elevator door closed.

Evan climbed up from the ground and kept rubbing his stomach, muttering, “The kick is so strong, ithurts a lot.”

The elevator has gone down. He couldn’t catch up now.

He had no choice but to walk back.

Suddenly he thought of what Grandma always said, and he hoped he wouldn’t regret it in the future.

Did grandma know that Fox was difficult to catch, that he might never be able to catch Fox for the restof his life, and that he might then give up on Abby and want to live a bachelor’s life?

However, he won’t regret it.

He considered taking a step-by-step approach, similar to other brothers, and following hisgrandmother’s path to his wife. However, after spending more than three months with Abby, he wasable to win her heart, but he was unable to win his own.

He could become friends with Abby, but he couldn’t become a couple because he didn’t have that kindof heartwarming feeling for her.

Marriage is a lifelong event. He felt that if he couldn’t fall in love with the person his grandma hadchosen for him, he shouldn’t get married; otherwise, he would be unhappy and miss Abby.

It would be a good thing for both him and her to make it clear to Abby and let her end their relationshipas soon as possible.

Grandma has said that she should leave him alone and let him pursue the girl he likes, as long as hedoesn’t regret it in the future.

A true man does things without regrets!

Upon seeing the secretary, Evan walked towards him and then stopped.

The secretary quickly expressed his position: “Mr. York, I didn’t see anything.”

After Evan was silent, he said, “If you see it, you’ll see it. If you want to laugh, laugh. It’s not good tohold it in. Thinking about it, I also think it’s a bit funny. I retreated, fell, and sat down. I was in a veryembarrassed state.”

The secretary suppressed his laughter and comforted Evan: “Mr. York, it’s okay. No one else will laughat you. The girl in red may be too angry. Debt collectors can’t get money, right? Mr. York, is theresomething wrong with our company? We can still pay wages normally. Did you borrow money from thegirl in red? How much money did you borrow?”

Evan’s black eyes flashed, and he replied, “You think I owe her a sum of money? It’s not about money.In short, it’s my private matter and has nothing to do with the company’s operations. As long as shedoesn’t kick me to death, our company will remain solvent. Even if she kicks me to death, the companynovelbin

will continue to function. “I have so many brothers; they will take over and not let my hard work go towaste.”

The secretary sighed.

“Mr. York, don’t talk about death. You’re still young. You don’t even have a girlfriend, so you can’t die.We can’t say that you will live a hundred years. It’s okay to live to be eighty or ninety years old. We feelrelieved as long as it’s unrelated to the company.”

The secretary looked relieved. “Mr. York, you just said that you owed her a debt, which scared me todeath.” I have already thought that even if I don’t get a salary, I still have to make progress with thecompany.”

Evan smiled and said, “Don’t worry, our company has no problem. If there is a problem, I will find a wayto solve it. I have so many brothers; if each of them invests a little money in me, our company cancontinue to operate.”

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