Love at First Novel

Chapter 3271
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Serenity woke up at the same time.

This was the way of life.

“Wifey, please sleep a little longer. I’ll take Sonny to kindergarten today.”

Zachary was reluctant to let Serenity get up early to see off Sonny. As long as it rained and thetemperature dropped a little, he wanted his beloved wife to sleep a little longer.

Serenity, who was just thinking about it, lay back on the bed again, pulled up the quilt, and said, “Thequilt is still warm. That’s okay; you can send Sonny away, and I can sleep a little longer. You go to thenext door to wake him up and help him get dressed.”

“Okay.” Zachary kissed her on the face and said, “I’ll wake Sonny up.”

Serenity kissed him back and hummed again.

Soon, Zachary changed his clothes, left the room, and went to the next room.

Sonny hasn’t woken up yet. He slept soundly.

As soon as Zachary walked to the bed, he heard Sonny’s laughter. He thought Sonny was awake andsaid, “Sonny, get up.”

It turned out that Sonny was just dreaming, and he didn’t know what he was dreaming about, but hewas smiling so happily.

Seeing how cute the little guy looked, Zachary couldn’t bear to wake him up. But he still has to go tokindergarten.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, reached out and patted Sonny’s little face, and called out warmly,“Sonny, Sonny, get up; it’s time to go to kindergarten.”

Sonny was quickly woken up.

He opened his eyes and looked, closed them again, then turned sideways, with his back to Zachary,and said, “Uncle, I don’t want to go to kindergarten. I want to sleep. I don’t want to go to kindergarten.Can you ask the teacher for leave for me?”

Zachary said, “Your uncle, I wouldn’t dare to do this kind of thing. If your aunt finds out, she will scoldme to death.”

Zachary got up and helped Sonny get the clothes he wanted to change. He sat down on the edge ofthe bed again and said warmly, “It’s only a few days until the winter vacation. Come on, I’ll help youchange clothes.”

Zachary added, “Want to drink milk powder?”

Sonny rolled to Zachary’s side, rolled into his arms, hugged him, and coquettishly said, “Uncle, I don’twant to go to kindergarten. Please ask for leave for me, and then tell my aunt that I’m not feeling well. Iwant to drink milk powder.”

Sonny was still addicted to milk. He needed to drink milk powder once in the morning and evening. Hedidn’t drink much, but he had to drink it. Even a few sips were enough. If he doesn’t drink some milkpowder before going to bed, he won’t sleep well. He will wake up in the middle of the night and clamorfor milk.

“If you say you don’t feel well, your aunt will take you to the hospital to see a doctor. Once you go to thehospital, you will be dressed. Then your aunt will be even more angry. Not only will she criticize you,but she will also scold me, and you will be bloody. I can’t help you; I wouldn’t dare do such a dangerous

thing. Besides, didn’t the teacher say that children should be honest? How could you lie to the teacherand your aunt?”

Sonny stopped talking. He opened his eyes and looked at Zachary, and finally said, “A man as big asmy uncle is still afraid of my aunt. My uncle is obviously much taller and stronger than my aunt, but heis still afraid of my aunt.”novelbin

Zachary deliberately said with a grimace, “Your uncle can’t quarrel with your aunt.”

Sonny: “Okay, this is true.”

Zachary was not as eloquent as Serenity.

“Uncle, I need to p-e-e.” Zachary took him out of bed and asked him to put on his slippers and go to thebathroom.

After Sonny finished going to the bathroom, he simply washed up and came out.

Zachary helped him change clothes and said while helping him get dressed, “It rained today, and thetemperature will drop. Wear more warm clothes.”

Sonny said, “It’s raining; no wonder it’s so cold. Uncle, look, it’s so cold, I can go to kindergarten for thefirst time.”

Zachary pinched his nose in a funny way and said, “It’s not snowing heavily. If it snows heavily and theroads are blocked by heavy snow, you don’t have to go to kindergarten.”

Sonny asked, “Uncle, when will it snow heavily?”

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