Love at First Novel

Chapter 3101
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Matriarch Farrell continued, “It’s just such a coincidence that you and Shiloh… nothing happened toKathryn from the beginning to the end!”Holden, Kathryn did not grow up beside us, but she is ourbiological daughter. She is the blood of you and me, and she is our blood!

When it comes to bad things, you always blame your biological daughter and throw dirty water on her.“Are there any fathers like you?”

Matriarch Farrell scolded Holden, leaving him speechless.

After a while, Holden asked, “Shiloh and I… was there a mistake, and it wasn’t someone deliberatelyplanning it?”

Matriarch Farrell: “It’s a mistake. If it’s a conspiracy, it’s your most beloved eldest son, Marco, whoplotted against you. If you can accept that Marco is the one who plotted against you, then you can thinkof a conspiracy. I can’t limit your thoughts.”

Holden: “…”

He didn’t believe that Marco would plot against him and Shiloh.

Holden had four children. Without knowing that Kathryn was his biological daughter, his eldest son,Marco, and daughter, Shiloh, were the ones he loved most.

Marco also had an excellent relationship with Holden.

How could he possibly plot against himself and Shiloh?

That was a mistake.

Holden said, “Wife, you know that Shiloh and I happened by mistake; why do you want to kill them all?If you hadn’t been too ruthless to Shiloh, Shiloh wouldn’t have died.”

Matriarch Farrell sneered, “You can’t blame your biological daughter, so you start blaming me? You areso jealous; do you want to avenge me? “Do you want to kill me?”

Holden’s expression changed drastically, and he denied it repeatedly.

Matriarch Farrell said coldly, “Shiloh was not my daughter in the first place. She grew up beside me,enjoyed the glory and wealth that did not belong to her, and got everything that did not belong to her.They are all my daughter’s; she is not mine. My daughter will naturally return everything that belongs tomy daughter.

I don’t care what happened between her and you. I only saw my husband sleeping with my adopteddaughter. I can’t accept this anyway. I kicked her out and took back everything that was my daughter’s,and of course, I didn’t feel wrong.

Holden, I gave you a choice at the beginning: either divorce me and make a clean break, or commitsuicide and promise never to cheat again. It was you who chose the latter. Now that you have madethe choice, don’t regret it or be upset.novelbin

If you want to vent your anger on Shiloh’s behalf or want to investigate something, you can go aheadand I won’t stop you, but don’t appear in front of me again and don’t go back to my home again. Let’slive separately!

I gave birth to children for you, and your children have grown up and have families. After you move outof the Farrell family mansion, where should you live, and where can you take care of your old age? Tellyour three sons, Kathryn, they will give you some living expenses every month, but it’s impossible to doanything you want Kathryn to do for you!”

“Kathryn is a member of my Farrell family and the future head of the Farrell family!”

Holden: “I didn’t, I… I just feel that Shiloh was treated as our daughter for more than 20 years and diedinexplicably like this.”

Matriarch Farrell said, “Did she die in vain? She died in plain sight. She had a conflict with her brothersand fell to her death. Even her biological mother and brothers did not say that they wanted to find outthe truth. You are not blood related. What’s the relationship being traced?”

Holden wanted to say that Shiloh was forced to die by her mother and brothers, so how could thefamily investigate the cause of death for Shiloh?

But he didn’t dare say such words again. He thought that debts would disappear after death.

After Shiloh died, Matriarch Farrell would think of Shiloh’s kindness and no longer blame Shiloh.Unexpectedly, her reaction was still so intense. Also, she had been a domineering and domineeringperson.

She didn’t love Holden, and Holden knew it.

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