Love at First Novel

Chapter 251
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Married At First Sight By Gu Lingfei Chapter 251

Chapter 251

In the evening, when the work day was about to end, Josh knocked on the door to the CEO’s office andentered, carrying a stack of documents in his arms.

Zachary raised his head and eyed him for a second before he returned to his work. After Josh satdown, Zachary remarked, “What use is your secretary?”

“She’s pregnant! I’m being considerate of her. I don’t want her to run back and forth. and tire herselfout. Her husband might come looking for me then. So I did it myself.”

Josh placed the stack of documents in front of his good friend.

“I’ve looked through them. There’s no problem with them, so you just have to sign them.”

After he set the documents down, he got up to pour himself a glass of warm water. He sat back downand proceeded to drink his water while looking at the man sitting opposite him.

Zachary was extremely handsome. Even if his face was tense all day in a cold and serious expression,it wasn’t enough to mask his handsome exterior.

In this age and day where looks were everything, girls and young women would fall for him without failonce they glimpsed at him a few times.

Maybe there was an exception, and that was their Mrs. CEO.

Josh admired Serenity, hands down. In just a little more than a month, she had managed to coak themost thoroughly iron–hard tree of York Corporation that was their CEO into flowering buds, and it evenseemed like the buds were about to bloom.

And more importantly, Serenity had not fallen for Zachary.

How did she manage to protect her heart?

Zachary treated her pretty well. Those admirers out there only had a glimpse of Zachary a few timesbut could not forget him for years after, like Elisa Stone! She was just like that. After being unable to getover him for a few years, she tried to pursue


On the other hand, you had Zachary treating Serenity so well and even making many exceptions forher, but Serenity could still protect her heart and remained unmoved. That was the part that Joshadmired her for.

“What are you looking at?”

Zachary had not raised his head, but he knew his friend was staring at him.

“Looking at your handsome face, duh! Zachary, you really are handsome. You’re just bad–temperedand aloof. If you were the gentle and considerate type, people might think you were a woman. If youwere a woman, how could anyone else go on? But if you were a woman, I’d do anything to cling to youand marry you.”

Zachary flipped through the documents Josh had brought and studied them carefully. After making surethere really were not any problems with the documents, only then. did he sign off on them.

“Isn’t there a business reception tonight?”

“Yeah. Are you planning to go? If you are, the organizer would probably dance in joy for a month andbrag about it for the next ten years.”

The business reception that was being held at Wiltspoon Hotel that night could not be considered ahigh–level reception. The invitees were middle management at big corporations or bosses of smallercompanies.

Someone like Zachary, who was at the top of the top, would never take part in a business reception likethat of tonight.

Of course, if Zachary wanted to go, he could.

“If you want to go, I’ll get Mr. Murray to wait for you.”

Mr. Murray was a manager of one of the subsidiary companies under York Corporation. Josh hadarranged for him to take part in the reception after he analyzed the invitation sent to York Corporationby the organizer.

That was because the subsidiary Mr. Murray was managing had just opened recently and still neededto network to get business.

Taking part in a business reception and getting to know some of these old managers would smoothenthe road before him even if he could not get their business.

“I’m not going. I was just asking.”

Zachary rarely attended gatherings held by the upper crust, let alone a business. reception like that.

He just wanted to go to the hotel to have a drink.

“You have something on your mind, or else you wouldn’t have brought it up out of nowhere.”

“I want to have a drink or two,” Zachary said nonchalantly.novelbin

He had a presidential suite exclusively for his use at the Wiltspoon Hotel, located on the top floor.

In the past, if the socializing ran late, he would not return home and just stay in the


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