Love at First Novel

Chapter 2033
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Chapter 2033

These gossip news spread throughout Jensburg.

Those women who admired Hayden really all gritted their teeth against Kevin. Everyone united andwanted to deal with Kevin, but the families behind them warned them not to provoke Kevin.

Kevin was a smiling tiger with a smiling face, and he ate people with a smile.

Even if they worked together, they would not be Kevin’s opponent.

In the luxurious private room, only Kevin and Hayden sat at the big round table that could seat a dozenpeople.

There were only six dishes and one soup.

There were also two bottles of famous wine.

The bodyguards of Queen’s family had dinner in the next room, so it was Kevin’s treat.

That is the person who protected his fiancée; how could he treat him badly!

“Hayden, try these dishes. I personally cook them for you.” Kevin filled Hayden with a bowl of soup andsaid, “I haven’t cooked for anyone for a long time.”

The corner of Hayden’s mouth twitched, and said: “Then I’m really honored.”

To be able to eat the dishes cooked by Kevin himself.

Kevin: “You are indeed very honored. Let me tell you, my parents rarely have the opportunity to eat thedishes I cook. That is, when my grandma wants to have a good taste, I will go online. My grandmaforced me and my eight brothers to cook. Even my elder brother’s cooking skills are excellent. Whenhe lied to my sister-in-law by hiding his identity, he often contracted to cook.”

Hayden looked at him.

Kevin: “Don’t look at me, I’m still so handsome, and don’t care what others think of us, you and I knowwhat’s going on with us.”

What Kevin meant was that he knew Hayden was a woman.

“Come on, try the soup I made, whether it tastes good or not, and whether it suits your appetite.” Kevinput the bowl of soup in front of Hayden.

After Hayden was silent, she still picked up the spoon, scooped up a spoonful of soup and drank it.

“How?” Kevin asked expectantly.

Hayden didn’t speak, but she took a second sip and a third sip, obviously liking the taste of the soup.

There was a smile in Kevin’s eyes.

He cooked himself, so he didn’t believe in Hayden’s stomach.novelbin

He accompanied Donald to go fishing that day, and he grilled fish for Donald that night. Donald alsocalled Hayden and his brother back to have a barbecue together. That night, the four members of theQueen family had enough to eat.

Donald and his wife repeatedly praised Kevin’s grilled fish as delicious.

Hugh also told Kevin that if Kevin went fishing with his father again, he must tell him that he would gofishing too, and if he caught more fish, he would be able to eat more grilled fish.

Although Hayden didn’t say anything, judging from how much she ate, Kevin could be sure that Haydenalso liked it.

Donald called him on WhatsApp just now to go fishing together again in the afternoon.

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