Love at First Novel

Chapter 1963
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Chapter 1963

Chapter 1963

Shiloh wanted to argue for herself, but seeing her mother’s serious face, she finally bowed her headand apologized to her mother.

“Mom, I’m sorry, I was wrong this time.”

She took another two steps forward, took Mrs. Farrell’s arm affectionately, and said coquettishly: “Mom,I know I was wrong, don’t be angry. It’s just that I like Young Master Queen so much, he is alreadycompetitive. And there is a third Young Master York. Because we are women, we can’t get close toYoung Master Queen, but the third Young Master York can get close to Young Master Queen, andYoung Master Queen’s bodyguards don’t care about him. He even openly wanted to pursue YoungMaster Queen and piled up a large sea of flowers at the gate of the Queen Enterprise.

I was envious of him, and I couldn’t help but do such a thing for a while. I didn’t expect to fight. Thethird young master reacted so quickly that I didn’t trip him, but I was tripped by him, which made me dieof pain and shame.”

Thinking of her fall just now, Shiloh gritted her teeth with hatred.

She had never been so humiliated.

“Mom, don’t be angry. I promise I won’t make such low-level mistakes in the future. Kathryn is thesame. When she saw me fall, she didn’t come to help me immediately. My sister-in-law is right; Kathrynwas just happy to see me making a fool of myself. “

After the sound fell, Mrs. Farrell poked her on the forehead and said to her, “Kathryn was eating, andYoung Master Queen came to her suddenly, but she didn’t even react, so you fell down. She said, ‘Shewas in a daze at the time, how could I help you?’

Kathryn grew up in the countryside and had never learned martial arts, so her reaction was naturallynot fast enough. The young master put you in the army instead, making you provoke people whoshould not be provoked.

Shiloh, this is your own problem, your own mistakes; don’t always blame Kathryn. No matter what,Kathryn is also my biological daughter. You have to remember that if it weren’t for your father, Kathrynwouldn’t suffer so many grievances.

You owe Kathryn, don’t always act like Kathryn has robbed you.”

Mrs. Farrell’s heart was very clear, she just didn’t point it out. She was getting old, and in a few yearsshe would not have the energy to take care of the Farrell family’s affairs. At that time, she needed toconsider retiring and letting the heir take over.

But it had only been a year since her biological daughter returned to Farrell’s family. Although she wasa capable person pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, due to the short time, she had not yetgained a firm foothold. She seemed to continue to prefer her adopted daughter and didn’t care muchabout her biological daughter.

In fact, she used her method to hone her own daughter, forcing her to gain a firm foothold in just a fewyears and be capable enough to take over the matriarch Farrell.

As for some people in the family secretly inquiring about her two nieces, matriarch Farrell didn’t care atall.

It’s been decades, could they still find it?

They were only a few years old back then, even the eldest niece may not be able to remember it, letalone the younger niece.

The next matriarch must be her daughter!

“Mom, I’m innocent too. my father was the one who did that, not me. I was just a newborn baby at thattime, and I didn’t understand anything. How can it be said that it was me? I owe Kathryn, neitherKathryn nor I owe anyone else, because neither of us can take the lead in this matter, and what momdoesn’t know, how can she and I know?”

Mrs. Farrell: “….”novelbin

It was her negligence that caused the bloody drama of her daughter being quilted to happen to her.

“Okay, go in and don’t leave my side again, lest you be stupid again and do something embarrassing.Remember, stay away from the third young master of the York family. We can’t afford to offend the Yorkfamily.”

The Farrell family was even inferior to the Queen family in Jensburg, but this family had existed for along time and was different, so it had not been squeezed out of the top rich families in Jensburg.

It’s nothing to fight within their own family, but once they fight with big families outside, the chances ofthe Farrell family winning were not great.

For many years, matriarch Farrell had made friends with families stronger than their Farrell family andfamilies weaker than them. She either bullied or embezzled other people’s businesses to graduallystrengthen the Farrell family.

She hoped that one day, the Farrell family could return to its peak period. At its peak, the Farrell familywas like an emperor in Jensburg.

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