Love at First Novel

Chapter 137
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Married At First Sight By Gu Lingfei Chapter 137

Chapter 137 When Serenity got back to her store, she saw Shawn there. She smiled at and greetedhim. “Shawn, don‘t you have work today?”

Shawn looked at her with adoration hidden deep in his eyes and said, “I worked overtime last night, so Ican go in a little later today. How come you‘re late today?”

He asked seemingly casually, but in fact, he wanted to inquire about Serenity‘s recent situation with herhusband

Jasmine said that Serenity‘s husband had helped to suppress the trending search and evenaccompanied her back to her hometown to collect evidence for the counterattack, so Serenity wasgrateful to him.

Shawn thought, ‘I also want to help Serenity, but she didn‘t give me a chance to. I called her that day,but she didn‘t answer the phone.‘

She had only sent him a message saying that she was fine afterward

“There was a pretty lady asking for help on my way here. I was late because I lent her a hand. Oh, thatsmells good. What are you eating, Jasmine?”

Serenity was planning on going to the cashier to sit down

when she smelled the aroma. She spun on her heel and walked to the small kitchen.

Shawn followed her, wanting to catch up to her and hug her in his arms. However, he had no guts to doso. He was not brazen enough to so much as flirt with her because he perceived his accomplishmentshad yet to warrant such a bold act.

He loved her and therefore he had to respect her. Even if he wanted to be close to her, hug her, oreven kiss her, he had to suppress it desperately because she was now married.

His heart clenched in pain at that thought. In Serenity‘s eyes, he was just a younger brother. Even ifshe needed a man for a flash marriage, she would never consider him.

When Jasmine remained silent, Shawn said to Serenity, “I brought some food from home for you andJas to eat.”

He sent a loving breakfast to Serenity and Jasmine. The Lowe family was wealthy too, and the chef athome was from a five–star hotel. The family paid him handsomely to cook for them since his food wasespecially delicious. Furthermore, since all three of them were childhood friends, he was familiar withtheir preferences.

“Lucky me.” Serenity enjoyed with Jasmine the food brought by Shawn

Shawn watched the two ladies eat with relish, and he could not stop the grin forming at the corners ofhis


He asked with a smile , “Serenity , when are you free to invite me to a meal?”

“This Saturday. I‘ll treat you to lunch. What do you want to eat? Jasmine, join us too. We don‘t getmuch business during the weekend, so there‘s no harm if we close the shop for one day. You guys willbe nagged by your family about when you would get married if you stay home, so why not come out toeat together?”

Jasmine readily agreed, “Sure.”

She was also afraid to stay at home and get an earful from her parents during the weekends.

Her mother wanted her to marry into a rich family to enjoy glory and wealth like her aunt. She felt likeher ears were about to fall off with how much her mother had been badgering her. Her father wasslightly better, saying that it would be more appropriate to find a family with a background comparableto theirs, so no one was higher in status than the other.

“There‘s a restaurant with good food next to Beans and Cream. The place isn‘t too upscale , but it‘s nottoo bad either. The food is affordable, so business is booming. Let‘s eat there. After lunch, we can gonext door to Beans and Cream to enjoy a cup of coffee. After all, that‘s the most high–class cafe in thecity.”

The last time Serenity accompanied her friend to a blind

date at Beans and Cream, she felt that it had a pleasant ambiance, but she did not notice what shopswere next to it. She wanted to treat Shawn to a meal, but he unexpectedly proposed that venue forlunch. Nevertheless, she had no reason to refuse.

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