Love at First Novel

Chapter 1345
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Chapter 1345

Chapter 1345

Callum followed the Newmans‘ car from a safe distance.

Initially, there was nothing that would rouse his suspicion.

After tailing them for about ten minutes, he noticed that they were going in a different direction andwere not heading toward the Newmans‘ place.

Callum was alarmed by this.

Where was the Newmans‘ bodyguard taking Camryn?

His expression gradually darkened, but he knew that this was not the time to act on impulse yet. Hecontinued tailing the car from an appropriate distance. He would have to wait until they had arrived attheir destination before he could figure out what was happening.

Camryn was completely clueless to the fact that Callum was tailing her, even the bodyguard driving didnot notice as well.

She sat quietly inside the car and listened to the rumble of the car’s engine and the friction of tiresagainst the asphalt. From time to time, she could hear the sounds of other vehicles passing by; thegentle whoosh produced when two vehicles glided past each other.

She assumed that they were now about to arrive at the villa. She was aware that the road leading backto the villa was on the outskirts of the city and tended to have less traffic compared to the main roads.

There was less traffic on the road, especially at night.

She leaned against the backseat. She soon felt a wave of drowsiness creeping up on her but sheforced herself to stay awake.

She was afraid of falling asleep in unfamiliar environments such as this. She was worried thebodyguard would boot her out of the car at some point.

After what seemed like forever, the car finally screeched to a stop.

After the bodyguard stopped the car, he opened the door and stepped out of the car.

Camryn could hear the gentle thud of the door closing. She began to fumble for the door handle as welland proceeded to open the door to step out of the car.

As soon as she opened the door, she felt the presence of a stranger approaching her.

She listened to the crunch of boots against the ground. There was an unfamiliar voice and the textureof the stride was entirely foreign. In time, she smelled a strong scent of cigarettes emanating from thestranger.

“Who is this?” she asked cautiously.

The stranger did not answer. She could only feel a presence in front of her and the intensity ofsomeone’s gaze on her.

She began to feel a sense of unease, and the hair on her skin was standing on its end.

Her first instinct was to back away and burrow herself into the car. Unfortunately, she was one step toolate for the stranger had placed a foot against the door to prevent her from shutting it. Immediatelyafter, the stranger entered the car.

She crawled to the other side of the backseat and tried to escape.

She felt the tight grip of the stranger on her arm. It felt like a man’s grip. She could not get away fromthe man’s clutches.

“Who are you?” Camryn cried out sharply.

She shoved the man away and managed to jerk her arms free from the stranger’s clutches.

Despite being shoved away forcefully, the man did not seem upset at all. He did not attempt to forcehimself on Camryn again and instead lighted himself a cigarette. He proceeded to observe the girl.

Keeping her movements as subtle as possible, Camryn unbuckled her high heels.

She took it off in one swift movement and immediately used it as a weapon and swung it viciously atthe strange man. She swung it as hard and as wildly as she could. Even when she missed, shecontinued swinging ruthlessly.

She was quite strong for someone with her petite frame.

The man did not make a sound the entire time. He was aware that the girl was blind, so as long as hedid not make a sound, she had no way of figuring out his identity.

She was an exotic beauty that the Newmans had given to him on a silver platter to play with howeverhe liked. As long as he could help the Newmans get their other beloved daughter out of herpredicament, he got to keep the blind girl as long as he liked as his personal plaything.

He had his fill with plenty of women in his time, but he had never experienced something as exotic as abeautiful and blind girl.novelbin

It was rather exciting.

He did not even bother to lock the doors because he did not expect any form of resistance from a blindgirl.

Besides, it did not seem like Camryn could conceal any sort of weapon on her since she was wearing asimple dress with an exposed back.

He had not expected her to resort to using her high heels as a weapon.

The pointy end of the heels she wore was a rather formidable weapon. Each blow that connected hurta great deal.

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