Love at First Novel

Chapter 1029
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Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

Thinking about the past. it was hard for not only Serenity and her sister, but also Mrs. Stone and Elisa.

Mrs Stones eyes had long been teary

Perhaps everything could have changed if she had found her sister earlier

Even if she could not change her sister’s death, she could at least protect her two nieces.

Her nieces would not have to suffer from the heartlessness of their relatives after the sudden loss oftheir parents. They would not have to expenence the fickleness and darkness of human nature


Zachary felt sorry for Serenity and embraced her “It’s all in the past, it’s all in the past.

He had experienced and gone through the trending topic on Twitter last year together with Serenity

Serenity posted her sister’s diary on Twitter to refute what the Hunts claimed, and then the publicopinion was reversed Zachary read his sister-in-law’s diary, but he only dared read it once and not asecond time

Reading it once was enough to make him feel incredibly sorry for his wife

Zachary was not an emotional person, but his eyes were teary after he read his sister-in-law’s diary

Sometimes, our loved ones were heartless people who would hurt us the most.

There was some truth to that statement.

Serenity and her sister were hurt the most by their relatives.

Elisa took out two small packets of tissues from her bag. She handed one of them to Zacharynovelbin

Zachary took it and thanked her

Serenity had her husband take care of her as Zachary would help her wipe her tears with tissues. Mrs.Stone and Liberty also received tissue papers from Elisa. Mrs. Stone saw that her little niece hadsomeone to rely on during her toughest time.

On the other hand, Liberty was alone after her divorce. Mrs. Stone was thinking of finding a good manfor her once they returned to the city. She wanted Liberty to get married again so that she would alsohave a companion and someone to rely on.

Since Liberty’s first marriage was not good, she needed to be more cautious about her secondmarriage

“Seren, that’s enough. You’re making me cry.”

Liberty wiped her tears and reminded her sister to stop talking about the past. Though, she could nothelp but think about the past too now that they returned.

Mrs. Stone wiped her tears and said, “I want to hear interesting things and stories about your mom.“Seren, your youngest cousin is probably an easy target. Go find him while your granddad isn’t hereyet. Ask him where your parents’ graves have been moved to and take us to visit them.”

Mrs. Stone was extremely observant.

She noticed Noah muttering a lot to Old Mrs. Hunt just now. After that, Old Mrs. Hunt stopped heroutburst. Furthermore, Noah was the youngest and was not so scheming, so he was easy to betargeted. Serenity hummed.

She turned around and was about to leave

“I will go with you.”

Zachary walked out of the house with Serenity.

Old Mrs Hunt and the others had not left and were still gathering in the open space in front of the houseShe and the others looked grave when they looked at the piles of bricks, sand, and gravel.

Someone who knew the law must have talked to Old Mrs. Hunt about it.

Serenity and Liberty were back to fight for the house. This would not concern Old Mrs. Hunt’s first andfourth children. After all, she and her husband had long said that Scott’s family property would beinherited by John. The other children could not do anything even though they felt that their parentswere biased. After all, John was the most promising child and pleased their parents the most.

John’s family felt the same as Old Mrs. Hunt. They felt as if their flesh was being cut off now thatSerenity and her sister were going to get a share of Scott’s family property.

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