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Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Frank sneered and said, “Gary, you’ve only met Alissa twice, and she even has a boyfriend. Youshouldn’t be able to do such a thing.” When Gary heard this, not only was he not annoyed, he even saidwith a smile, “Frank, you are also a gentleman, but you also took Judy away from Adam, didn’t you?Before you tease me, just think about what you have done, OK?” Hearing this, Frank narrowed his eyesand retorted, “Before you say that, why don’t you ask Judy if they are lovers? It was Adam, who hadstolen my Jodie.” “Come on!” Gary couldn’t help but burst out laughing: He rolled his eyes at Frank as hemocked with his face full of disdain, “Frank, I know that you won’t admit it. Indeed, only you, Frank, willbe so domineering. To you, the wrong can become the right.” “So cut the crap. Investigate the Cooperswhen you have time. If I’m not wrong, the man who appeared downstairs today was arranged by Sherly.”Frank narrowed his eyes. He would not let the Coopers off.

As for the plan, he had already thought it through. However, it was not the right time yet. When Judystarted, he would secretly help. Ridicule slipped across Gary’s eyes. “Is it necessary? It was obviouslyarranged by Sherly. She has probably done something wrong and was afraid that Judith would expose it.Thus she has kept an eye on Judith. “The human resources manager who had gone easy on them willleave today.” Frank looked up and glanced at the indifference and ridicute on Gary’s face. He also hadthe same expression. “Edwin has done a good job.” Frank narrowed his deep black eyes and sneered,“As for what you said just now, I suspect that something had happened to Jodie in the past. It is verylikely that Jodie was not adopted from the orphanage.” When Gary heard this, he suddenly becameinterested. He asked excitedly, “You mean Jodie might have had an accident back then?” “Very likely!”Frank suddenly felt distressed and remorseful. He put down the pen in his hand and looked at Gary,saying, “It was raining heavily that night, but I did not run too far. Although I was sad, I knew that Jodiewas chasing after me. I was also worried. “After I stopped, in the thought that I had already passed theroad, I was also very anxious. So I turned around. Right at that moment, a car with dazzling light cameinto my sight together with the sound of brakes. “I was afraid that something would happen to Jodie, so Inovelbin

had desperately run back, but I’ve never seen Jodie since then. All these years, I have always felt thatJodie might have been in a car accident. “A few days ago, I had asked Judy about her childhood. Shesaid that she had lost her memory and forgotten many things. “There is one more thing, Judy remembersmy birthday. The password for her phone is 0923.” “It’s hard to believe!” Gary looked at him in surpriseand then said, “The day of the accident was your birthday. So it explains.” Their parents were all familiarwith each other. Jodie liked to stick to Frank since she was a child, so Gary had also seen her a fewtimes. However, after she was lost, Gary gradually forgot what Jodie look like. “Exactly!” Frank smiledhappily and said, “It is through these clues that I am sure that she is Jodie. If you have time, go andinvestigate where the Coopers lived and how the situation was. We will soon figure out.” When Garyheard the word “investigate”, he felt an inexplicable rejection. After all, it was not easy.

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