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Chapter 169

Chapter 169

However, Frank was different. He was a man of charm. He earned himself a reputation as a toughbusinessman and everything he had was obtained by his own strength. Ann, as an adopted daughter ofthe Chaney family, dreamed of marrying Frank, such an outstanding man. But it was Steve who sleptwith her. All her beautiful dreams were shattered in an instant. “Steve, stop sleeping! Get up! What’swrong with your arrangement? Why are you here?” Ann cried and shook Steve hard. When Steve heardAnn’s voice, he was in a daze. He thought of something and suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he saw Ann, who was crying her heart out. He felt uneasy and got up.

Steve looked down and found himself naked. Ann was the same as him. He was so scared that he wasat a loss!

Ann cried and curled up in a tight ball and did not know what to do now.

She felt that her world had collapsed completely.

Steve pursed his thin lips. He glanced at Ann and roared, ‘Why are you crying? It’s not the first time.”Steve’s voice trailed off. He suddenly caught a glimpse of the blood on the wrinkled white sheets. Hisheart was full of panic. “You… First time?”

Steve stammered out of panic and looked at Ann helplessly. This time, he had caused great trouble.novelbin

He never provoked such a woman.

Ann was also staring at the blood in a daze with her sad eyes. There was strong despair and tears in hereyes. She looked more lovely.

There was a sound.

Someone was knocking on the door. Steve’s heart couldn’t help but beat faster. He was instantlyannoyed. He frowned and roared, “What is it?” “Mr. Steve, Mr. Carlo asks you to see him with MissChaney.” It was the voice of Andrew Green, Carlo’s secretary. Steve was somewhat and thought, “Howdid they know?” He sat for a minute to calm himself down. However, he still had no idea. Steve got up totake a bath. When he walked to the bathroom door, he looked back at Ann, who was still sad. Knowingthat her heart was on Frank, he was upset and frowned with displeasure. He said in a cold voice, “Put onyour clothes and go over in a while.” After that, he entered the bathroom. Half an hour later, Steve andAnn appeared in front of Carlo and the others. Collin, Ann’s father, was also here. Steve and Anninstantly became uneasy. Collin glared at Steve. With years of business experience, his eyes were sharpand now a little fierce. “Steve, how dare you touch my daughter!” Collin’s words comforted Ann a little.Collin was usually cold to her, but tonight, for her sake, he was angry at Steve. She finally felt a trace ofwarmth. What was going on tonight?

Steve’s gaze swept across everyone’s faces. When it fell on Carlo’s angry face, Steve was scared. Heclenched his fists and stammered, “Mr. Chaney, I … I don’t know what’s going on.”

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