Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 603
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Chapter 603

Darkwill sprawled on the ground, momentarily forgetting to stand up. His mind remained blank. Ever since he had matured, hehad never encountered a scenario of tripping himself. After consuming the potions, his body had experienced enhancements to acertain degree, making it even more impossible. Now, for some baffling reason, he had fallen down in an inexplicable manner.Did | step on something? Darkwill suddenly snapped to his senses as he struck down with his palm and rolled to his feet. Hepretended as though the one who had just fallen wasn’t him. He looked left and right without finding anything odd on the ground.Filled with puzzlement, he took a few difficult steps forward to pick up the milky-white die. At this moment, a patrolling constableseemed to have sensed the disturbance as he jogged over with baton in hand while holding his other hand down on his revolver.Upon seeing this scene, Darkwill suddenly felt worried, feeling suspicious that he had fallen for a trap. They caught Old Man buthaven't come for me all this time. It’s because they were secretly observing me and waiting for me to find some clues? Now, I'vegotten my hands on this strange die, they've started taking action? The official Beyonders are here to catch me? Darkwillinstinctively turned around and ran, but he had suffered a rather heavy fall, causing him to feel pain in his knees. He wasmomentarily only able to walk. Seeing the patrolling constable approach him, and with him not being able to run, a scene of anunderground prison instantly surfaced in Darkwill’s mind. In an environment with only an everlasting candlelight, locked withBeyonders who would heave intensely like monsters... “What happened?” the patrolling constable pressed down on his revolveras he kept his distance and asked cautiously. Darkwill suddenly felt an irrepressible fear. As his wrist trembled, the milky-whitedie he had just picked up fell to the ground again as it rolled a few times. This time, six red dots pointed up. Faced with theconstable’s scrutiny, Darkwill replied with a trembling voice, “I just stepped onto a damn banana skin and fell.” The moment hesaid that, he felt his heart skip a beat. This was because there wasn’t any banana skins on the ground. Damn it. | was toonervous. | should’ve said that | tripped myself... Darkwill thought in frustration. He decided to summon the owl perched on theroof opposite him, preparing to make a last stand. The patrolling constable gave him a glance and chuckled. “Make sure to watchwhere you place your feet when walking. | was imagining that you had been robbed.” He released his palm on his revolver,raised his baton, and walked away. “...” In a daze, Darkwill looked at the constable’s back that was opening up a gap from him.He wasn’t sure how the constable had so easily believed his excuse that was filled with mistakes. He retracted his gaze andlooked at the milky-white die which was sitting on the ground in silence. He slowly frowned. I’m not pure Loenese. Theconstables here don’t need to suck up to me... Could it be all thanks to this? Be it my strange fall or my weird way of convincingthe constable, it was all because of this? Is this that important Sealed Artifact which Teacher was taking care of? Darkwill quicklymade certain connections as he carefully proceeded forward. He picked up the die again and stuffed it into the extremely tinyring box. In the box, the die had no room to roll. Signaling to his owl, Darkwill picked up the News report copy, stopped a rentalcarriage, and hobbled up. His destination—Red Theater. The carriage smoothly proceeded forward. Because dusk was settingin, the street lamps which were relatively far away didn’t illuminate the area much. He wasn’t in a rush to study the ring box orthe die inside. He patiently waited until he returned home. After entering the herb store and heading up to the residential area onthe second floor, he lit the wall lamp and chased the silly bird out of his room. He sat in front of his desk and repeatedly checkedon the ring box and milky-white die. Finally, he took out a folded piece of paper about the length of a finger segment from thebottom of the ring box. Darkwill inhaled silently as he quickly spread open the piece of paper and discovered that there werethree paragraphs written in ancient Feysac. “If | didn’t appear three days after the appointed time, then | must’ve been betrayedand have been arrested. Therefore, do not seek out help from the other members of the School of Thought. This is because I’munable to determine who did it. This will bring you great danger. “There is only one thing that you need to do. Bring the die toOravi Island and hand it to the bellman, Carnot, in the port city. My teacher, Ricciardo, is hidden there. The subsequent matterswill be handled by him. “Don’t worry that I'll divulge this secret. Once | finish writing this letter, all relevant memories wouldcompletely disappear. | wouldn’t even remember having an apprentice like you until I’m rescued. Remember, try your best not touse the die. It has living characteristics. The more you use it, the easier it is for it to awaken. It will roll itself when you aren’twatching it, even without any space. When it's at ‘1,’ please trust me when | say that you'll suffer from worse than a direct death.This is because almost everything you do will end in failure, including your bed activities.” Indeed, this die is very dangerous...Darkwill subconsciously sighed and immediately realized the dumb act he had done out of goodwill. In order to rescue histeacher, Roy King, he overcame his cowardliness and remained in Bayam, as well as sent out a cry for help to the Life School ofThought members. And according to the information, this meant that he might very well have been targeted by the person whobetrayed Roy King! Why didn’t you say so earlier! No, why didn’t | head out to buy the die earlier!? Darkwill raised his hands andyanked at his hair. He didn’t dare stay any longer. He decided to leave his residence and buy a scalped ticket at night. He wouldhead for Oravi Island early the next morning. That was an island that was on the route between the Rorsted Archipelago andToscarter Island. My charms, my revolver, my bullets... Darkwill quickly counted the items that could provide him with safety,feeling concern over his lack of combat strength. He quickly thought of an idea as he paced around and mumbled, “I need to hirea bodyguard. A bodyguard...” Who should | hire? How much money must | spend? Amidst his thoughts, Darkwill’s gaze sweptacross the News Report copy which he had just brought back. Suddenly, he thought of an excellent bodyguard—GehrmanSparrow! A powerful adventurer who could hunt a pirate worth 5,400 pounds! If he’s willing to accept the mission, | should beable to successfully arrive at Oravi Island if the “councilor” doesn’t take action... How can | find him? Right! | should pastenotices in the bars where adventurers frequently appear! Darkwill nodded indiscernibly as he stuffed the items back into hispacked suitcase. With this plump owl, he left the herb store once again, his heart feeling the pinch. ... In the seas beyond theRorsted Archipelago, in a small port belonging to Loen, the Black Death was docked there without any scruples. It was beingsurrounded by three ships. Vice Admiral Ailment Tracy, who had just taken a hot bath, wore a loose man’s shirt, and she finishedthe final treatment for her mostly recovered wound. To a Demoness, scars weren't a thing. At this moment, the blonde femaleattendant knocked on the door and entered the captain’s cabin after receiving permission. When she saw Tracy, her cheeksflushed red as she moved her gaze away. “Captain, a telegram was sent from Bayam to the port over here. “Mithor, un—Thirdmate has been killed.” Tracy stopped her actions as her expression sank. She asked hesitantly, “Do you know who did it?” Shehad sent Wormtongue Mithor to Bayam to investigate the assassination attempt on her, firstly as a form of punishment for hisdereliction of duty, and secondly, to spread the news that she was heavily injured so as to lure others who harbored maliciousintent into attacking her. She never expected Mithor to be able to make any breakthroughs or developments in a short period oftime. After the demigod addressed as Death Consul by the Demoness of Unaging visited her, she had deliberately concealedthis matter and didn’t quickly inform Mithor. She allowed the punishment to continue as she felt that it was naturally for the best ifhis investigations turned fruitful. Even if there was nothing, she wouldn't be too disappointed either. She never thought about thepossibility of Mithor being placed at risk, as it was a part of the punishment. But to her surprise, Mithor had been killed so quickly!The blonde female attendant handed over the telegram and said, “It was done by an adventurer named Gehrman Sparrow. It canbe confirmed that he had used a Beyonder power similar to Dragon’s Might.” “Gehrman Sparrow... Dragon’s Might... Heh heh.Qilangos also knew Dragon’s Might. He likely Grazed a Psychiatrist or Hypnotist with Creeping Hunger.” Tracy sneered afterreceiving the telegram as she spoke to herself. She was quite certain that Gehrman Sparrow was the enemy who had disguisedhimself as Helene to attack her. Furthermore, he had been using the Faceless powers which Qilangos had Grazed. CreepingHunger is with him, and he has an ancient demigod, who Mother addressed as Death Consul, backing him... Does this meanthat Qilangos was really killed by that Death Consul? Tracy muttered silently as she waved her hand to send the blondeattendant out. After the door to the captain’s cabin closed, she chuckled to herself. If | were to divulge this information, theorganization that ordered Qilangos to assassinate Duke Negan would definitely be very interested. For a brief moment of time,she really had the urge to do so, but her rationality stopped her. This was because it meant that she would directly offend theDeath Consul! And with the single chance of him being recognized as the murderer, she would immediately be suspected ofdivulging the information. When the time comes, unless | hide back at Mother's side, I'll be under the shadow of death at anymoment... I’m not afraid of other Saints. They will have to find me before they can attack me. Besides, there will definitely besome indication of that, and a significant amount of time is needed. | will have sufficient chances to escape danger, b-but theDeath Consul can travel using the spirit world. As long as he determines my location, he will quickly appear beside me... Tracybit her lip as she thought in depression. She gave up her previous thoughts and decided to take note of Gehrman Sparrow’swhereabouts. She wouldn't spare him once a good opportunity arose! At this moment, Klein was still living in the Teana Inn,waiting for his bounty to be delivered to him.


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