Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 587
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Chapter 587

Could it be that that evil spirit is Red Angel Medici, the King of Angels who once served that Creator and was one of the foundersof Rose Redemption? Klein instantly generated such a thought and began utilizing backward inference to seek out any traces orclues.

The former holder of the Red Priest card was attracted to the underground palace because of a certain level of attraction andhad died beside the Tudor descendants.

The evil spirit | saw in my dream could easily kill a powerful dragon back when it was alive.It knows the potion formula of the Mutant pathway’s Sequence 4 and even more.It's very aware of matters regarding Rose Redemption.

The orthodox Churches that have existed ever since the Cataclysm don’t know that the former Binsy and that the present Bansyhas a descendant of the Medici family residing there, but the evil spirit was able to provide the corresponding information.

There’s a very high chance of deriving this from the death of Red Angel Medici... And this King of Angels was actually killed byBlood Emperor Alista Tudor. Does this mean that the latter had already exceeded Sequence 1 and had reached the rank of truegod as a Sequence 0 and could no longer be witnessed directly...

That evil spirit said so itself that in the late stages of the Fourth Epoch, Solomon Empire’s Dark Emperor, Tudor Empire’s BloodEmperor, and Trunsoest Empire’s Night Emperor were fighting for the position of Sequence 0 until Alista Tudor went crazy...Does this mean that from that point onwards, Blood Emperor was a half-crazy true god?

Right, Mr. Azik mentioned in the letter that he lost his senses from merely being glanced at by Blood Emperor Alista Tudor. Backthen, he was at least a Sequence 4 demigod. To have such might, it can only be explained that Blood Emperor was at the truegod level...

Mr. Azik also described the revival of the true Dark Emperor in his letter. He described “Him” as sitting on a gigantic throne as heoverlooked the land... For the Dark Emperor to revive and return, there is a high chance that he was a true god at the Sequence0 rank... If that were the case, the War of the Four Emperors was of a higher order than | previously imagined. It’s no longer abattle of three Sequence ‘ss fighting for the position of Sequence 0... Klein connected all the dots from the past, gaining a brandnew understanding of Fourth Epoch history.

But as a result, many questions arose.

If that ancient evil spirit really is King of Angels Medici, then the underground palace might very well belong to Blood EmperorAlista Tudor. Then, why would there be two thrones of equal standing? Why would there be six humanoid statues of the truegods?

Why would the half-crazy Blood Emperor kill Red Angel Medici? After “He” became Sequence 0, which spot did he occupy?Firstly, Dark Emperor can be eliminated... It can’t be Red Priest, right? Red Angel Medici was killed for its Beyondercharacteristic?

But Red Priest and Dark Emperor do not seem like neighboring pathways that allow exchanging. | can basically confirm that theformer is paired with the Demoness pathway. Yes... Captain mentioned before that consuming the potions of other pathwaysmight not mean death, but there’s a high probability of going mad and obtaining warped but terrifying powers. This matchesBlood Emperor's half-crazy trait!

In “His” final step, as there was no hope for Dark Emperor and any neighboring pathways, “He” took the craziest choice andswitched to another pathway that’s completely unrelated, becoming half-crazy as the price?

But the same problem arises. Advancing to Red Priest requires King of Angels Medici to be killed, but before advancing, AlistaTudor wouldn’t have been able to complete it by “Himself.” Unless—"He” had more Sequence 1s helping him or other Sequence0 true gods...

Upon realizing this, the statues in the underground palace suddenly flashed past Klein’s mind.

The Evernight Goddess statue who used the moon as a pillow, the Earth Mother statue that hugged a baby in her bosom, theLord of Storms statue that had lightning flashing behind him, the handsome Eternal Blazing Sun’s statue, the tall and royal Godof Combat statue, and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom statue who wore a hood all cast ice-cold gazes at him from thedarkness.

At that instant, Klein couldn't help but tremble.novelbin

However, he remembered that the six gods supported the Trunsoest Empire, not the Tudor Empire.

The history of the Fourth Epoch becomes more harrowing and confusing the more you delve into it... Klein sighed secretly.“What are you thinking about?” Azik Eggers noticed his pause.

Klein said in passing, “I was only thinking that since Red Angel Medici had long perished at the hands of Alista Tudor, then who isthe God of Weather who has a following in Bansy Harbor during the recent centuries?

“And what's the reason for their odd behavior...”With this in mind, Klein came to a pause. This was because the matter regarding Bansy Harbor was unlike what he imagined.He originally believed that Red Angel Medici was asleep there, but to his surprise, ‘He’ had long perished.

In that case, the secrets underlying the Green Lemon Restaurant and the telegraph office became even more indecipherable. Hehad no way of deducing anything without any further information. The more he thought about it, the more horrified he became.

Could that evil spirit have expected such an outcome when “He” indicated Binsy Town? That might’ve been a required step for“Him” to escape the seal? Should | tell this matter to Mr. Azik and gain his opinion?

Yes, I'll let Miss Magician, whose in Backlund, to monitor the area and see if there’s any abnormalities. If there’s none, it can waittill | return to Backlund and contact Miss Sharron. After seeking her opinion, | can inform Mr. Azik. After all, it's a ruin we exploredtogether. | have to respect her opinion. If there are any abnormalities, then the matter can only be expedited due to theseriousness of the issue... Klein quickly made a decision.

When Azik heard his question, he laughed.

“Don't think about such matters. They’ve definitely been buried by the Church of Storms. To forcibly seek out the reasons willonly bring about extreme danger. Even at the level of an angel, there’s still a chance of perishing.”

In the mysterious world, curiosity is often the leading cause of death... Klein recalled the matters he had experienced and heardof in the past.

He switched to saying, “Mr. Azik, | already have a messenger that | can call my own.”“Much faster than | imagined,” Azik said with a smile.

Klein simply explained how he changed the incantation and how he completed the summoning and ended up encountering anoddity in the spirit world.

“When summoning spirit world creatures, there’s indeed a chance of such things happening when it’s not done by someone ofthe corresponding job. It requires repeated trial and error before obtaining the desired result. But repeated attempts make it easyto encounter danger. Even if you add descriptions like ‘friendly,’ it isn’t absolutely safe. The spirit world creature which issummoned might not have any malicious intent towards you and wouldn't wish to harm you, but it doesn’t mean that its veryexistence won’t hurt you. Perhaps just the aura it has can reduce you to a pile of blood.” After Azik heard about the creaturewhose speed surpassed imagination, the being who was easily neglected, and the creature with extremely high survivability, helaughed and warned him. After that, he asked, “How did you succeed in the end?”

Klein said in embarrassment, “I changed the final sentence to ‘a unique being that is willing to be my messenger.”Azik was taken aback for a second as he curiously looked at Klein.“... This description is too generic. Typically, it wouldn’t succeed.”

“Perhaps | was rather lucky...” Klein cautiously described his messenger’s appearance and even hid the matter of her requestfor a gold coin.

Azik thought over it carefully and said, “I do not have an impression of this spirit world creature, but since you've already signeda contract and have had it witnessed by the Underworld, she likely wouldn’t cause you any harm. However, before you fullyunderstand her, try not to get her to do anything apart from sending letters.”

“... Alright.” Klein originally wanted to say that he had nothing he needed her for other than sending letters when he recalled hisbattle with Mr. A.

The room fell into a brief moment of silence before Klein pulled the conversation back on track.“Mr. Azik, when can we head for the Black Death?”

The longer the delay, the higher the chances of whatever he left on the Black Death to be cleaned up during the daily cleaningjobs.

“Now.” Azik stood up and put on his hat.

Klein was dressed properly, and just as he was trying to find an excuse to head to the washroom to divine if there would be anydanger taking action tonight, Azik grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into the spirit world.

Amidst the stacked colors and nearly formless figures, he heard Mr. Azik say, “Let’s begin.”

That direct? Don’t you need to confirm things? Perhaps a big shot has his own way of determining the level of danger... Kleinsilently mumbled and held up his cane and began divining the location of the items he left behind.

The cane flew automatically as it tumbled ahead.

Azik followed closely behind with Klein in tow as they smoothly passed through the spirit world.

Before long, the black hardwood cane paused with thick black and stacked shadows ahead of it.

Through this abstract scene, Klein could vaguely identify it as something resembling the Black Death.

At this moment, Azik’s body came to a pause as he solemnly said, “The spirits here tell me that there is danger.”

There is danger? Something that can make even Mr. Azik find it dangerous? Vice Admiral Ailment got help? A high-rankingmember of the Demoness Sect? Klein frowned suddenly.

He fully believed the judgment of the big shot, since Sequence 7 of the Death pathway was Spirit Medium. After advancing to therealm of demigod, being able to notice this was considered very normal.

Azik half-closed his eyes for two seconds before opening them.“But the problem isn’t serious. Let’s enter.”

Problem isn’t serious... That's probably the case when it’s directed at you... The corners of Klein’s mouth twitched as he decidedto change his looks.

This way, even if he was no match and had to flee pathetically, he didn’t have to be afraid of someone coming to knock on hisdoor!

In an instant, Klein possess a distinctive broad chin and cold blackish-green eyes. His hair turned brown and was tied into a bunat the back of his head like an ancient warrior.

He had disguised himself as the former owner of Creeping Hunger, Vice Admiral Hurricane Qilangos!Azik gave him a glance as the surroundings suddenly seemed to plummet as all sorts of bright colors flew by.In a blink of an eye, Klein found himself in Ailment Maiden Tracy’s captain’s cabin again.

This gallant and brilliant female pirate was wearing a different white shirt. On her left shoulder was a clear bandage while herblack hair was coiled up instead of cascading down amorously.

Faced with this sudden visitor, she didn’t show any panic but smiled.At this moment, a gentle female's voice from a difficult to identify location sounded.

“It's you?”

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