Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 514
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Chapter 514

If | had probed deeper, then there might be a high probability that | would’ve attracted the Rose Redemption or even a hiddenRed Angel... There were several times where | danced at the edge of a cliff... Luckily, | managed to restrain my impulse andcuriosity about the weird situation at Green Lemon Restaurant and the telegraph office... Klein retracted his gaze, finding theSun Brooch inadequate in keeping his back from oozing with a layer of cold sweat. Compared to the arrival of the True Creator,this unknown and undetonated situation was much more horrifying. At least, Klein couldn’t help but imagine what would’vehappened if he kicked the telegraph office’s door open, or if he went around to the back, flipped the window, and entered theroom. He constantly imagined all sorts of strange and terrifying scenes, which frightened himself quite a bit. At the same time, hedecided to produce Sun Holy Water for the passengers who had eaten at Bansy Harbor last night, in order to avoid anyremaining dormant dangers. “What's wrong?” Elland sensed Gehrman Sparrow's abnormality. “I just remembered something.”Klein used his Clown’s powers to keep his facial expression normal, but inside he was glad that he didn’t take the risk last nightand had now successfully left Bansy Harbor. As for the secrets of Rose Redemption and the King of Angels, he only had onethought in mind: Quickly report it! If he didn’t report it, was he allowing them to usher in 1351’s new year? If he chose to hide thetruth and wait until he had a sufficiently high Sequence or enough strength to explore and reap the corresponding benefits, thenKlein felt that he would feel very guilty and end up carrying a heavy burden if something happened during that time, causing thedanger to be triggered prematurely, or if the remnant heretics would cause the death of one innocent passenger after another.That would only push him closer to losing control. Of course, reporting the matter needed to be done in a correct and astutemanner. Klein wasn’t foolish enough to tell Elland directly or write an anonymous letter to the Church of Storms, which wouldthen lead to a lot of trouble. First, the authorities would definitely investigate Gehrman Sparrow’s background, and things couldbe easily exposed if thorough investigations were made. Secondly, this identity might be exposed to the Rose Redemption,which might attract a King of Angels’s pursuit. What Klein intended to do was to use The World to mention the anomaly in BansyHarbor when the Tarot Gathering was held in two days. He would then have The Fool to lightly allude to Rose Redemption and aKing of Angels. As a member of the Church of Storms, The Hanged Man would naturally know what to do next. This would be achance for him to perform a deed of merit! As for the blood of the direct descendants of the Medici family, Klein didn’t evenconsider it, because neither he nor Miss Sharron had the intention of rescuing the evil spirit in the underground relic. Noticingthat Gehrman Sparrow obviously didn’t want to mention his past, Elland chuckled, took out a small black wooden box, andtossed it over. Klein reached out and caught it, using his eyes to express his puzzlement. “The bladder of the murloc. It can beused to make items. It’s very useful at sea.” The Beyonder ingredient of a murloc... Worth more than 150 pounds... The captainsure is generous... Klein had almost forgotten how Gehrman Sparrow should react. Fortunately, he had a lot of experience inacting. He immediately sank his face and said, “I didn’t save you for a reward.” Elland laughed and said, “I’m not giving you thisin return for saving me. “Aren’t we friends now? Isn’t it normal to help a friend make up for his shortcomings when he doesn'thave such items?” What he said makes sense. There’s no way to refute him at all... Klein held onto the small black box andremained silent for a few seconds. Finally, he nodded. Elland covered his mouth as he yawned before taking off his boat-shapedhat. “I need to return to my room to catch up on my sleep. See you at noon.” Klein waved politely and led Danitz towards Room312. He saw that Donna and Denton were up early and waiting at the door. “Uncle Sparrow, what’s that in your hand?” Donnaasked curiously. Klein didn’t say anything and directly opened the lid of the small black box. The interior was lined with a layer ofblack velvet, and sitting in the middle was a round, gem-like, transparent object. It had a blue, aqueous luster that swirledoutwards. “That day, the murloc’s....” Denton thought for a moment. “Bladder!” At this moment, at Klein’s signal, Danitz openedthe door. Donna walked in briskly while stretching out her hand from behind her. She held a thick wad of cash that were a mix often-pound and five-pound notes. “My father, my mother, Uncle Cleves, and Uncle Timothy’s family asked me to pass this to you.A total of 150 pounds!” Donna smiled sweetly. “They said that this isn’t enough to express their gratitude; it’s just to replenish thesupplies you used, uh... Those things are expensive, right?” “Still alright.” Klein thought for a moment, then he accepted the 150-pound gratuity so that Urdi and other ordinary people wouldn't feel uneasy. Seeing Uncle Gehrman Sparrow put the cash and thesmall black wooden box into his pocket, Donna was relieved that she had finally completed the task her parents had handed her.She quickly got into character and found her true intention for visiting. She asked curiously and fearfully, “Uncle Sparrow, whatkind of monsters were those last night? Are ghost stories true? Were you born with the ability to jump out of the flames and letlight descend? Is this magic, or witchcraft?” Stop, stop, stop, you have too many questions... Klein, who couldn’t stand the heatany longer, took off the Sun Brooch and threw it on the desk in the living room. He casually replied at the same time. “They'recalled Beyonder powers; those that are obtained through certain rituals and potions. “A lot of ghost stories have archetypes, andlast night's monsters were created by an evil ritual. “Ask him about the rest.” Klein glanced sideways at Danitz. “How magical...”Denton and Donna sighed. Then Donna said, her eyes shining, “Uncle Sparrow, you're just like the ‘Superman’ described byEmperor Roselle! “Can we... can we also become people like you through rituals and potions?” Denton nodded heavily, echoinghis sister's words, and both of them felt a surge of strong anticipation. At that moment, Donna noticed Gehrman Sparrow's eyesturn melancholic. Soon after, she saw the mouth of this magical uncle open up, revealing a somewhat strange smile. Klein saidin a low voice, “This isn’t something to be envied or anticipated. “As long as you choose this path, you'll constantly beaccompanied by threats and madness. “You can beat them a hundred times, a thousand times, but as long as you lose once,you'll end up like that fallen bishop.” As he spoke, he leaned on his cane, took off his suit, and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.One of his arms was shriveled and wrinkled, as though he were a centenarian. The other was translucent and colorless, with adirect view of the blood vessels, muscles, and aponeurosis beneath the skin. At the same time, his face grew dense pale fleshgranules that made Donna and Denton fall backward in terror and slam into the door. With thin flesh granules growing on hisface, Klein maintained his smile. “See this? “This is madness.” No... Donna and Denton almost lost their minds, stumbledthrough the door, and ran out. After a few steps, they fell to the ground, unable to keep their balance. “How terrifying...” Dentonkept crying in a low voice. At that moment, they heard the door to Room 312 clang shut. Donna gradually calmed down, notdaring to think of Gehrman Sparrow’s appearance again. The way Uncle Sparrow looked—the flesh granules had occupiedevery inch of his face. The way his arms were shriveled and translucent wasn’t much better than the monsters of the nightbefore. For some reason, she recalled his eyes and the words, “this is madness.” Her vision suddenly blurred, and she couldn'tstop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. “Donna, Donna, what’s the matter with you?” Denton was so frightened by herreaction that he forgot his fear. Donna sobbed and said, “I don’t know... “I j-just feel very, very sad all of a sudden.” Inside Room312. Seeing that Klein had returned to normal, Danitz couldn’t help but click his tongue. “Actually, there’s no need to scare thechildren like this. They'll have nightmares. Just tell them that taking potions is dangerous.” Just as he finished his sentence, hesaw a hard wooden cane covered in blood and dirt flying over, accompanied by a sentence that wasn’t in the least bit emotional.“Wash it clean.” Danitz reached out to grab the cane as the smile on his face froze. ... Backlund, Empress Borough, Inside theHall family’s luxurious mansion. Audrey stood behind the white and gold railings on the second floor, watching the servants onthe first floor come and go, bustling with activity. According to the customs of the Loen Kingdom, the nobles with fiefs wouldleave Backlund one week after the New Year Ball, and they would return to their own fiefs, where they would enjoy a pleasant lifein the countryside or in a castle. In June, they would return to the capital, where they would socialize day after day. Of course, abanker with actual power and wealth like Earl Hall definitely needed to make trips between the two places to handle manymatters. However, “moving” wasn’t an easy task. Many things had to be tidied up beforehand, and some of the servants wouldbring them back to the manor or castle. Only after everything was ready would the masters begin their journey. After this TarotGathering ends, | should be sitting in a steam train back to East Chester County. | hope that vampire gentleman really can getthe fruit of the Tree of Elders and the blood of the Mirror Dragon so that | can become a Psychiatrist before | leave Backlund...Audrey allowed her thoughts to wander. Just then, Lady Caitlyn came over and asked with a smile, “Penny for your thoughts?Well... You're already an adult. When you get back to Backlund in June, you'll be able to find something to do. Do you have anyplans?” Audrey didn’t think further and directly replied, “Mother, | want to like to join the Church’s charity organizations.” | want toget to know this world... she added silently in her heart. “Good idea,” the countess agreed. After giving her some advice, shewalked down to the second floor and began to inspect the affairs of the family. Audrey withdrew her emotions and turned herhead to the side. With a faint smile, she said to the large golden retriever that was sitting to her side, “Susie, are you lookingforward to it? You can run as much as you want in the green pastures and in the lush woods.” She was making fun of Susiebecause she had only become a gift because she wasn’t a qualified foxhound. Susie instinctively wanted to stick her tongue out,but she stopped herself like a cultured lady. She answered without hiding her emotions, “Of course, | like to run, but | hate thosebarbaric fellows.” Are you referring to the foxhounds that Father and the others rear? Audrey pursed her lips to stop herself fromsmiling. She looked up at the wall clock and saw that it was almost time for the Tarot Gathering.novelbin

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