Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 1340
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Chapter 1340

“This small city called Utopia is intrinsically no different from the ones | had been to in the past. Be it the folk culture, the people,or architectural style, it follows very closely to the standard Loen styles.

“I've heard that the Southern Continent has many peculiar and unusual traditions. | hope that | can experience it myself one day.Of course, that’s after East and West Balam’s peace is restored.

“Speaking of which, the most special thing about this place is that the weather is always changing and there’s always a storm. Asa result, most people have umbrellas and raincoats that are smeared with Donningsman Tree Sap. The hotel attendant told methat for a person of a certain income level, which also has a need to work outdoors, they would have to save quite a sum ofmoney to purchase a raincoat. Otherwise, the sickness would only take more away.

“There are no meteorologists here. | have no idea why there are so many changes in the weather here. | can only guess that ithas something to do with it lining the sea and being close to places with hurricanes. Yes, there’s a deep water harbor a fewkilometers away from Utopia. However, they're lacking in manpower, and it isn’t very well-managed. It can only maintain itsoperations on a small scale.

“They don’t have local newspapers either. After all, it's just a small city with a few thousand people. The paperboys mainly sellthe Tussock Times, Desi Mirror, and Seawind News...

“The second reason | like this place is because many people in Utopia are optimistic and are very enthusiastic about life.“When | wrote this down, a band happened to pass by outside the hotel.

“It's not a professional band, but a group formed purely from amateur enthusiasts. Among them, there are civil servants, lawenforcement officers, solicitors, professional policemen, school teachers, candy factory workers, shop owners... Among them,those with the money are responsible for the larger musical instruments, such as cello, violins, and other difficult musicalinstruments. The lower- and middle-class citizens use relatively simple instruments like seven-string guitars and harmonicas.

“On some rest days, they will walk the streets and set off from the municipal square. They will circle the city before returning tothe Saint Arianna Cathedral near the square. They call this a ‘musical tour.”

“In the tour, not only do they not reject other citizens from joining, but they even encourage them to sing or dance along with theprocession. According to my observations, the participants are very happy and very satisfied as they freely express their love forlife. This gives me a feeling of being full of vigor.

“| have to admit that it's very infectious. I’ve tried to join the tour, and I’ve forgotten my troubles in the revelry of music, dancing,and singing. | only remember happiness...

“They aren’t on a tour today. Instead, they're showering their blessings to a newly-wed couple at the cathedral.

“Speaking of weddings, what | don’t understand the most is that it only has the Evernight Goddess’s cathedral. One ought toknow that in most of the kingdom, even in a small town, there would be at least two cathedrals, one belonging to the EvernightGoddess and the other, the Lord of Storms.

“Before today, | couldn’t imagine that an ordinary town in the kingdom would only believe in one deity.

“However, this doesn’t cause too much trouble for me. Before | turned eighteen, | could only believe in the Lord of Storms underthe influence of my family. However, after | graduated from grammar school, | came to truly understand that the Goddess is themost compassionate and benevolent deity.

“Back to the wedding, | participated in a wedding a couple of days ago. | discovered that Utopia has some special customs in thisarea.

“Out of all of them, what | admire the most is that when the priest pronounces them man and wife, the groom and bride will bowto each other. No one is superior in this relationship as they only sincerely express their gratitude to be able to spend the rest oftheir lives together.

“This might be an expression of equality between man and woman in the Goddess’s teachings...

“In addition, there will be some special game segments after the wedding. For example, let the groom and the bride publiclydescribe their love story.

“This may be a rather embarrassing matter for them, but to the guests, it’s rather interesting. Yes, | think so too, but | definitelywon't add similar segments to my wedding.

“At the wedding, | heard the best love story I’ve heard so far. If there's a chance, and if you my dear readers of this particularcolumn enjoy it, I'll consider retelling it. Of course, I’ll change the names and some details to prevent the couple from feelingtroubled...

“The most important reason why | like Utopia is its food. The food here is very delicious. The limited number of restaurants are allvery good, and the best is undoubtedly the attached restaurant to the Irises Hotel I’m staying at.

“Be it the most basic beef steak, fried pig chop, charcoal barbecued meat, spiced fried fish, or even more complicated, moredifficult stewed mutton with peas, thick cream soup, butter potatoes, and roasted potato skin, all of them have reached the levelof a master chef in the city. In addition, the chefs here are quite skilled in creating unique dishes and food. There are sweet-and-sour meat cubes, and grilled fish smeared with various condiments...

“In the staples that don’t seem to allow for experimentation, the chefs of Utopia haven't given up. I’ve eaten all kinds of toasts inthis city: yam, potatoes, butter, creamed, and ones with fruits... As long as | was willing to, | could make it so that | don’t eat thesame thing twice during the week.

“The best food of praise here is their desserts.“Cream pudding, fruit pudding, black forest cakes, carrot cakes, milk cakes, muffins, egg tarts...

“| feel hungry writing this. This is the reason why | still don’t wish to leave after staying here for a week. What I’m most worriedabout now is not my wallet but my weight. I’m glad that the hotel doesn’t have a weight scale, and at the same time, | blamethem for not including one.

“The red wine in Utopia is also rather outstanding. The only problem is that they lack the age to settle down. It seems like thevineyards around the city haven't realized this.

“Here, | need to seriously recommend a drink. Utopia’s Fizzling Ice Tea. It’s very special, and it has an even more amazingexperience besides the sweetness and bubbles...

“Every night, | would go for a stroll in the municipal square. That’s also the place where most Utopians like to go forentertainment. They have an extraordinary love for the pigeons.

“| met an artist at the municipal square. His name is Anderson. He’s handsome, and his artistic skills are superb. Unfortunately,he’s a mute...

“| also know another writer. His name is Alzu. It's a rather strange name. He said that he’s writing a long novel and asked me toappraise the beginning.

“| won't comment on his novel, but | was just curious about a few familiar names at the beginning of the novel.“It included Anderson, Wendy, oh yes, this is the boss of my favorite bakery...

“| raised this question, and Alzu told me very seriously that when a writer can’t think of names for characters, it’s very reasonablefor them to use someone they know as reference.

“| agree.

“Since this column is too narrow to contain my thoughts, I'll end it here.Love,


Monica put down her fountain pen and seriously read the manuscript twice. She changed certain words and any grammaticalerrors.

She was a writer. She wasn’t famous at first, so she could only rely on writing third-rate romance novels to maintain her life. Aftershe changed her faith to the Evernight Goddess, her father had almost cut off all ties with her.

However, ever since Miss Fors Wall, who had written “Stormwind Mountain Villa,” established a travel column, and had receivedquite a warm response after the war, Monica had also started to write about her travels in some Backlund newspapers. Thisperfectly matched her hobby, and her hobby gave her a unique vitality to help her become a famous travel columnist.

Charlotte was her pen name.

After her writing dried completely, Monica specially wrote another copy and stuffed it into an envelope before affixing it with astamp.

After confirming that the address was correct, the black-haired lady with a Desi Bay style carried her handbag and left the hotel,heading to the Utopia post office.

The post office was next to the telegraph office. Whenever Monica passed by the latter, she would always find it a waste.From her point of view, Utopia rarely needed to send telegrams. It was too extravagant to specially build a telegraph office.After sending the letter, Monica looked at the sky and walked towards the municipal square.

When she arrived at the entrance of Saint Arianna’s Cathedral, she met Biles.

He was a police officer. He had once questioned Monica at the Irises Hotel due to the homicide witness.Unfortunately, Monica didn’t know that man named Wendel.

After greeting each other with a nod, Monica entered the cathedral and found a seat. She listened quietly to the sermon of thepriest named Townsend.

This was a priest she found to be most clergyman-like ever since she changed her faith to the Evernight Goddess. His hair washalf-white, and he spoke slowly and mellowly. His voice was deep and low, always calming down people without them realizing it.novelbin

Monica closed her eyes and listened attentively to the sermon.

East Chester County, in a forest belonging to the Hall family.

Alfred, Hibbert, and Audrey led their respective foxhounds with their servants around the forest and chased after their prey.This was the first time the three of them had hunted together since they became adults.

In front of their sister, Alfred and Hibbert had a great time—at least on the surface.

And to Alfred, the biggest problem was how to control himself and not show that he was too extraordinary. Otherwise, if aDisciplinary Paladin were to join the hunt, no one else would have the chance.

He knew that his sister was a Beyonder, but he also knew that a Sequence 7 Beyonder of the Spectator pathway didn’t have anyactual combat ability.

As they chased their prey, they rushed out of the forest and saw a wheat field.

“Where are we?” Audrey, dressed in hunting gear, asked casually.

This was her first time hunting in this forest, and she didn’t know where it led to.

Hibbert wasn’t too familiar with the area as well. He turned his head and said to his attendant, “Ask someone.”

As they waited, the three siblings laughed as they discussed their trophies. As for the golden retriever, Susie, she glanced at thefoxhounds that wanted to get close to her and made them distance themselves.

After a while, Hibbert’s attendant returned and reported, “Sir, there’s a village called Hartlarkh nearby...”

Hartlarkh... That village with the dragon-worship customs? | came here from somewhere else? Audrey was taken aback whenshe heard that.

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