Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 1082
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Chapter 1082

160 Boklund Street, inside Dwayne Dantés’s mansion.

After “Teleporting” back, Klein didn’t delay at all. He immediately set up an altar and held a ritual to pray to Death.“You are the essence of death;

“You are the lord of the dead;

“You are the final home to all living beings.

“| pray for your help. | pray that you will know how to resolve the problem of the Red Angel evil spirit. ‘He’ has possessed thebody of a Gatekeeper and is cooperating with the Numinous Episcopate’s High Priest, Haiter. He has come to Backlund andbeen made an assistant to Patrick Bryan...”

With regard to this matter, there was really no choice but to seek help from the Evernight Goddess.

Ignoring the possibility of seeking out the ascetic leader, Arianna, in a cooperation effort, or whether he had the ability to getfinish off Sauron Einhorn Medici, even if he could, once the Red Angel evil spirit disappeared, the Numinous Episcopate’sArtificial Death faction’s High Priest would immediately understand that something major had happened here. “He” could thenconnect it to other abnormalities and determined that there was something wrong with Artificial Death’s condition. Then, using“His” own level and status, possible Sealed Artifacts, and “His” familiarity with the pathway, “He” might be able to create mutuallyharmful acts of destruction.

And if he ignored the Red Angel, this evil spirit who was a Conspirer wouldn't take long to detect something abnormal withPatrick Bryan. With “His” knowledge and intelligence, it wasn’t difficult to guess the nature of the problem.

No matter how | deal with it, it'll be a problem. As expected of an angel in the War domain. Even if “He” is a three-in-one SpiritBody, “He” can still create unresolvable problems for others. This must've actually been an idea that “He” gave Haiter...

Actually, | do have an extreme idea; that is to let the Red Angel evil spirit be killed by other Churches, official organizations, orsecret organizations for another whole different matter. In short, anything related to the Goddess cannot come center stage.Things must be made very clear...

The difficulty with this approach is how to let an extremely experienced, high-ranking member of the conspiring domain fall into atrap... If | don’t handle it well, it might backfire on me... After the prayer ended, Klein casually let his thoughts wander as hewaited patiently for the Evernight Goddess to give him a response.

After more than ten seconds, the herbal dregs that pleased the deity were swept up by an invisible wind. They flew out andlanded on the table, forming words:

“His’ coming spells the raising of arms.”

What does that mean? Looking at the sentence that gave him a sense of déja vu, he frowned slightly.

As a Seer, he habitually interpreted it:

Due to the king’s problem, Loen has fallen into the shadows of war. Hence, the Red Angel that symbolizes war came.This means that it might no longer be possible to stop the war.

Upon reaching Sequence 1, one would become a symbol of certain phenomena.

As these thoughts flashed through Klein’s mind, the invisible wind came to a stop. The altar which was completely isolated by thewall of spirituality turned extremely silent.

There are no other revelations? After waiting for a while, Klein confirmed that this was all, so he ended the ritual and cleared thealtar.

He then walked to the sofa in the room and sat down to see if anything else would happen.

After a full fifteen minutes, he didn’t usher in the arrival of the matron of the Evernight cloister, the leader of the thirteenarchbishops, angel of Concealment, Arianna.

| don’t have to deal with the Red Angel evil spirit, and | should just leave “Him” be? Or, there’s another solution, but myinvolvement isn’t needed? In essence, he wasn’t a devout believer of Evernight. Since the Goddess said that he didn’t need tobother about it, he naturally couldn’t be bothered to do so. After all, this matter was not only extremely troublesome for him, but itwas also extremely dangerous.

Shaking his head, Klein took out a pen and paper from his pocket and began a dream divination.

What had happened tonight made him feel that he couldn’t waste any time. He had to digest the Bizarro Sorcerer potion as soonas possible.

Above the Fog Sea, inside a steam-powered merchant ship that was extremely close to a pirate ship.

One by one, the men and older women were tied up and pushed to the edge of the deck. Then, the pirates either used theirhands or legs to throw them into the sea.

The splashing sounds didn’t affect the pirates at all, guffawing over this bloodless massacre.

After clearing the captives, they carried their guns and lanterns to the shipboard, preparing to enjoy the pitiful bugs’ struggling.However, under the light, the dark blue sea beside the boat quietly undulated. No one was there.

“They sank so quickly,” a pirate blurted out in surprise.

The leader of this pirate crew frowned. After looking at it for a while, he said, “Perhaps some sea monsters passed by andtreated those who dared resist us as food bestowed by the gods.

“Perfect timing. If we feed it, it won’t attack us...”Upon saying this, the leader waved his hand.“Everyone, enjoy yourselves!”

As a fairly experienced pirate, he knew that there were many strange things at sea. It was best not to seek out the reason and tryto figure out the truth. Since it didn’t harm him or his crew, he would thank the Lord of Storms for his blessings, doing so asthough nothing had happened.

After making sure that there were people on duty, the pirates began gulping down copious amounts of alcohol, ate huge chunksof meat, and sang loudly, and fought for the rights to the young female captives.

In the noisy and lively atmosphere, the pirate leader led a beautiful passenger that he had long taken a liking to into the captain’sroom. He eagerly began the final process for that night of revelry.

In the middle of the night, the tired pirate leader stretched out his right hand and touched something cold.

He jolted awake. Through the crimson moonlight shining through the window, he saw a piece of coarse wood in his arms.Aseries of branches with green leaves grew out from the wooden block, hugging him like a human's limbs.


The pirate leader’s pupils rapidly dilated. As he pushed away the wood, jumped off the bed, and stumbled back.

Was | with such a thing previously? His mind was filled with terror. He couldn't care less about his clothes, picking up a flintlockand cutlass before leaving the room immediately.

Outside, there was a pirate on duty.“How can | be happy to steal your ear...” When the pirate saw his leader open the door, he quickly asked.

The pirate leader had originally wanted to chide the other party for secretly drinking, resulting in his incoherence. However, whenhe looked up, he saw that his subordinate’s mouth and his surroundings were filled with golden grains. Even the surface of histongue was covered in dense clusters.

The pirate leader’s scalp tightened as he felt a numbing chill run down his spine.

At this moment, the door across the corridor opened as well. A pirate shouted with a sobbing tone, “Oh no! Boss, I-I have a lot ofmushrooms growing there!”

As he spoke, the pirate ran out.At the same time, he felt his eyes itch. He raised his hand and rubbed his right eye.

As he rubbed his eyes, a green vine slowly grew out from the gaps between his eye socket and his eyeball. There was a darkred grape at the end of it.

The flesh around the grape was a blur.

The pirate leader’s body froze when he saw this. He asked in a voice that didn’t belong to him, “What... did you guysencounter...”

While rubbing his eye, the pirates who didn’t notice the problem said without any recollection, “A pole-like shadow struck me!”“W... Ye You...” The pirate whose tongue was covered in golden wheat echoed.

He was blocked by his leader and didn’t see his fellow crew member's terrifying appearance.

The pirate leader’s legs began to shake uncontrollably. He instinctively turned around and ran out of the cabin.

At this moment, he saw a long wall that looked like a shadow from a pole rapidly sweep towards him before lashing out at him.The shadow flashed and soon disappeared. It was as though it was a surreal nightmare.

The pirate leader was just a beat slower before he subconsciously raised his hand to block. This was obviously not effective.Then, he looked at himself in panic and didn’t find anything unusual.

“Thankfully, thankfully...” The pirate leader couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

Before he could finish, he suddenly heard a slightly muffled voice:

“Thankfully, thankfully...”

This voice seemed to come from his body!

The pirate leader’s pupils dilated to the extreme as he involuntarily lifted up his clothes.He then saw three cracks appear between his chest-one big, two small.

Two rows of white teeth were neatly arranged in the large crack, and in the middle of the small crack were two lively and nimbleeyeballs embedded in them.

It was a mouth and two eyes!

The pirate leader had a mouth and two eyes on his chest!


Ascream rang out from the boat, filled with indescribable terror.

In the next fifteen minutes, some of the pirates went mad and killed their companions. Some successfully escaped back to theirown ship, only to discover that the people on it had also turned mutated. Hence, they jumped into the sea in despair.

By the time everything calmed down, there were only about ten normal pirates slumped on the deck and hiding in their rooms.There was a stench around them.

After a while, passengers came out of the cabin one after another.They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief. They either thanked the gods or stood there in a daze.It was early in the morning. Klein got out of bed and began to wash up.

Just as he was changing his clothes with the help of his valet, Enuni, he saw Butler Walter, who had just returned from a leave ofabsence, walk to the door and say, “Sir, Bishop Elektra is here to pay a visit.”

“... Let him wait for me in the activity room where he can enjoy a cigar.” Klein hesitated for a moment before saying.He suspected that this was a late response from the Goddess.

Walter immediately turned around and went downstairs to make the arrangements. Before long, he returned and said, “Sir,Bishop Elektra has already bade farewell and left. He wanted me to tell you that you must go to Saint Samuel Cathedral in themorning. He said that the Church and the government are going to hold an air-raid drill together.”

“Air-raid drill?” Klein frowned.

At that moment, his spiritual perception was triggered. He turned around and looked out the window.In the air, there were rows of dark brown-colored airships approaching.

These airships had slanted patterns of red, white, and yellow emblems. This was the flag of Feysac!Upon seeing this scene, Klein suddenly understood what he had overlooked.

War might not be initiated by the Loen Kingdom!

An ancient and hidden organization definitely had very high-ranking members in other countries. Otherwise, it wouldn’t havebeen able to affect the world’s situation!novelbin

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