Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1013 Ron Jefferson’S Anger
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Chapter 1013 Ron Jefferson'S Anger

Chapter 1013 Ron Jefferson's Anger

It had to be said that Night's strength was indeed formidable. If it wasn't for myself, Chester Group

would have surely suffered a bloodbath today!

As for betrayal? Chris wasn't worried at all. If Night dared to betray him, he could kill him anytime.

Chris also believed that Night was a smart man. After witnessing his great power, even if Night wanted

to betray him, he would think twice about it carefully.

Although Night was cruel and murderous by nature, he would be a sharp dagger in Chris's hands if

used properly. After subduing Night, he would definitely be a great help to Chris!

"Husband, how did it go?"

Back in the office, Esther asked anxiously, "What happened? Is everything alright?"

Chris smiled and said, "It's fine, the trouble has been taken care of."

Seeing Chris safe and sound, Esther heaved a sigh of relief. Ever since Chris went downstairs, Esther

had been worried sick, afraid something might happen to Chris. Fortunately he came back unharmed.

Esther couldn't help asking curiously, "By the way, what about Night? Didn't he come to kill you? How


She didn't finish her sentence. According to what Leif Tate said, Night was a ruthless killer. How could

he let Chris off easily?

"Heh heh!"

Chris chuckled and said, "Night, come out!"

Whoosh! A shadow abruptly appeared in front of Esther. Night knelt on one knee, his expression

respectful as he said, "Mistress!"

Seeing Night suddenly materializing, Esther was badly startled. She stared at Night and asked

incredulously, "Dear, this is..."

Chris explained with a smile, "Wife, Night has now surrendered to me. From now on, he is my


He glanced at Night and said coldly, "Starting today, you will stay by Esther's side to protect her. No

mistakes allowed, understand?"

"Yes!" Night replied before disappearing from sight again, as if he was never there.

Esther was completely dumbfounded. If not for Chris standing in front of her, she would have thought

she was seeing a ghost.

She looked at Chris and asked curiously, "Where did he go?"

Chris smiled and said, "Don't worry, he's by your side. From now on, Night will protect your safety at all


Hearing this, Esther quickly glanced around but didn't see anyone. She took a deep breath. Although

she couldn't see him, she had absolute faith in Chris's words - Night was right beside her.

Terrifying! It was truly terrifying! How could there be such a frightening person? If not for Chris, she

wouldn't even know how she died if Night came to kill her. No wonder Leif Tate trembled in fear upon

hearing that the overseas Jefferson family had sent Night to assassinate her. It's no wonder Night could

be called the Night Killer. Such a horrifying person was truly chilling.

Actually, Chris subdued Night in order to protect Esther. After all, Chris couldn't stay by Esther's side at

all times.

And Ron and the others were military leaders, they couldn't protect Esther either. As for the dragon

guards, although they could, their abilities were limited. If faced with a stronger opponent, they would

be powerless.

The previous incident where Tim Jefferson nearly assaulted Esther had given Chris a huge lesson. If

there wasn't a strong guard protecting Esther, Chris would never feel at ease.

It just so happened Night was the perfect candidate. With Night protecting Esther, unless it was

someone above the Transcendence level, no one could harm her. This finally put Chris's mind at rest


Of course Esther understood Chris's painstaking intentions. She looked at him gratefully and said,

"Dear, thank you! You've worn yourself out for me!"

Chris held Esther in his arms and said gently, "Silly girl, you're my wife. Protecting you is only natural.

Don't worry, from today onwards, no one can hurt you anymore."

"Mm!" Esther nodded without a word. Nestled in Chris's embrace, she felt it was the safest, warmest

place in the world.

At this moment, she was starting to believe it a little. Her husband might really be the God of War of


Even if he wasn't, her husband was still an outstanding hero comparable to the God of War! Otherwise,

how could someone as powerful as Night submit to him?


Overseas, on Star Island.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Useless! All useless!"

"Night actually dared to betray me, I must kill him!"

"This is maddening! Absolutely maddening!"

In the grand hall of Jefferson family, Ron Jefferson's face was contorted with rage. He smashed

everything he could grab, while the servants of Jefferson family cowered in fear, not daring to step

forward to bother him.

They were afraid of provoking Ron Jefferson and getting killed on the spot!novelbin

Previously, a servant had offended Ron Jefferson unintentionally. He was immediately punched to

death by Ron Jefferson.

This caused everyone in the Jefferson family to not even dare breathe loudly.

Ron Jefferson's expression was ferocious. He had just received news that not only did Night fail to kill

Chris, but he had also betrayed Ron and submitted to Chris!

Upon hearing this news, Ron Jefferson was extremely furious. Night was a Transcendence level expert

of the Jefferson family, the sharpest dagger in his hands. Over the years, Ron didn't know how many

enemies he had killed relying on Night.

It could be said that Night had made huge contributions towards the Jefferson family's current success.

But Ron Jefferson never expected that one day, Night would betray him. This was an enormous loss for

the Jefferson family!

At this moment, Ron Jefferson finally understood the meaning of "not only did the plan fail, but extra

losses were suffered on top of that".

"Chris, you killed my son! Took away my best man! I will kill you!"

Boom! A bolt of lightning suddenly tore through the sky.

Ron Jefferson clenched his fists tightly, the bone joints cracking.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He threw a series of punches, making the air explode.

"Chris, one day, I will tear you into ten thousand pieces!"

"Not bad, not bad!"

"Ron Jefferson, oh Ron Jefferson, I didn't expect that while in hiding on Star Island all these years, you

were able to comprehend the remnants of the Jefferson family's Dragon Emblem manual."

"Not only that, you made the overseas Jefferson family prosper, and now even control the entire King's


"It seems the Sect Master made the right decision back then to arrange for you to be on Star Island!"

Suddenly, a voice rang out!

Hearing this, Ron Jefferson whipped around abruptly.

A figure slowly walked out from the darkness. His face was masked with an eerie smiling-weeping


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