Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1008 Night Killer
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Chapter 1008 Night Killer

Chapter 1008 Night Killer

In a mansion that occupied over two thousand square meters on Star Island, the lights were blazing


"Master, the young master is dead!" One of the Jefferson family servants returned to the Jefferson

family with Tim Jefferson's corpse, crying sorrowfully.

Ron Jefferson, the current head of the overseas Jefferson family, was already over fifty years old. He

was a top figure in Star Island. Not only was he the head of the Jefferson family, he was also a great

elder of the King's League. If he stomped his feet, the whole Star Island would shake.

Ron Jefferson looked at Tim Jefferson's corpse with an expressionless face. No one knew what he was

thinking, they could only sense Ron Jefferson's anger from the occasional fluctuations in his eyes. He

did not expect that his son would be killed! This was a huge insult to him and the entire Jefferson


"My son!" Suddenly, Ron Jefferson murmured in grief. A blaze of anger burned ceaselessly in his chest.

Whoosh! He violently grabbed the servant and said, "Tell me, who killed my son? I want to slice themnovelbin

into a thousand pieces, crush them into dust! If I don't kill them, the hatred in my heart will be hard to


His son, the young master of the esteemed Jefferson family, had been killed! If he did not avenge this,

how could he show his face to others? If he did not avenge this, how could the Jefferson family

maintain its prestige on Star Island?

The servant trembled and said, "Master, it was Chris from the Amerosia Chester Group and the East

Coast Jefferson family!"

Bang! Ron Jefferson threw the servant forcefully to the ground.

"A mere son-in-law of the East Coast Jefferson family dares to kill my son? This is preposterous!"

"If I don't exterminate this wicked man, my overseas Jefferson family will lose all face!" Ron Jefferson

roared, his entire body radiating killing intent. At this moment, his hatred seemed to reach the heavens!

He wished he could personally charge into the East Coast and completely annihilate the Jefferson

family there!

Ron Jefferson turned his head and coldly stared at several people. "My son Tim Jefferson was killed!

My Jefferson family's Isa Group industry in Amerosia went bankrupt! Don't you need to give me an


These people were all high-level executives of the overseas Jefferson family's Isa Group in

Kidderminster. After Tim Jefferson's death and the collapse of the Isa Group, they had brought Tim

Jefferson's corpse back to the Jefferson family.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Facing Ron Jefferson's murderous gaze, the people knelt down.

"Master, spare our lives!"

"Master, it really has nothing to do with us... Chris is too powerful..."

"And Leif Tate, if Leif Tate hadn't betrayed the Jefferson family, the Isa Group wouldn't have collapsed

so quickly either!"


The people's faces instantly paled. Kneeling on the ground, they kept explaining.

The Isa Group was the Jefferson family's most important asset in Amerosia. It brought the Jefferson

family billions in profits every year. But now... the Isa Group had collapsed! And his son was dead too!

This was a huge loss for the Jefferson family!

Ron Jefferson glanced at them and said coldly, "Don't give me excuses. I just want to know, can you

get the Isa Group back for me? Can you avenge my son?"

At this moment, Ron Jefferson's eyes were extremely cold. Just one look was enough to make people

feel as if they had fallen into an ice cavern, with even their souls frozen.

The people knelt on the ground, faces filled with fear. After a long time, someone said, "Master, I'm

afraid we can't get the Isa Group back through normal means, nor can we kill Chris!"

Right now, Chester Group had complete control over Kidderminster. It was just wishful thinking for the

Jefferson family to try and take back the Isa Group. As for Chris, he was very powerful. Tim Jefferson

had brought a hundred grandmaster experts with him, yet they were no match for Chris. With just their

meager abilities, they didn't even qualify to be a toothpick for Chris.

Ron Jefferson narrowed his eyes and sneered coldly, "Since normal means don't work, then we'll use

abnormal means!"

Upon hearing this, the people shuddered. They could clearly feel an icy killing intent enveloping them.

Suddenly, without any warning, a figure appeared behind Ron Jefferson. No one knew when he had

arrived, he had emerged abruptly like a ghost.

Ron Jefferson said indifferently, "Night, I'm giving you three tasks!"

"First, kill the traitor Leif Tate. Anyone who betrays the Jefferson family shall not meet a good end!"

"Second, get the Isa Group back for me. That is my Jefferson family's asset, no one can snatch it


"Third, kill Chris for me and annihilate the entire East Coast Jefferson family. I want everyone to know

the consequences of offending my overseas Jefferson family!"

As his voice fell, a powerful killing intent erupted from Ron Jefferson.

The people kneeling on the ground immediately started breathing rapidly. But they held their breaths,

not daring to make any sound. Their bodies shook uncontrollably.

They had not expected that Ron Jefferson would actually send this killer back!

With the Jefferson family's power on Star Island, they had countless cultivators at their disposal. Ron

Jefferson could easily deal with the East Coast Jefferson family by sending a few cultivators. But he

had sent this person instead...

Night! A man who lived eternally in the darkness!

The Jefferson family was able to establish itself on Star Island, Night had played an indispensable role!

Because all of the Jefferson family's enemies had been assassinated by Night! No one could survive

once Night made his move!

On Star Island, Night's name was enough to turn faces pale with fear. Just hearing his name was

enough. Even wailing children would immediately fall silent.

Because he was the absolute ruler of the night! He was the dark god of slaughter!

By sending Night to Amerosia, Ron Jefferson was clearly intending to kill Chris and annihilate the entire

East Coast Jefferson family!

Chris had dared to kill Ron Jefferson's son. No matter what, Ron Jefferson would not let Chris off.

As for the East Coast Jefferson family, there was no need for their existence anymore!

Night did not say a word. His entire person suddenly disappeared from the spot, leaving only darkness

behind. It was as if he had never appeared at all!

After Night left, Ron Jefferson narrowed his eyes, a hideous expression on his face.

"The East Coast Jefferson family? They were nothing but an insignificant branch of the Middleton

Jefferson family back then!"

"And now they dare provoke my overseas Jefferson family? Even if we are of the same clan and

ancestry, so what?"

"Since this is the case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After saying this, Ron Jefferson's eyes were full of viciousness.

Back then, the overseas Jefferson family had left Amerosia only because of circumstances.

The East Coast Jefferson family was nothing! Frankly, they didn't even qualify to be a side branch of

the Jefferson family. They were just a side branch's side branch's side branch...

A mere ant-like family, yet they dared to kill his son? Did they really think they could overturn the


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