Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1003 : No More Changes
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Chapter 1003 : No More Changes

Chapter 1003 : No More Changes

Tim Jefferson was furious. His face was twisted in anger, unable to speak!

This Leif Tate was too bold! How dare he speak to him like this! He should know that in the past, Leif

Tate was obsequious in front of him, like an obedient dog. But now that Leif Tate has joined Chris, he's

become emboldened, arrogantly lording over him!

"Enough, I'm not going to waste words with you!" said Tim angrily. "I've already delivered my message.

Your Isa Group can just wait to go bankrupt!"

With that, Leif Tate stood up and turned to leave directly.

"Leif Tate, stand right there!" Seeing Leif about to leave, Tim roared furiously. His tone was icy cold.

"Leif Tate, don't blame me for not warning you. If you walk out that door today, be prepared to die on

the streets tomorrow!"

No one had ever dared to insult him like this before. He must kill this Leif Tate. Otherwise, how could

anyone continue to respect him, Tim Jefferson, proud son of the Jefferson family?

Leif turned back with a smile. "Tim Jefferson, are you threatening me?" he said. "Let me remind you

again - I work for Mr. Shelby now. You'd better be more polite when you speak to me, or Mr. Shelby will

be very unhappy if he finds out!"

With that, Leif pulled open the office door and strode out.

Tim's face was crimson with rage, his body trembling as he watched Leif's departing back.

"You bastard!"

With a loud crash, Tim lost control and furiously hurled the teacup from his desk onto the floor.

At that moment, after leaving Tim's office, Leif arrived at the offices of Isa Group. Instantly, everyone

crowded around him.

"Mr. Tate, we heard you're leaving Isa Group, is it true?"

"Mr. Tate, is it true you publicly resigned in court?"

"Mr. Tate, is it true you've joined Chester Group now?"


Everyone looked at him curiously. After all, what happened in court had already spread. Many had

heard Leif betrayed Isa Group, even publicly resigning in court. But no one knew if it was true. Seeing

Leif now, everyone was eager to get to the bottom of it.

"Quiet everyone!" said Leif with a smile, motioning with his hand. Instantly everyone became silent.

Leif looked around with a smile. "It's true, I have resigned from Isa Group and joined Chester Group as

manager of their overseas markets department. If anyone wants to join me, you're welcome to come

over. I'll double the salary for everyone who joins Chester Group. Most importantly, at Chester Group

you won't have to worry about looking at anyone's face when you work!"

"What? It's actually true!"

"I can't believe Mr. Tate really resigned!"

"Unbelievable, just unbelievable!"

Hearing Leif's words, everyone erupted in commotion. After all, Leif had been a senior executive at Isa

Group for years and enjoyed great prestige there. Now hearing suddenly that he had resigned and

even joined their rival Chester Group, many found it hard to believe at first.

Leif just smiled. "There's nothing extraordinary about my resignation. As the saying goes, people walk

towards higher ground, water flows to lower ground."

"I'm now a manager at Chester Group. If anyone wants to join me, you're welcome to come over. I'll

double the salary for everyone who joins Chester Group. Most importantly, at Chester Group you won't

have to worry about looking at anyone's face when you work!"

"Mr. Tate, I want to work at Chester Group!"

"Mr. Tate, me too, I want to join Chester Group!"

"Mr. Tate, we all want to join Chester Group!"


In an instant, everyone was shouting eagerly.

Double salary? And not having to worry about anyone's moods? Who would turn down such an

attractive job offer?

Seeing everyone's eager expressions, a hint of smugness appeared on Leif's face.

In fact, he had come to Isa Group with Chris' permission. His purpose wasn't just to threaten Tim

Jefferson. More importantly, it was to drain Isa Group dry. After he poached all their talent, let's see

how Tim could manage!

It looked like... he had already achieved his goal!

Most importantly, Tim had been running roughshod over everyone at Isa Group recently, incurring

universal loathing. Everyone was already fed up with Tim. They didn't dare clash openly with him

before because they needed to support their families.

But it was different now. They had a better option. Even if they broke ties with Tim, they could still join

Chester Group. Tim had brought this all on himself!

Bang! The office door burst open.

Tim stormed out, his face dark. Instantly, he was stunned.

Because the entire office area was empty, not a single person left!

"Where the f*ck did everyone go?" Tim yelled furiously. "Don't they know it's still working hours?"

Tim was about to explode with rage.

First that bastard Leif came to arrogantly lord over him. Now the entire office was empty!

Did they really think he was dead?

Just then, his secretary cautiously approached. "Young master!"

"I'm asking you, where did everyone go?" shouted Tim angrily.

"Walking off the job during work hours... Do you believe I'll fire every last one of them?"

"Young master, you don't need to fire them..." the secretary said tremblingly.

"What do you mean?" Tim frowned, suddenly having a bad premonition.novelbin

The secretary handed Tim a stack of resignation letters. "Young master, these are their resignation

letters... they've all followed Mr. Tate to Chester Group..."

"That son of a b*tch Leif Tate, I'm going to kill you!" Tim was berserk upon seeing the resignation


He didn't expect Leif to be so ruthless! Not only betraying him, but gutting his entire company! What

was he trying to do, bankrupt Isa Group entirely?

With everyone gone, he was left an empty-handed commander!

No, wait, there was still one person left...

Thinking of this, Tim turned and patted his secretary's shoulder gratefully. "At least I still have you! You

didn't abandon me in my time of need. Don't worry, I will treat you well from now on."

"Hmph, as for those ungrateful bastards, I won't let a single one of them off easy. I'll make sure they

taste the consequences of betraying me!"

With that, Tim emanated a murderous aura. He would make sure every single person who betrayed

him paid the price, whether it was Leif Tate or the others.

"Young master, about that... I..."

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