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Chapter 944

Chapter 944

Marie trembled with anger. She said furiously, "Back then when I married Todd, father agreed to it. Whynovelbin

didn't you object back then? And now you come tell me this?"


"Stop your nonsense!"

Will Jenkins didn't know how to retort, he could only sputter angrily!

Back then, what right did he have to object?

His father, the previous Jenkins family patriarch, had the final say. Would he have dared to object?

Marie continued with cold laughter, "Big brother, do you know why father agreed to let me marry a

married man back then?"

"You still have the face to say that? You have really thrown our Jenkins family's reputation down the


Will Jenkins' face was livid with anger.

Marie sneered, "Since you also know I've ruined the Jenkins family's reputation, why did father agree to

this marriage back then?"

Will Jenkins froze for a moment.

The decision maker back then was his father.

His father in his memories was a wise and brilliant former patriarch.

How would he know what his father was thinking back then?

It was precisely because this went against his impression of his father that he got so angrily

bewildered, and was so uncomprehending!

"Let me tell you! When you were young, you had a serious illness. It was Todd's father who saved you.

Our Jenkins family owed the Shelby family. Father agreed to marry me to Todd in order to repay the

Shelby family's favor!"

"If not for the Shelby family, on what basis can you stand here arrogantly right now?"

"If not for the Shelby family, do you think you could still be the superior patriarch of the Jenkins family



Will Jenkins was stunned speechless.

So it turns out his sister married into the Shelby family because of him, to repay the Jenkins family's

debt of gratitude to the Shelby family?

So back then, the reason the Jenkins family helped the Shelby family was also to repay the Shelby

family for saving his life?


At this moment, the operating room doors opened.

Ian Jenkins was pushed out, his face deathly pale.

But it looked like he shouldn't have any major issues.

Ian Jenkins weakly opened his eyes. His first sentence was: "Dad, where's uncle? I want to thank him

for saving my life!"


Will Jenkins stuttered hesitantly.

He didn't dare say that he had angered Todd Shelby away.

Especially after knowing these truths.

He was even less able to say those words!

Both father and son had received the Shelby family's lifesaving grace.

Yet Will Jenkins had always repaid the Shelby family's kindness with enmity.

Thinking of this, Will Jenkins couldn't help blushing slightly.

But he could only snort lightly, "Nothing to thank for! Todd Shelby is your uncle, isn't it only natural for

him to save you?"

Hearing this, Ian Jenkins was stunned.

What did Father say?

All this while, Will Jenkins had never acknowledged his brother-in-law Todd Shelby!

He had never acknowledged Todd Shelby as the Jenkins family's son-in-law!

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