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Chapter 827

Chapter 827novelbin

Upon discovering the counterfeit goods, Chris Shelby immediately asked Jake Johnson to launch an

investigation. The results were quickly revealed. Counterfeit goods were found within the sales

channels of over a dozen northern distributors of the Chester Group!

Without any hesitation, Chris Shelby immediately had all these people apprehended by Tiger.

"Enough! I don't want to waste my time with you!" He barked at them, "Admit it yourselves. Who gave

you these counterfeits? I suggest you confess now, don't force me to take action. You'll regret it!"

To solve this counterfeit crisis, the first step was to find the source of the counterfeits. And to do that,

they had to start with these distributors.

Hearing Chris Shelby's words, the dozen or so people looked at each other, none uttering a word. If

they confessed now, wouldn't that mean acknowledging their actions of selling counterfeit goods?

Once they admitted to selling counterfeits, the Chester Group would undoubtedly revoke their

distributorship. Now, the Chester Group's products were the best-selling ones in the northern market,

bringing in a fortune each day. How could they let that go?

Seeing this, Chris Shelby sneered, "Not talking, huh? Well, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Turning to Tiger, he said, "Tiger, the rest is up to you!"

If Chris Shelby dared to arrest them, he must have enough evidence. Did they really think he had no

way of getting information out of them? Ridiculous!

Tiger snarled, "Master, don't you worry. I'll make sure they spill it out."

Hearing this, Chris Shelby closed his eyes and said nothing further. With Tiger taking action, even the

toughest mouths could be pried open.

Tiger approached them, sneering, "This is your last chance. Who gave you these counterfeits?"

The distributors looked at each other but remained silent. As the saying goes, the law does not punish

the multitude. They didn't believe that Tiger would really be ruthless to all of them.

"Not talking, huh? Great!" Tiger waved his hand. "Bring them in and let them taste my methods!"

As his command fell, a group of royal guards rushed in, each leading a fearsome and massive attack

dog. The dogs' eyes glowed green, tongues hanging out, drooling. Their sharp fangs were exposed,

looking ferocious!

The distributors' scalps tingled at the sight. "What are you trying to do?" "Don't mess around!" "You

can't do this, it's illegal! I'm going to call the police!"

Seeing the ferocious dogs, the distributors began to scream in fear. "Call the police?" Tiger laughed at

this. Did these losers really think they could call the police? It was laughable!

"A bunch of stubborn fools. Release the dogs!" At his command, the dogs immediately lunged at the


"Ah!" "Help!" "Somebody help!"

In an instant, shrill screams echoed throughout the abandoned factory. The distributors were running

around, trying to dodge the dogs. But how could two legs outpace four? Especially when these were

professionally trained military dogs.

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