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Chapter 757

Chapter 757

Candace Nance stretched lazily and said, "What else can we do? Our attempt to stop the Chester

Group failed, staying in Shandale no longer makes sense, we might as well go back to East Coast


As she spoke, she turned her head towards Mimi and said, "Mimi, we're counting on your help this


Since they couldn't stop the development of Chester Group's new product, they had no choice but to

confront it head-on. Candace Nance was very confident in her own product!

Even if Esther had the data, the final defeat would still be hers!

Candace Nance thought for a moment and reminded, "By the way! Mimi, I heard that Esther has

enlisted the help of the increasingly popular Lindsay Windson. You mustn't underestimate her!"

Mimi laughed nonchalantly, "Rest assured, leave everything to me!"

Although Lindsay Windson was quite popular lately, she still fell short compared to herself!

Mimi didn't take Lindsay Windson seriously at all. As soon as she appears, she believed, the fans

would naturally make their choice!

Subsequently, Candace Nance and others took a plane back to East Coast.

At the same time, after getting the data, Chris Shelby and Esther didn't stay in Shandale for long either.

They needed to rush back to East Coast as soon as possible and have their research team start

developing the new product. With data support, everything should go smoothly.

However, before leaving, Chris Shelby had one more thing to do.

"Aiden, I asked you and the Wizards to return to Shandale, you should know what I mean?"

Chris Shelby sat on the sofa, looking at Aiden indifferently.

Although Aiden was the Master of the Wizards, he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Chris


Aiden bowed his head and said carefully, "I understand! Mr. Shelby, rest assured! After the return of the

Wizards, we will work honestly, learn from the lessons of the Boas' downfall, and absolutely not


Chris Shelby nodded and said, "As long as you understand!"

"If I find out that the Wizards have done anything to bully the people... then the Wizards should never

come back!"

At the end of his sentence, a terrifying murderous aura emanated from Chris Shelby.

Aiden suddenly felt his legs trembling, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"If the Wizards dare to bully the people, then let thunder strike me, Aiden!"

In order to reassure Chris Shelby, Aiden swore with his hand raised!


Chris Shelby didn't waste any more words and got up to leave.

He believed that Aiden was a smart man.

He knew what he should do and what he shouldn't.

The next day, right after getting off the plane, Esther went straight to the Chester Group Research

Center and handed over the data to the research staff.

As for the market data from other regions of the world, that was a chip for Chester Group's future


Esther needed to study it carefully!

After leaving the research center, Esther hurried to the Chester Group headquarters without a break.

She called a high-level meeting to determine more detailed issues.

All of Chester Group's major moves were not deliberately hidden.

Naturally, they couldn't hide from those who were always watching Chester Group...

After Candace Nance returned to East Coast, she immediately announced: The Nance Group's new

product launch has begun!

And Chester Group did not show weakness.

They also announced that their new product launch would begin on the same day!

For a time, the entire East Coast, and even the entire business world of Amerosia, was watching

Chester Group and Nance Group.

Everyone knew it was a fierce competition!

If Chester Group won, they would be able to establish their status as the dominant business power in

the south!

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