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Chapter 742

Chapter 742

Mimi had never paid any attention to these rumors, which only served to darken her reputation. Now,

Mimi suddenly mentioning she was looking for a man? If these words were to get out, they would

immediately cause an earthquake in the entertainment industry! They'd quickly become the headlines

of all the major entertainment newspapers!

"What man?"

"A man who is very important to me!" Mimi took a deep breath and slowly said, "Candace, this secret

has been hidden in my heart for a long time..."

As it turned out, after Mimi made her debut, she didn't receive many resources. Many directors coveted

her beauty and wanted to exploit her. But Mimi held firm to her principles and rejected them all.

Because of this, she was sidelined by her company.

Feeling disheartened, Mimi wanted to end her life. But when she went to the riverbank to commit

suicide, she was saved by a young man. Mimi asked him why he saved her, and the young man said

that they were all just people lost in the world. He gave her a business card and told her to contact the

person on the card.

It was this business card that allowed her to become an international superstar at rocket speed! Over

the years, Mimi had been looking for this young man but to no avail. Until recently, she got a clue. The

young man who saved her years ago might be in East Coast!

After listening, Candace Nance sighed in amazement, "I didn't expect you to have such a past! Don't

worry, I will definitely help you find this young man!"

Upon hearing this, Mimi smiled. She turned her head to look out the window, her eyes gradually

becoming distant. Only she knew that she had kept her purity for so many years just to wait for a man!

A man she had only met once!!!

Meanwhile, at the Chester Group, in the President's office.

"Mimi!" Chris Shelby held a photo, his expression filled with surprise.

"Yes!" Esther nodded, "It's this Mimi. She is currently the number one actress in the entertainment

industry, with a terrifying appeal! This time, Candace Nance invited her to endorse her new product,novelbin

which is a huge challenge for our Chester Group!"

Saying this, a look of worry appeared on Esther's face. Mimi's popularity was indeed too high.

According to the information Esther had received, more than a hundred thousand fans went to the

airport to pick her up! Mimi's popularity was evident! If Mimi were to endorse Nance Group's new

product, it would undoubtedly have a significant impact on Chester Group's products. In other words,

the Chester Group was facing a do-or-die battle since its establishment!

However, Esther didn't notice that Chris Shelby was staring at Mimi's photo in a daze, his eyes filled

with a hint of reminiscence... It was three years ago.

Three years ago, Chris Shelby was already the War God of the North. Because of the urgent war

situation and the continuous battles, he had no time to think about anything else. His longing for Esther

was unbearable. Feeling melancholic, he took a walk along the riverbank alone.

Suddenly, he saw a young girl preparing to throw herself into the river. In a moment of urgency, Chris

Shelby saved the girl. Later, through conversation, Chris Shelby found out that the girl was an actress.

She had been sidelined by her company for refusing to break certain unspoken rules.

Chris Shelby was moved by the girl's persistence. At the same time, he was reminded of the pure and

kind-hearted Esther. For a moment, he felt a surge of compassion.

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