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Chapter 674

Chapter 674

As a Superior, one must have the art of ruling.

If merits went unrewarded, over time, cracks were bound to appear!

At this moment, everyone had arrived at the entrance of the village.

Outside the gate stood hundreds of villagers, densely packed.

"Mr. Shelby!"

"Mr. Shelby, we heard you're leaving, so we came to see you off!"

"Here's a little token of our appreciation, please accept it!"


All the villagers eagerly handed their gifts to Chris.

Chris sighed, "My fellow villagers, why are you doing this? Please take these things back!"

"Mr. Shelby, if it weren't for you, who knows what those villains would have done to our Jefferson family


"Yes! Mr. Shelby, please accept them!"

"If you don't accept them, we won't leave!"

Seeing Chris' refusal, Villagers surrounded him, refusing to leave!


For a moment, Chris didn't know what to say.

He felt somewhat shy.

He had commanded thousands of troops, Endured the cheers of countless soldiers, but he didn't know

how to refuse the overwhelming kindness of the people!

Peter Jefferson stepped forward, "Chris, just accept it. It's everyone's way of showing gratitude!"

"If you don't accept, they won't let you leave!"

Upon hearing this, Chris could only sigh softly, "Alright! Thank you, everyone!"

Tiger and the others stepped forward to accept the gifts from the villagers one by one.

Seeing the small mountain of local specialties, such as eggs, old hens, ducks, and the like, Chris was

at a loss for words.

He had only done a trivial thing, yet these simple villagers were so grateful.

Perhaps these things were nothing to city dwellers, But Chris knew, this was already the best that the

villagers could offer from their homes.

That was the common people!

The most lovable people that countless soldiers defended with their lives!

With such people, Chris felt that everything he did was worth it!

Peter Jefferson glanced at the villagers again, "Alright, everyone, let's disperse!"

Upon hearing Peter Jefferson's words, Although the villagers were reluctant, they dispersed.

After all, Peter Jefferson was the village chief of the Jefferson family village.

His authority in the Jefferson family village was unparalleled.

After the villagers dispersed, Peter Jefferson looked at Chris and sighed, "Ah! Chris, who knows when

you'll come back to the Jefferson family village after this departure? Perhaps by the time you return, I

will no longer be in this world!"

"Old man..."

"You don't need to say it!"

Seeing Chris about to speak, Peter Jefferson interrupted him, smiling, "I've lived to this age and have

long been indifferent to life and death! I don't have much to give you as you leave, so I'll give you this

annotated copy of the Meteor Fist!"

Saying that, Peter Jefferson took out a notebook from his pocket and handed it to Chris.

"This is my experience from practicing the Meteor Fist over the years, I hope it will be useful to you!"

Chris took the notebook, not knowing what to say.

He could only nod forcefully, "Old man, don't worry, I will carry on the legacy of the Meteor Fist!"

Upon hearing this, Peter Jefferson smiled.novelbin

Chris' words were enough for him!

"Alright, I won't say much more, I wish you a smooth journey!"

After saying that, Peter Jefferson turned and left, without any further instructions.

Watching Peter Jefferson's receding figure, Chris suddenly felt that Peter Jefferson's silhouette seemed

a bit hunched.

As if he had aged ten years overnight.

Seeing this, Tears welled up in Chris' eyes.

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