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Chapter 662

Chapter 662

In fact, Patrick Jefferson had a rebellious streak in him, and Guardian Michael knew it all along. What

Patrick Jefferson had said was true. Back then, when he saved him, it was only to use him. Similarly,

when Guardian Michael saved Shane Sample, it was also to use him. Now that Shane Sample had lost

his value, there was no reason for him to exist!

Even someone like Patrick Jefferson, who was like an ant in the grand scheme of things, was unwilling

to hand over the Dragon Emblem fragment. What more could be said about Shane Sample? The

incomparably valuable treasure should belong to the capable! Once he had mastered the ultimate

divine skill, he might even have a chance to sit on the throne of the Ghost Sect's leader!

"Guardian Michael, you're so cruel..." Shane Sample stared at Guardian Michael with gritted teeth.

"You have only your stupidity to blame!" With that, Guardian Michael violently pulled out his dagger.

Puchi! Instantly, blood spurted out. Shane Sample staggered backward, his hands desperately

covering the wound. Agony was written all over his face as uncontrollable tears streamed down. Did he

regret it? Of course, he did! He regretted believing in Guardian Michael's words-that as long as he

helped him obtain the Dragon Emblem fragment, he would somehow help him exact revenge.

Unfortunately, it was all a lie. Chris was right; he was a fool.

Suddenly, he thought of Patrick Jefferson. Before his death, Patrick Jefferson's eyes were filled with

sorrow as he looked at Shane Sample. In his view, they were both just cannon fodder, mere tools to be

used. Since they were cannon fodder, they should be prepared for death. Once their usefulness

expired, they would be abandoned.

What a pity! What a tragedy! And he had realized it all too late!

Bang! With a loud noise, Shane Sample's corpse fell to the ground. The once-dominant figure in the

gambling city had finally met his end. As Chris looked at the bodies of Shane Sample and Patrick

Jefferson, he couldn't help but shake his head. Both of them had been mere pawns of Guardian

Michael from the beginning. Even if they hadn't died today, they would still have met the same fatenovelbin

once they were no longer useful. Such was human nature! Such was their destiny!

"Sigh!" Chris shook his head. "To kill each other for a mere Dragon Emblem fragment, leaving corpses

everywhere... Is it really worth it?"

"Tsk!" Guardian Michael rolled his eyes. "Chris, don't try to sow discord. That trick won't work on me!

People in the Ghost Sect have always used each other. At the end of the day, we all came together for

our own interests."

"If one day I become useless, I will meet the same fate." Having been in the Ghost Sect for so many

years, Guardian Michael had long seen through it all. The people within the sect fought for power, killed

each other, and made their own rules. If one wanted to avoid being killed or used as a pawn, there was

only one solution-become stronger!

"With this Dragon Emblem fragment, I can become stronger. Once I've become stronger, I can be the

one in control! And the first person I will kill is you!" Guardian Michael said, glaring at Chris with hatred

in his eyes.

There was no deep-rooted enmity between the two, but Chris's constant humiliation had severely

damaged Guardian Michael's spirit. This humiliation was even more unbearable than death itself. He

had to avenge this insult, as it aligned with his vengeful nature.

"Really?" Chris looked at Guardian Michael and suddenly asked teasingly, "Do you truly believe that

what you hold in your hand is the Dragon Emblem fragment?"

"Chris, what do you mean by that?" Suddenly, a bad feeling arose in Guardian Michael's heart.

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