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Chapter 649

Chapter 649

There was even a chance to glimpse the true essence of the second stage of martial arts! With this

power, they could turn the tide, even unite with powerful families and clans to challenge the emperor's

authority! This temptation was irresistible to all martial artists!

"Hahaha! This Dragon Emblem fragment is mine!"

"Get out of my way! Don't block my path!"


In an instant, hundreds of figures rushed forward. These people were those who could not resist the

temptation in their hearts!

However, the Middleton Alliance and Ghost Sect did not move. Guardian Michael and Zen had cold

smiles on their faces. In their eyes, these hundreds of people were simply courting death.

Sure enough, as these people approached the stone coffin, suddenly, a barrage of arrows shot out!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One after another, sharp arrows whistled through the air, fast as the wind! Screams immediately filled

the chamber.

Ah! Ah! Ah!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of corpses lay in front of the stone coffin, a horrifying sight. Everyone

present gasped in shock! They all expected there to be traps around the stone coffin, but they never

imagined that the traps would be even more deadly than the ones outside! In just a moment, hundreds

of people were killed, not even having a chance to react!

Among these hundreds of people, there were even master-level experts! Chris narrowed his eyes. He

turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Old man, how can I obtain the Dragon Emblem fragment?"

Peter Jefferson stroked his beard and chuckled, "Don't worry, the time hasn't come yet. When the time

is right, I'll naturally give you the Dragon Emblem fragment!"

Upon hearing this, Chris didn't ask any further. He closed his eyes and began to rest and recuperate.

This change, this nonchalant attitude, shocked everyone! Could it be that Chris didn't even care about

the Dragon Emblem, such a treasure? Or was there some trap that even the powerful Chris was

helpless against?

Guardian Michael and Zen's expressions changed rapidly. Their goal was to snatch the Dragon

Emblem fragment, but they couldn't just barge in. Who knew how many traps lay before the stone

coffin? If they lost their lives for it, wouldn't it be a loss?

At the scene, the only one who knew the truth was...

With this thought, the two men turned their eyes to Peter Jefferson. "Old man, I'm asking you. How do I

get the Dragon Emblem fragment?" Zen demanded rudely.

Peter Jefferson rolled his eyes, "Is that how you talk to an elder? I'm an old man? Your whole family is

old men!"


Hearing Peter Jefferson's words, Zen was furious. It was bad enough that Chris looked down on him,

but now even an old man dared to disrespect him?

Zen's veins bulged, and he angrily shouted, "Fine! Then leave your life behind!" As his words fell, there

was a loud bang. Dust filled the air. Zen lunged at Peter Jefferson!

At this moment, Chris remained still, eyes closed, unconcerned. He didn't worry at all. How could Zen

be a match for Peter Jefferson, an old fox that even he couldn't see through?

Indeed, with a loud bang, Zen was sent flying backward. The old injury was aggravated, and he spatnovelbin

out a mouthful of blood!

"This... How is this possible?"

"He actually sent the Chief Guardian flying with one punch... My god..."

Everyone was shocked. They all looked at Peter Jefferson with astonished eyes!

"He must be a second-stage expert who has surpassed the grandmaster level!"

Everyone exclaimed. Only a second-stage expert could injure Zen with a single punch. Otherwise, it

would be impossible.

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