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Chapter 604

Chapter 604

Before their eyes, the crowd approached them. Chris's face remained expressionless. He took a single

step forward, causing the crowd to pause. Could it be that Chris intended to face three thousand

fighters from the Ghost Sect and Middleton Alliance all by himself? Unbelievable! This was utter


Everyone acknowledged Chris's strength, but to face three thousand opponents, among them

formidable fighters such as Guardian Michael and Zen, great grandmasters at the pinnacle of their

power, seemed just impossible. Chris had truly overestimated himself. Everyone around him eagerly

anticipated the scene of his defeat.

As Chris stood alone, the faces of Guardian Michael, Zen, and the others turned ashen. Despite the

impossible task, Chris maintained a calm demeanor, which only served to incite their hatred. "Kill him!"

Guardian Michael roared. The crowd's speed suddenly increased. With the momentum of three

thousand wild bulls, they charged, destroying anything in their path.

Morton and Grace Field looked on with growing anxiety. They stepped forward and asked Tiger, "Do we

really not need to lend a hand?" They were aware of Chris's incredible strength, but this was far too

risky. If anything happened to Chris, they were sure to suffer the same fate.

Seeing the apprehension on Morton and Grace Field's faces, Tiger sneered, "Worry not! A group of

trash like them can't possibly stand against Master. Think back to three years ago when he single-

handedly forced back an enemy army of one hundred thousand at the northern border! These three

thousand are nothing in comparison!" novelbin

Tiger couldn't help but feel pride as he recalled the battle he had personally witnessed. Chris, with a

single horse and weapon, had frightened off an enemy army of one hundred thousand. After that battle,

Master William had bestowed upon Chris the title of 'Death General' and 'Primus Protector of the

Nation.' Since then, he had become a legend in the military.

Upon hearing Tiger's words, Morton and Grace Field exchanged puzzled glances. What was Tiger

talking about? What enemy? What army of one hundred thousand? It all seemed like gibberish. But

they couldn't blame themselves for not understanding. Although they were regional overlords, they

were far from Chris's level. Each of Chris's battles was treated as a state secret, not to be divulged to


As Chris faced the three thousand fighters alone, Candace Nance clenched her fists. She braced

herself, ready to rush to his aid at the first sign of danger.

In the blink of an eye, Guardian Michael and the others finally reached Chris. Guardian Michael gripped

his sword and swung it with all his might toward Chris's head. In his mind, he could already see Chris's

body torn apart. "Die!" Guardian Michael roared with a vicious snarl.

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