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Chapter 599

Chapter 599

"Kill!" With a roar, tens of thousands of warriors swarmed like locusts.

Tiger sneered and said, "A bunch of trash! Do you think that just with more people you can defeat us?

It's a joke!"

"Change formation!" With a roar, within an instant, one hundred royal guards quickly took their

positions, forming a strange pattern... It was like a sharp sickle of death!

"Kill!" The royal guards shouted, their voices low but shaking the air. They were military legends! They

were the nation's weapons! They were the kings of soldiers!

A mere tens of thousands of warriors dared to stand in their way? Death!

Boom! With a loud noise, the two sides finally collided. In an instant, tens of thousands of warriors

engulfed Tiger and the others.

Seeing this, Guardian Michael and Zen finally showed a hint of triumph on their faces. It seemed that

their inexplicable anxiety before was just overthinking. This time, Chris was bound to die!

Even though he possessed immense strength, faced with tens of thousands of enraged martial artists,

there was only one way for him to go: death. Once Chris died, the Dragon Emblem fragment would fall

into their hands!

*Bang! Bang! Bang!...*

In the blink of an eye, shouts, collisions, and the sounds of battle resounded everywhere. The two

sides had just collided, and the situation had already become intensely heated. Despite the various

martial arts sects numbering in the tens of thousands, Tiger and his companions struck without


With each swing of their blades, they reaped lives like the scythe of the Grim Reaper. A single slash

sent heads flying. A hundred people, a hundred slashes, and a hundred heads! The scene was

extremely bloody and shocking. Morton and Grace Field, who followed behind, felt a chill down their

spines and were utterly stunned.

Among the thousands of martial artists, no one could withstand the charge of the royal guards. Their

battle array was peculiar, seemingly merging the strength of hundreds into one. Although these tens of

thousands of martial artists were fierce experts from various sects, they were cut down by the royal

guards as easily as slicing through vegetables.

"This is a battle array!"

Suddenly, both of them almost simultaneously cried out in horror. Having been dominant forces in their

own right, they had vast experience and had already recognized that the formation used by the royal

guards was a military battle array. Morton and Grace Field's minds went blank. They hadn't expected

the royal guards to be from the military. Who exactly was Chris?

With that thought, they didn't dare think any further. The two exchanged a glance and then charged into

the crowd without hesitation. Both of them were powerful experts at the grandmaster level, and the

ordinary martial artists couldn't stop them.

Thus, a bizarre scene unfolded on the battlefield. If one were to look down from above, they would

witness a peculiar sight. The Grim Reaper's scythe, formed by Tiger and the royal guards, rampaged

through the tens of thousands of martial artists. Wherever they went, martial artists were slain on the

spot, their corpses tumbling down the mountain.

Blood flowed from their bodies, dyeing the entire mountain red. At that moment, the mountain should

not have been called Golden Top but rather, Bloody Top. The chilling and heartrending screams were

enough to make one's hair stand on end.

Guardian Michael and Zen were dumbfounded by the sight. "Impossible! How could this be?" Zen's

face was filled with disbelief. He couldn't imagine that tens of thousands of martial artists were nonovelbin

match for a mere hundred people.

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