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Chapter 578

Chapter 578

Seeing this, Chris squinted his eyes and chuckled to himself, "It seems I have no shortage of enemies!"

Although Patrick Jefferson and Shane Sample wore masks, Chris's years of experience had honed his

perception. He recognized them from just one glance.

It didn't surprise Chris that Shane Sample had joined Ghost Sect since Guardian Michael had saved

him in the gambling city. However, it was unexpected that Patrick Jefferson had joined as well.

Initially, Chris had broken Patrick Jefferson's legs and left him to beg on a bridge, expecting him to

perish on his own. But not only had Patrick Jefferson recovered, he had also joined Ghost Sect.

Suddenly, Chris remembered the familiar scent he had sensed at Henry Jefferson's villa. He had been

suspicious, but Henry Jefferson had vehemently denied any connection. Now it seemed that Henry

Jefferson, although retired, still couldn't let go of his old ways.

Chris regretted Guardian Michael's departure. He had hoped to provoke him into attacking, giving him

a legitimate reason to kill him in front of everyone. But Guardian Michael's cunning and patience were


With this in mind, Chris secretly resolved to find an opportunity to eliminate Guardian Michael, or else

he would become endless trouble. After all, it's the silent dogs that bite the hardest.

As Chris pondered, the crowd stared at him in shock. Chris had humiliated Ghost Sect, and yet they

had retreated shamefully. Just who was this monster that had emerged?

Chris suddenly shook his head with disinterest, saying, "Boring! So boring! They're all spineless!"


Upon hearing this, everyone's mouths twitched involuntarily, unable to suppress their reactions.

This Chris was truly a master of trash talk!

If someone had a weaker heart, they would have been angered to death by him!

"Is there anyone here who dares to challenge me?"

Chris stood with his hands behind his back, unmoving at his spot, as if looking down on everything.


The sound of people drawing in a sharp breath filled the air.

Too arrogant!

Everyone present who dared to fight for the Dragon Emblem fragment was an extremely powerful and

arrogant individual. However, they had never seen anyone as arrogant as Chris!


Chris laughed lightly, a sneer on his lips.

At the same time...


Suddenly, Chris took a step forward.

As he stepped down, the entire Golden Top seemed to be a trembling snow mountain, instantly stirring

up countless winds.

His overwhelming aura surged like a raging wave, roaring towards everyone!




In the blink of an eye, Chris had taken several steps forward, and his towering figure was fully in view

of the crowd.

"There's something I have to say, even though I know it'll make you all angry!"

"Forgive my bluntness, but in my eyes, you're all trash!" novelbin


With that one sentence, it was like a bolt from the blue, striking everyone's heads!

In an instant, everyone's faces turned red with anger.

That damn Chris was rubbing their faces in the dirt!

Wasn't he afraid of inciting public outrage?

To the side, Morton and Grace Field were shivering all over.

Their faces were as pale as paper, drained of all color!

They were afraid that the thousands of people here would suddenly attack at once.

They had not expected Chris to be this mad.

So wildly arrogant!

So overbearing!

It should be noted that these fighters were all masters from various sects.

Each one was incredibly powerful.

Among them, there were at least a thousand grandmaster-level fighters.

As for the great grandmaster-level powerhouses, there might have been around a hundred.

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