Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1204: Rescuing The Old Village Chief
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Chapter 1204: Rescuing The Old Village Chief

Chapter 1204: Rescuing the Old Village Chief

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Chris Shelby took Tiger to the Jefferson Village shrine.

The Jefferson Village shrine used to be the residence of Peter Jefferson, but it had now beenoccupied by the Abernathy family.

When Chris Shelby arrived at the shrine, he found a table full of food, mostly lavish dishes of fishand meat. There was also a bottle of extremely fine wine worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

It seemed that the Abernathy family had put a lot of effort into negotiating with him this time.

Chris Shelby glanced around and noticed that the person here to negotiate with him was none otherthan Devil's Frown, the former leader of Ghost Sect.


Seeing Devil's Frown, Chris Shelby laughed mockingly, "Devil's Frown, we meet again. I didn'texpect you to join the Abernathy family. I remember you started with Hall of Death, then joined theWind family, and now you're with the Abernathy family. You're quite the turncoat!"

Devil's Frown's face darkened at Chris Shelby's words. But he knew he was here to negotiate, notfight.

Forcing a smile, Devil's Frown said, "Chris Shelby, that's all in the past. Why bring it up? Today, I'mhere representing the Abernathy family to negotiate with you. Please, have a seat."

Chris Shelby sat down unceremoniously and got straight to the point, "So, what does the Abernathyfamily want to discuss? If there's nothing important, let's not waste time. Either I drive you out ofJefferson Village, or you drive me out. It's that simple."novelbin

Devil's Frown was taken aback by Chris Shelby's directness. He had prepared a lot to say, but itseemed unnecessary now.


Devil's Frown rolled his eyes and said helplessly, "Chris Shelby, we're old friends. Why resort toviolence? We're here for the Dragon Emblem scroll fragments, just like you. Since we have thesame goal, why not cooperate? Fighting is pointless. Peace is precious."


Chris Shelby said in surprise, "I didn't expect the great leader of Ghost Sect to understand the valueof peace. Impressive!"

Chris Shelby's sarcasm made Devil's Frown blush.

But it didn't matter; as long as today's negotiation succeeded, a few taunts were nothing.

Chris Shelby took a sip of wine and said, "So, how do you propose we maintain peace?"

Devil's Frown smiled faintly, "Our goal is simple: let's temporarily set aside our differences and findthe Dragon Emblem scroll fragments first. Once we find them, we can compete for them. What doyou think?"

Chris Shelby immediately saw through Devil's Frown's plan. It was a stalling tactic: negotiate now,find the scroll fragments together, and then fight over them later.

Chris Shelby tapped the table, thinking it over.

Seeing Chris Shelby deep in thought, Devil's Frown didn't interrupt. He believed Chris Shelby wouldaccept his terms. After all, it was beneficial for both sides.

After a moment, Chris Shelby chuckled, "Devil's Frown, you're smart! Fine, I agree to your terms,but I have one condition."

Hearing this, Devil's Frown felt relieved and asked with a smile, "What's your condition?"

Chris Shelby said, "You've captured the old village chief of Jefferson Village. I want you to releasehim."


Devil's Frown hesitated. Peter Jefferson was still useful to the Abernathy family. As the village chiefand a direct descendant of Manson Jefferson, he likely knew where the Dragon Emblem scrollfragments were.

Seeing Devil's Frown hesitate, Chris Shelby sneered, "You won't even agree to this? It seems thisnegotiation lacks sincerity. In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With that, an overwhelming killing intent erupted from Chris Shelby.

Cold sweat broke out on Devil's Frown's forehead. He knew Chris Shelby's strength well and wasn'tconfident he could win if they fought now.

He still wanted to rebuild Ghost Sect and didn't want to die at Chris Shelby's hands. Peter Jeffersonwas just an old man who hadn't revealed anything under torture anyway. It was better to hand himover and secure the negotiation.

With this thought, Devil's Frown quickly smiled and said, "Chris Shelby, don't be impulsive! It's just avillage chief. I'll have him released right away!"

He then instructed his men to release Peter Jefferson.


Seeing Devil's Frown agree to release the village chief, Chris Shelby retracted his killing intent.Even so, Devil's Frown still felt uneasy.

Moments later, Peter Jefferson was brought in. He was covered in wounds and soaked in blood,looking barely alive.

"Old Village Chief!"

Chris Shelby rushed over and supported Peter Jefferson.

Peter Jefferson opened his eyes and smiled weakly at Chris Shelby, "You finally came!"

Seeing Chris Shelby brought a relieved smile to Peter Jefferson's face. He had known only ChrisShelby could save Jefferson Village.

Chris Shelby was a kind person, and the East Coast Jefferson family was a branch of JeffersonVillage. He wouldn't abandon them.

With Chris Shelby here, neither the Abernathy family nor any other hidden clans could harm thevillagers.

Peter Jefferson was confident in this.

Chris Shelby said painfully, "Old Village Chief, I'm sorry I came late and let you suffer. Don't worry;I'll avenge you!"

Peter Jefferson waved his hand weakly, "Don't worry about me; I'm not dead yet."


Chris Shelby looked up and glared at Devil's Frown, roaring angrily, "Are you even human? Howcould you be so cruel to a centenarian?"

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