Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1134: He Does Not Kill Chris Shelby
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Chapter 1134: He Does Not Kill Chris Shelby

Chapter 1134: He Does Not Kill Chris Shelby

Destiny's expression towards Chris Shelby was filled with shock. He hadn't expected Chris Shelby's strength to be so formidable,strong enough to even injure himself. Originally, he had thought about killing Chris Shelby directly since the threat he posed tothe Abernathy family was immense. But now, it seemed...

"Hehe." After a moment of silence, Destiny sneered, "Chris Shelby, your strength truly surpasses my imagination. But you shouldknow, you are not my match."

Upon hearing this, Chris Shelby remained silent. Destiny was right; he was indeed not a match for Destiny. Being an old monsterwho had lived for over a hundred years, his strength should be on par with his mentor. Seeing Chris Shelby not speaking,Destiny continued, "Chris Shelby, if you cooperate with my Abernathy family, when my Abernathy family regains control, | willdefinitely make you a king, and even if we gather all Dragon Emblem fragments, we can share Lord Dragon's treasure together!"

"Grandpa, you..." Hiss! Upon hearing Destiny's words, Peterson Abernathy's face was filled with horror. What was hisgrandfather saying? The treasure of Lord Dragon? That was something countless warriors dreamt of! It was not only a vastfortune accumulated by Lord Dragon but also the key to reaching the third stage of martial arts-their Abernathy family hadpursued it their whole lives! Did his grandfather promise this to Chris Shelby?

"Shut up!" Before Peterson Abernathy could finish, Destiny reprimanded him instantly. Peterson Abernathy dared not speak andcould only glare at Chris Shelby with resentment. If Chris Shelby were to cooperate with the Abernathy family, seeking revengefor his slain son would be a distant prospect. Destiny looked at Chris Shelby and said, "How about it, Chris Shelby? My sincerityshould be sufficient! Cooperate with my Abernathy family, and you can gain everything you desire, far more than what you areearning by serving Amerosia's Master William now."

Destiny looked confidently at Chris Shelby. In his view, no one could refuse his offer. He believed that as long as Chris Shelbywas a wise person, he would know what decision to make. However...

“Humph! Destiny, do you think I'm a fool?" Unexpectedly, Chris Shelby coldly snorted. "With my strength, it's more tempting toclaim a country and become an emperor!"

Several small countries had tried to recruit Chris Shelby, even offering royal thrones, but Chris Shelby had unequivocallydeclined. In Chris Shelby's eyes, Amerosia was his homeland, his roots, and he would never abandon his country.

“And what about the treasure of Lord Dragon?" Destiny squinted, continuing to look at Chris Shelby. Chris Shelby fell silent. Hewas indeed uninterested in becoming a king. His greatest wish was to live happily with his wife, Esther, and his daughter, Hope.However, this did not mean Chris Shelby was not interested in the treasure of Lord Dragon.

Firstly, Chris Shelby was a warrior. To a warrior, everyone desired to break through the third stage of martial arts, and ChrisShelby was no exception. Although Destiny was generous in offering to share Lord Dragon's treasure with him, could ChrisShelby trust his words? Even if Chris Shelby cooperated with the Abernathy family and they unified the realm, would Destinyuphold his promise?

This was impossible! At that time, Destiny would most likely renege on the agreement. There was no one who would willinglyshare the treasure of Lord Dragon with others, especially their adversaries.

Moreover, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Collaborating with the Abernathy family would come with a price. This pricemight involve using Chris Shelby to overthrow Amerosia, something Chris Shelby could never do.novelbin

"The treasure of Lord Dragon... truly a good thing!" Under Destiny's expectant gaze, Chris Shelby spoke, "However... you haven'teven collected all the Dragon Emblem fragments. Why should | believe that you will share the treasure of Lord Dragon with me?It's just empty talk; wanting to catch a wolf using empty hands. | won't be so foolish as to fall for your deception!"

Seeing Chris Shelby refuse him, Destiny's face instantly darkened. He gritted his teeth and said, "Chris Shelby, do you darerefuse me? Are you not afraid of death? Do you believe | won't kill you today?”

"Hahaha!" Upon hearing Destiny's words, Chris Shelby not only did not feel fear but burst into laughter instead. "MasterAbernathy, | don't underestimate you! You can indeed kill me, but if you want to, you will have to pay a heavy price. I'm afraid it'llend up being a mutual destruction in the end."

“And | am Amerosia Primus. If you dare to kill me, Master William will seek revenge for me! When that time comes, the millionsof soldiers of Amerosia will avenge me. Can you stop millions of soldiers?"

As Chris Shelby spoke, his voice resonated like thunder in Destiny's ears. Upon hearing him, Destiny's face turned grim, and hewas speechless. Chris Shelby's strength was overwhelming. Even though Destiny could muster all his strength to kill ChrisShelby, the final outcome might be a mutual destruction.

If that were the case, what would bethe point of killing Chris Shelby? Themost crucial thing was Chris Shelby'sidentity. He was Amero ia Pringus\ if

ris Shelby wearers Sie, Master

liam of Amerosia would definitelynot remain silent. If Master Williamsent troops to attack the Abernathyfamily, even though the Abernathyfamily was mighty, it might not beable to withstand the assault. In thatcase, it would be the Abernathyfamily's doomsday! Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Chris Shelby had foreseen this, which was why he dared to be so bold and confident. After a long silence, Destiny fixed his gazeon Chris Shelby. He clenched and then relaxed his fists, showing the intense struggle he endured.

Killing Chris Shelby might bring catastrophic consequences to the Abernathy family. Not killing Chris Shelby could mean hewould become a significant threat to the Abernathy family in the future. Neither killing nor not killing was a good option. It wastruly a dilemma.

In the end, "Ah." After struggling internally, Destiny let out a soft sigh, waved his hand, and said, "Chris Shelby, go."

After enduring intense inner conflict,Destiny ultimately chose to give up.The cost of killing Chris Shelby w.

too high for hi ta bean ie were justHimratohe! ne might have risked hislife to kill Chris Shelby. Unfortunately,Destiny was not alone. Behind himstood the entire Abernathy family. Hecould disregard his own life, but hecouldn't disregard the entireAbernathy family. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

"Grandpa..." Seeing Destiny spareChris Shelby, Peterson Abernathycalled out anxiously. Chris Shelbywas the enemy who had killed hisson! How could he letblg gaa\yaMast importantly, this time,Chris Shelby had caused theAbernathy family heavy losses andslew the heads of the other nineheritage families. Allowing such aterrifying enemy to go free would beakin to letting a tiger return to themountain. Sooner or later, theAbernathy family would fall into thehands of Chris Shelby! Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

“You shut up!”

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