Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1132: Grandfather Abernathy’S Recruitment
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Chapter 1132: Grandfather Abernathy's RecruitmentUpon hearing this, Chris Shelby was completely shocked. You see, that old man was already well into his eighties. If that oldman was considered a junior in the Abernathy family, then how old was this Master Abernathy really?Chris Shelby carefully observed this Destiny. All he could see was a man with white hair but a youthful face. From appearances,he seemed to be around eighty or ninety at most. However, Chris Shelby's intuition told him that this Destiny was definitely notjust eighty or ninety, but quite possibly over a hundred years old!The thought of a hundred-year-old man still possessing such formidable strength made Chris Shelby's heart turn cold. Havingexperienced so much in life, Chris Shelby knew all too well that these old folks, one more cunning than the other. This Destiny,being able to be a Master Abernathy, must be a thousand-year-old sly fox! Dealing with such a cunning old fox required utmostcaution. Because one misstep could lead to being ensnared by these old foxes.With these thoughts in mind, Chris Shelby's wariness heightened. Destiny continued, "Chris Shelby, we really don't have to be atodds! While you are the Amerosia Primus, there is no conflict of interest between us, the Abernathy family, and the ten heritagefamilies. We can be friends..."Before Destiny could finish, Chris Shelby's cold interruption came, "I'm sorry, | will not be friends with you! Every one of you inthe ten heritage families is selfish, and keeping you around will only cause trouble for Amerosia in the future. As the AmerosiaPrimus, | have the responsibility to eliminate these troubles and protect the people of Amerosia!""Chris Shelby, you're getting too arrogant!" Peterson Abernathy on the side immediately cursed, "Chris Shelby, who do you thinkyou are, daring to speak to my grandfather like this? | bet if my grandfather blows, he can blow you away!"Ignoring Peterson Abernathy, Chris Shelby knew that all the keys lay in Destiny's hands. Destiny was the Master Abernathy. If hecouldn't take him down today, all would be lost."Chris Shelby, you're going too far!" Seeing Chris Shelby ignore him, Peterson Abernathy's face turned ashen. Even as the headof the Abernathy family, when had he been so blatantly disregarded? Chris Shelby's behavior was simply unacceptable, howcould he ignore him like this?"Enough, you don't need to speak, this is my conversation with Chris Shelby, you have no right to participate!" Destiny'sdispleasure was evident as he scolded Peterson Abernathy.Peterson Abernathy hesitated for a moment. Since when did he not have the right to speak? But he didn't dare questionDestiny's words. In the Abernathy family, despite being the head, the real authority lay with Destiny. Destiny, as the head, heldthe supreme authority in the Abernathy family. Even he couldn't challenge it."Yes!" Peterson Abernathy dared not speak up, only obediently stepping aside. However, he glared at Chris Shelby withresentment, wishing he could tear him apart.Chris Shelby, on the other hand, paid no attention to Peterson Abernathy's eyes. He considered him nothing more than a jester,unworthy of his attention. Hearing Chris Shelby's words, Destiny continued with a smile, "Chris Shelby, why persist? As long asyou join forces with us, the Abernathy family, becoming the ruler of split lands is just around the corner!""I know you have the Dragon Emblem fragments in your hands, but without my Abernathy family, you won't be able to decipherthe secrets behind the Dragon Emblem fragments!"At this statement, Chris Shelby frowned. What did Destiny mean by this? Did he really need the Abernathy family to unlock thesecrets behind the Dragon Emblem?Seeing Chris Shelby's expression, Destiny explained, "I believe you should already know, our ten heritage families were all underLord Dragon's command a millennium ago. But there's one thing you don't know, our Abernathy family ancestors were not onlyLord Dragon's subordinates but also his disciples.""Before Lord Dragon disappeared, he entrusted the Dragon Emblem to our ten heritage families, but he handed over the key todeciphering the Dragon Emblem to our Abernathy family!""So without us, the Abernathy family, even if you have all the Dragon Emblem fragments, you won't be able to find Lord Dragon'streasure. Only through cooperation with me can you find Lord Dragon's treasure and seek the opportunity to break through theThird Stage of martial arts."

Listening to this, Chris Shelbyremained silent for a long time. Theinformation Destiny shared was trulysignificant. The Abernathy famancestor were oR6fly PorIER A ordinates but also hisdisciples. Most importantly, beforehis disappearance, Lord Dragon hadentrusted the key to deciphering theDragon Emblem to the Abernathyfamily. This meant that if he wantedto find Lord Dragon's treasure, he hadto cooperate with the Abernathyfamily! Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.Seeing Chris Shelby's silence, Destiny smiled, confident that Chris Shelby, being a wise person, knew what choice to make.Although Chris Shelby may not care about becoming the ruler of the split lands, no martial artist could resist the allure of LordDragon's treasure. After all, Lord Dragon's treasure was related to the breakthrough of the Third Stage of martial arts!Ever since Lord Dragon disappeared, countless martial artists had been trying to break through the Third Stage without success.They couldn't understand why. But there was a rumor slowly spreading in the martial arts world. It was said that before LordDragon vanished, he uttered a sentence."After he left, there would no longer be the Third Stage of martial arts. The secret to breaking through the Third Stage of martialarts lies hidden within the Dragon Emblem!"It was because of this sentence that after Lord Dragon's disappearance, the ten heritage families fought over the DragonEmblem. Eventually, the Dragon Emblem was split into nine pieces and scattered all over the world. Over the centuries, the tenheritage families had never given up searching for the Dragon Emblem fragments. Yet, they had never been able to find all nineDragon Emblem fragments.

Now, Chris Shelby held four DragonEmblem fragments. Destiny did notbelieve that Chris Shelby could resistthe temptation of the Third Stage ofmartial arts. Indeed, Chris Shelbycouldn't resist the alfred of tH PHirdStagecpf arti atts It was a realmthat seemed unattainable. Eventhough his master hadn't reached theThird Stage of martial arts, ChrisShelby's current strength wasunrivaled. He had already reached hislimits. If he couldn't find all theDragon Emblem fragments andlocate Lord Dragon's treasure soon,he would be like everyone else,unable to reach the pinnacle ofmartial arts. And that was somethingChris Shelby couldn't tolerate! Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Destiny held the key to unraveling thesecrets of the Dragon Emblem, asignificant bargaining chip. But evenwith that, Destiny was too naive tothink that Chris Shelby would submit.Thinking this, Chris Shelby ssmiled. th acisdbiffixpression,HeXaid "[ must admit, what you saiddid tempt me! However, | am thePrimus of Amerosia! | care moreabout the billions of people inAmerosia than some so-called LordDragon's treasure. The ten heritagefamilies, despite having withdrawn,are always seeking to restore theirpower. If | don't eradicate yourAbernathy family, you will inevitablybring chaos to Amerosia. Moreover,I've killed your great-grandson, I'vekilled many in your Abernathy family.| don't believe you can trulycooperate with me!" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.novelbin

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