Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1128: Fierce Battle Of The Nine Heritage Family Leaders
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Chapter 1128: Fierce Battle of the Nine Heritage Family LeadersIn an instant, the nine family leaders faced each other. Peterson Abernathy's face was grim. This was the territory of theAbernathy family. For Chris Shelby to act so arrogantly on his own turf was like a slap in the face to him. Peterson Abernathy'seyes flashed with a hint of fierceness as he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't waste time talking to him, let's go together! | refuseto believe that, with the power of our nine heritage families, we cannot kill a mere Chris Shelby!""Abernathy is right, let's go together!""Kill Chris Shelby, avenge the Wind family!""Kilt Kill! KiltIn an instant, the battle cry rose to the heavens. Two hundred thousand descendants of heritage families, armed with swords andblades, charged towards Chris Shelby and his group. Seeing this, Chris Shelby sneered and waved his hand, saying, "Kill themall! Today, | will completely expel the top ten heritage families!"Boom!As the words fell, four hundred thousand troops charged forward. In just a moment, tens of thousands collided head-on. Thesounds of battle cries and roars rang out, turning the entire Hill of Lords into a bloody battlefield.Peterson Abernathy glanced at the other eight family leaders. "Let's join forces to kill Chris Shelby!"“Alright!”With a shout, the nine heritage leaders attacked. Chris Shelby remained unfazed. "If you want to kill the boss, you have to getthrough us first!"Boom!Lynx, Phoenix, Tiger, the three of them rushed forward towards the nine family leaders. Peterson Abernathy sneered and saiddisdainfully, "Three of you deal with them, the rest of you, come with me to kill Chris Shelby!"With that, the three heritage leaders went for Tiger and the others, while the remaining six family leaders attacked Chris Shelby.Despite being outnumbered, their strength was not to be underestimated.Swish!Swish!Swish!Six lightning-fast strikes. In the blink of an eye, they appeared before Chris Shelby. "Die!" Peterson Abernathy roared. The sixswords struck Chris Shelby from different directions, sealing off all his escape routes.And yet, the swords did not draw any blood. Suddenly, Chris Shelby's figure began to fragment into pieces. Seeing this, PetersonAbernathy and the others were shocked. "Afterimages!""This is just an afterimage!"No one had expected Chris Shelby to escape right under their noses, leaving behind only a ghostly image. How was thispossible? It was unimaginable!Before Peterson Abernathy and the others could react, a great danger loomed over them. This sent chills down everyone'sspines. Peterson Abernathy immediately shouted, "Be careful!"Before anyone could react, a sword pierced through a man's heart. He let out a scream before falling lifeless to the ground. Deadsilence enveloped the area. "Chris Shelby, you..."Peterson Abernathy pointed at Chris Shelby, his face a mix of shock and disbelief. He couldn't believe how powerful Chris Shelbytruly was. Killing a heritage leader was as easy as killing a chicken. How was this possible?Chris Shelby grinned at Peterson Abernathy. "You're next!"Swish! As he spoke, Chris Shelby's figure mysteriously disappeared once more. The remaining five heritage leaders paled. ChrisShelby's movements were too unpredictable. Was he even human? He was like a devil!Peterson Abernathy shouted, "Stay vigilant, we must focus and find Chris Shelby's whereabouts, then strike him down!"Everyone nodded gravely. They knew Chris Shelby's strength exceeded their imagination. If they weren't careful, they could alldie here.Despite their caution, a cold flash of light passed by, and a heritage leader suddenly clutched his neck in disbelief. A bloodlineappeared, expanding and dripping blood. He collapsed, dead. "The second one!" Chris Shelby reappeared, a sinister smile onhis lips. Then, he vanished again.The remaining heritage leaders looked at each other, fear evident in their eyes. Since Leif Wind's death, three heritage leadershad been killed by Chris Shelby. If this continued, all ten heritage leaders would fall to him.Peterson Abernathy shouted, "Don't spread out. As long as we stay together, Chris Shelby won't be able to get us!" PetersonAbernathy was indeed cunning. Despite Chris Shelby's elusive figure, as long as they stayed together, he wouldn't have an easytime killing them.

The other heritage leaders gatheredaround Peterson Abernathy, andChris Shelby, hidden in the shadows,furrowed his brow, PetersonC OT!ig Bad iekly figured outhow to counter his tactics. But didthey really think they could stop hisslaughter? During this time, ChrisShelby had been diligently studyingthe four Dragon Emblem fragments.His strength had skyrocketed as aresult. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.With a cold sneer, Chris Shelby's figure reappeared. He charged at Peterson Abernathy and the others. "Chris Shelby, you'vefinally shown yourself!" Peterson Abernathy bellowed. "Let's join forces to kill him!"

There were no fancy moves this time,just a pure clash of strength betweenthe four heritage leaders and ChrisShelby. With each strike, the grshook. F ig theniad attack ofthe FAS leaders, Chris Shelbyfound himself struggling. Anopportunity presented itself, and aheritage leader thrust a sword at him.Instead of retreating, Chris Shelbystepped forward. The heritage leaderhesitated for a moment before ChrisShelby made his move. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.And that was the end of the second heritage leader. Chris Shelby materialized once more, a chilling smile on his face. Theremaining heritage leaders exchanged wary glances. From Leif Wind's death until now, three heritage leaders had fallen to ChrisShelby. If they didn't change their approach, all ten heritage leaders would meet the same fate.Peterson Abernathy shouted, "Don't let your guard down. As long as we stick together, Chris Shelby won't stand a chance!" Theother heritage leaders nodded solemnly. They knew that if they didn't stay vigilant, they would all perish. But no matter howcautious they were, there was always room for error.Suddenly, a flash of cold light passed by. One heritage leader clutched his neck, a look of disbelief on his face as blood drippeddown. He fell to the ground, lifeless. "The third one!" Chris Shelby appeared once more, a cold smile on his lips before vanishingagain.The remaining heritage leaders looked at each other with fear in their eyes. Peterson Abernathy was indeed a sly old fox.Despite Chris Shelby's elusive movements, as long as they stayed united, he wouldn't be able to pick them off one by one.novelbin

Chris Shelby's disappearance hadheld them all in anxious anticipation,but he finally reappeared, iolPeterson Abernathy and he bt ers."ThiisEhelsy, you've finally shownyourself!" Peterson Abernathy roared.‘Let's unite and take him down!"There was no need for further wordsas the four heritage leaders launcheda coordinated attack against ChrisShelby. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.This time, there were no fancy moves, only raw power on display. With each clash, the ground trembled. Despite facing theunited front of the heritage leaders, Chris Shelby found himself overwhelmed.As a heritage leader seized an opportunity to strike at him, Chris Shelby did not retreat. Instead, he met the strike head-on,catching the leader off guard.

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