Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1099 The Strength Of The Wind Family
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Chapter 1099 The Strength Of The Wind Family

Chapter 1099 The Strength of the Wind Family

These three Wind family elders are all powerful Transcendence level experts, the very best among

Transcendence level experts! When they make a move, their momentum is astonishing. Gusts of wind

suddenly rise, the sound of the wind roaring, sending shivers down one's spine. The three figures flash

and vanish.

Meanwhile, Invincible's face reveals a hint of smugness. Each Wind family elder is a top-notch

powerhouse. When these three Wind family elders make a move together, it is to show Chris who's in

charge. Chris dared to speak arrogantly and cause trouble in the Wind family, which is an insult! These

three elders are out to kill Chris, to let everyone know the consequences of causing trouble in the Wind


Moreover, the speed of the three elders is astonishing. With each strike, they hold nothing back. Three

sets of claws aim for Chris's throat, heart, and lower body. If any of these strikes land, Chris would be

left either dead or maimed.

Upon seeing the three elders approach, Chris's face displays a hint of disdain. "This is the trash that

dares to act recklessly in front of me, overestimating themselves!"


As the words fall, Chris transforms into a phantom, disappearing from the original spot. Even before the

three Wind family elders can react, Chris has already appeared before them. The three Wind family

elders' expressions change drastically.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Without waiting for them to react, Chris delivers three consecutive strikes, hitting them hard. In an

instant, the three are sent flying and crash heavily to the ground.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The three elders cannot control themselves and each spits out a mouthful of blood. Chris pulls back his

fists, sneering, "Is this the strength of your so-called Wind family elders?"


"You scoundrel!"


Hearing Chris's words, the three Wind family elders instantly flush red, once again infuriated, spitting

out more blood. As elders of the Wind family, they are held in high esteem. But now, in front of so many

people, they are unable to even withstand a single move from Chris, utterly losing face!

More infuriatingly, Chris continues to mock them, truly beyond tolerable! Meanwhile, the onlookers

gaze at Chris with astonishment. These are the elders of the Wind family! They have been easily

defeated by Chris?

Wind family members' gazes towards Chris change. They can see that Chris is very strong, even

surpassing their expectations. "Great job, boss!"

"Great job, boss!"

"Great job, boss!"


Meanwhile, thousands of royal guards shout in unison, boosting morale. Seeing this, Invincible's

expression turns extremely ugly. He wanted to teach Chris a lesson, but it turns out his idea not only

failed but also made himself and the Wind family lose face!

Gritting his teeth, Invincible says, "Chris, you better not be arrogant! Today, by causing trouble in my

Wind family and injuring my people, if I don't kill you, I won't ease my anger!"

"Men, attack!"

As the command falls, Invincible waves his hand. In an instant, thousands of Wind family Grandmaster-

level experts charge towards Chris and his group.





These Wind family members have been holding back their fury. As members of the Wind family, when

have they ever suffered such humiliation? Not only were they attacked, but even the elders were

injured. If they don't kill Chris, wouldn't it be a disgrace for the Wind family? No matter how strong Chris

is, as the saying goes, "Many ants can kill an elephant!" They refuse to believe that Chris alone can

defeat them all.

As for Chris, seeing thousands of Wind family Grandmaster-level experts charging towards him, he

doesn't even bother. There's no need for Chris to act. Tiger and the others are already out of control.


With a roar, Tiger immediately leads thousands of royal guards in a charge.

Instantly, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sounds of battle and roars echo everywhere. Chris doesn't even lift a finger, and no one can come

within three yards of him. Chris doesn't move, and the remaining Wind family experts dare not move.

For a moment, the situation reaches a stalemate.

An hour later, all the Wind family Grandmaster-level experts lie on the ground, wailing in pain, unable to

stand up. The royal guards, on the other hand, have only a few injured.


Witnessing this, Invincible is completely stunned. These are thousands of Grandmaster-level experts!

How could they have been defeated like this? And it seems they havelost all their fighting capability!

Invincible finds it hard to believe that Chris's forces possess such terrifying strength. No wonder he had

the audacity and confidence to cause trouble in the Wind family!


Invincible snorts, "Chris, don't be arrogant! Our Wind family is not so easily dealt with!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As the words fall, figures appear behind Invincible. A full one thousand people! Each of these one

thousand people exudes a powerful aura – all of them are Grandmaster-level experts!

"Ha ha ha!"

Invincible stares at Chris, laughing triumphantly. "Chris, do you see this? This is the strength of our

Wind family. Today, you are finished!" Content of Drаm??ovels.cоm

"Is that so?"

With a disdainful expression, Chris says, "Do you think that this can stop me?"


As the words fall, there is a thunderous roar. Chris has vanished from his original spot. By the timenovelbin

Chris appears again, he is already in front of Invincible.


Staring at Chris, Invincible's expression is one of bewilderment. Before he can finish his sentence, in

an instant,....

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