Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1092: Heritage Family
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Chapter 1092: Heritage Family

Chapter 1092: Heritage Family


Chris dashed forward, his entire being transformed into a fleeting shadow, instantly disappearing from

his original position.




Chris's momentum was astonishing, akin to that of a divine dragon.

He relentlessly delivered one punch after another, each one incredibly powerful.

Confronted with ten transcendence level experts, Chris held nothing back.

His punches reverberated through the air, sending a transcendence level expert flying with every strike.




In a matter of moments, all ten transcendence level experts lay sprawled on the ground, completely

devoid of vitality.

Witnessing this, Invincible was utterly dumbfounded.

The ten transcendence level experts, formidable as they were, proved to be no match for Chris?

It's worth noting that each transcendence level expert is a force to be reckoned with, capable of taking

on thousands single-handedly. Moreover, to face ten transcendence level experts!

"Dragon Emblem? You've actually comprehended the Dragon Emblem!" Suddenly, Invincible's

complexion drastically changed as he screamed. As a member of the Wind family, he naturally

practiced the Dragon Emblem. In fact, every member of the Wind family had trained in the Dragon

Emblem. However, not a single person had ever managed to comprehend it. It was simply toonovelbin

profound. Not even Leif Wind, the head of the Wind family, could fully grasp the Dragon Emblem!

Yet, to everyone's surprise, Chris had indeed comprehended the Dragon Emblem. If news of this were

to spread, it would undoubtedly shake the entire Amerosia!

In an instant, Invincible's expression turned malevolent. "Chris, it seems sparing you is no longer an

option! Your talent is truly astonishing, but keeping you alive will inevitably bring calamity to the Wind



As the words fell, Invincible transformed into a streak of lightning. In the blink of an eye, he had already

arrived in front of Chris. Clenching his fist, Invincible unleashed a tremendous force that compressed

the surrounding air. With a fierce swing, he aimed a powerful blow at Chris's head, a strike that would

undoubtedly prove fatal.

In the face of Invincible's ferocious attack, Chris showed no signs of retreat. He sneered and, in

response, unleashed a punch of his own, even more domineering than Invincible's. Not only did it

compress the surrounding air, it instantaneously created a vacuum in the vicinity!

Witnessing this, Invincible's complexion shifted drastically. He had not anticipated the extent of Chris's

strength, and now, he had no room for retreat. He could only charge forward with grim determination.


A resounding boom echoed as the two exchanged intense blows. A crisp crack sounded as Invincible's

arm instantly fractured, sending him hurtling back over ten meters. Chris remained unfazed, standing

his ground. The disparity in their strengths was unmistakable.


"This can't be!"

Invincible was utterly confounded, unable to believe what lay before his eyes. He was not even a match

for Chris with a single strike! His arm was already crippled. Chris's power was truly terrifying. After all,

he was an elder of the Wind family, a renowned practitioner even within the Wind family. He had

thought it a sure thing to bring ten transcendence level experts from the Wind family to the East Coast

to seize the Dragon Emblem remnants. However, he had never anticipated that he would fail so


Suddenly, Invincible thought of the Lord Protector! Yes, it must be the Lord Protector, that bastard who

had sabotaged him! The Lord Protector had fought Chris before and surely knew of Chris's formidable

strength, yet he had never warned Invincible. Clearly, the Lord Protector was harboring ill intentions!





The sound of numerous footsteps grew increasingly intense from outside. In an instant, nearly a

hundred thousand people surged in, surrounding Invincible from all sides. At the forefront was James

Mester, the current head of the East Coast Security Company. Every single one of the hundred

thousand individuals was a member of the East Coast Security Company. Upon learning that someone

dared to cause trouble at the Martial Hall, James Mester immediately led the ten thousand security

company members to the scene. Every member of the East Coast Security Company glared at

Invincible with eyes filled with nothing but seething animosity.

Witnessing this multitude, Invincible's countenance turned grim. Previously, he had not given these

hundred thousand individuals a second thought, knowing full well that though their numbers were great,

their strength was sorely lacking. However, the situation was now different. The ten transcendence

level experts he had led were killed by Chris, and he himself had been crippled by Chris, his strength

greatly diminished. Not to mention the overwhelmingly powerful Chris. Dealing with a hundred

thousand people was now an insurmountable challenge.

Invincible took a deep breath, fixing a cold gaze upon Chris, and said, "Chris, you must understand that

I am a member of the Wind family! Do you know what the Wind family represents? The Wind family is a

heritage family that has long transcended the mundane martial world. The strength of the Wind family

is beyond your imagination..."




Chris seemed to pay no heed to Invincible's words as he advanced step by step. Each step felt like the

footfall of a grim reaper, pressing down on Invincible's heart.




Invincible's heart began to beat rapidly, as if it might leap out of his chest. His entire body seemed to

boil uncontrollably.

"Heritage family?"

"Wind family?"

"In my eyes, they are all just rubbish!" Content belongs to Draмanovels.cоm

"If you dare to cause trouble here on the East Coast, your fate is already sealed!"



Chris looked down on Invincible with eyes filled with dominance, coldness, and a chilling intent.

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