Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1066 When Chris’S A Dog
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Chapter 1066 When Chris'S A Dog

Chapter 1066 When Chris's a Dog

"Mr. Lee, you are indeed a clever man!" Chris sat there, looking nonchalant. But in Jason Lee's eyes,

Chris exuded a powerful aura. Especially, Chris seemed ordinary but gave off an unfathomable feeling.

Jason Lee bowed, speaking humbly, "My son's offense against Mr. Shelby was unwarranted. I dare not

hope for Mr. Shelby's forgiveness."

"But as the saying goes, 'a son's mistake lies with the father.' My son's offense against Mr. Shelby is my

failure as a father! Bringing him here to apologize to Mr. Shelby is only right and proper."

Chris glanced at Jason Lee, sneering, "Mr. Lee, is a casual apology enough? Yesterday, your son was

arrogant, even bringing people to cleanse my Chester Group with blood on Star Island!"

At these words, cold sweat dripped continuously from Jason Lee's forehead. Hesitating for a moment,

he gritted his teeth, "If Mr. Shelby won't forgive the Lee family, even if you kill this rebellious son, I will

have no complaints!"

Fraser Lee dared not speak. Before coming, Jason Lee had told him that even if Chris wanted to kill

him, he dared not say "no." Otherwise, the entire Lee family would vanish from the world!

Glancing at Jason Lee, Chris waved his hand, "Forget it! If I wanted to kill your son, he would have

been dead long ago!"

"Mr. Lee, you are clever. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come today. Why put on a show here?"

Jason Lee breathed a sigh of relief. In truth, he had already guessed that Chris wouldn't kill Fraser Lee.

Because as Chris said, if he wanted to kill Fraser Lee, he would have been a corpse by now.

After hesitating for a moment, Jason Lee took a deep breath, solemnly saying, "Mr. Shelby, my son

committed a grave mistake. The Lee family is willing to pay any price to help the Chester Group

establish itself firmly on Star Island!"

Jason Lee raised his head, looking earnestly at Chris. Chris remained calm, his expression extremely

composed. Seeing Chris's calm demeanor, Jason Lee's heart pounded intensely.

In fact, before coming, Jason Lee had considered that to placate Chris's anger, the Lee family would

undoubtedly have to pay a price. He just didn't know how high that price would be.

Chris asked lightly, "Oh, what help can your Lee family bring to the Chester Group?"

"Remember, you only have one chance. If your answer displeases me, from today, Star Island will no

longer have the Lee family!"

As his words fell, a tremendous pressure bore down on Jason Lee. Despite Chris's calm tone and lack

of expression, the mountainous force left Jason Lee breathless. Even though Jason Lee was the head

of the Lee family and experienced, at this moment, he finally understood why the Jefferson family had

perished. Why Ron Jefferson had died at Chris's hands. Faced with such a terrifying figure as Chris,

not to mention Ron Jefferson, even he had to tread carefully.

Jason Lee pondered, "Our Lee family can help the Chester Group establish a foothold on Star Island

as quickly as possible, while also helping the Chester Group secure a position in Star Island."

"Hehe," Chris sneered, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, I'm not satisfied with that answer. Just helping the

Chester Group secure a position in Star Island, I can do that without the Lee family. I can even have

the Chester Group directly replace the Lee family as the top conglomerate on Star Island."

Upon hearing this, Jason Lee became anxious. Everything the Lee family owned was nothing more

than wealth. Unfortunately, in Chris's eyes, it was insignificant. What if the Lee family was the top family

on Star Island? All their wealth combined wouldn't match a single hair on Chris's body.

Jason Lee knew that if his answer displeased Chris, the Lee family would be finished. At this thought,

Jason Lee decided to burn his boats. He took a deep breath, mustering his courage, "I am willing to

hand over the entire Lee family to Mr. Shelby. I, Jason Lee, am willing to be your dog!"

As his words fell, the entire office fell silent. Fraser Lee, beside him, looked at his father in disbelief.

What was his father saying? He wanted to hand over the entire Lee family to Chris! And he wanted to

be Chris's dog! Good Lord! Was he mad? Jason Lee was, after all, the head of the esteemed Lee

family! Now he wanted to be someone else's dog?

Jason Lee felt bitter. If there were a choice, who would willingly become a dog? But Jason Lee knew he

had no choice. If he didn't become Chris's dog, the entire Lee family would cease to exist. Compared to

the Lee family as a whole, what did his personal honor ordignity matter?

"Hahaha!" Suddenly, Chris burst into laughter. "Mr. Lee, you do have courage! The esteemed head of

Star Island's top family wants to be my dog! If this got out, it would surely cause a sensation throughout

Star Island!"

"But Mr. Lee, can you really do as you say?"

Jason Lee nodded vigorously, "Mr. Shelby, you can rest assured. If you are willing to pardon the Lee

family, from now on, I, Jason Lee, will be your dog. Whatever you ask of me, I will do without any


For the sake of the Lee family, Jason Lee was willing to forsake his own dignity.

Chris nodded in satisfaction, "Your answer pleases me. I do need a dog on Star Island. However... your

presence on Star Island is truly a waste. This overseas market is vast! Besides Star Island, there is the

entire South Pacific region. I hope you can help the Chester Group open up the entire South Pacificnovelbin

market. Can you do that?"

Star Island was just a small country in the entire South Pacific. There were countless countries like Star

Island in the entire South Pacific. Although the Chester Group had established itself firmly on Star

Island, their next step would definitely be to expand their influence to encompass the entire South

Pacific. Jason Lee, as the local bigwig on Star Island, had an extensive understanding of the entire

South Pacific, making him the best candidate for the job.

Upon hearing Chris's words, Jason Lee's pupils contracted violently. He hadn't expected Chris's

ambitions to be so grand! Chris not only wanted Star Island but the entire South Pacific!

Jason Lee's heart pounded intensely. If he agreed to Chris's request, the Lee family would have to

relinquish everything on Star Island to help the Chester Group open up the South Pacific market. But if

he didn't agree, Chris would certainly not spare the Lee family. Additionally, after experiencing Chris's

aura, Jason Lee also felt that this man was no simple figure. Becoming his lackey might lead to even

greater opportunities!

At this realization...

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