Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1064 The Lee Family Is Doomed
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Chapter 1064 The Lee Family Is Doomed

Chapter 1064 The Lee Family is Doomed

If it were before, Fraser Lee deeply believed that the Lee family on Star Island was invincible! They

were supreme! But today, he realized. His proud Lee family, in Chris's presence, was nothing more

than an ant. In Chris's eyes, the Lee family had no place at all. Even worse, in Chris's presence, the

Lee family was like a lamb to the slaughter! Thump! Fraser Lee's legs went weak, and he immediately

knelt down. His face filled with entreaty, he pleaded, "Big brother, Chris, I know I was wrong. As long as

you spare me, everything can be negotiated!"

In the face of death, the Lee family's status meant absolutely nothing! It was worthless! Fraser Lee

chose to submit. He chose to kneel before Chris like a dog, wagging his tail in supplication. Seeing

Fraser Lee in this state, Aiden, Tiger, and others showed a trace of disdain on their faces. "Rest

assured, I won't kill you! Killing someone like you would dirty my hands," Chris said indifferently. "Thank

you! Thank you, big brother!" Upon hearing Chris's words, Fraser Lee felt as if he had been granted a

reprieve, his face first tense with nervousness, then relaxed with relief.

However, before Fraser Lee could revel in his relief for too long, Chris turned to Tiger and said, "Tiger, I

leave him to you, teach him a lesson!" "Yes, sir!" Tiger sneered, then step by step, advanced towards

Fraser Lee. Clack. Clack. Clack. Seeing Tiger approaching, Fraser Lee retreated nervously, his legs

continuously stepping back, "Don't! Don't..."

Before Fraser Lee could finish his plea, crack! Crack! Two crisp sounds. Tiger had broken Fraser Lee's

legs! "Ah!" Fraser Lee let out a piercing scream of agony. Then a wave of intense pain caused him to

pass out. Tiger looked at Fraser Lee with disdain, saying, "You look like this and yet you want to kill the

boss? Know your place!"

Soon, Fraser Lee was thrown like trash to the doorstep of the Lee family. The entire Lee family was in

an uproar! It's the young master! The young master was actually beaten up? And so brutally?

Countless Lee family members discussed in hushed tones. Countless strong members of the Lee

family felt greatly insulted!

"Dad, I was wrong! I really was!" At this moment, inside the Lee family's hall, Fraser Lee looked at his

father, his face filled with tears, whether from fear or pain. Looking at Fraser Lee's miserable

appearance, Jason Lee coldly said, "Speak, what happened?" Fraser Lee wept as he said, "Dad, I

provoked someone! Someone we, the Lee family, should never have provoked! I've caused immense

losses to our Lee family's practitioners..."

"We, the Lee family, are finished... Dad, please go beg him to spare us, the Lee family!"

At the thought of Chris, Fraser Lee seemed to see scenes of carnage and bloodshed. After this battle,

Fraser Lee finally understood that the Chester Group was not something their Lee family could


Hearing this, Jason Lee slapped Fraser Lee hard and angrily scolded, "What nonsense are you talking

about? Explain it clearly to me! What do you mean, the Lee family is doomed?" Fraser Lee, despite the

pain on his face, hurriedly exclaimed, "Chris! It's Chris! It's Chris from the Chester Group! I provokednovelbin

him! He killed over a hundred grandmaster practitioners of our Lee family..."

Buzz! Hearing Fraser Lee's words, Jason Lee's head buzzed. He couldn't believe it and asked, "What?

You say you provoked Chris from the Chester Group?"

"Sob... Dad, it's that Chris, it's the Chris from the Chester Group! Before, he wiped out the Jefferson

family, and now even Aiden, the branch head of King's Leagues, has joined him... I took a hundred

grandmasters from our family to kill Chris, and he killed them all... even broke my legs..."

Upon hearing this, Jason Lee trembled all over and almost couldn't stand. What? Chris alone actually

wiped out a hundred grandmaster practitioners of the Lee family? He hadn't expected that the person

Fraser Lee had provoked was Chris! Jason Lee stared at Fraser Lee, wishing to slap him to death. He

had repeatedly warned Fraser Lee not to provoke the Chester Group until they had thoroughly

investigated its background. But Fraser Lee had ignored his warnings. As a result, over a hundred

grandmaster practitioners of the Lee family had died... and these were the very foundation of the Lee

family's position on Star Island!

First, he was furious, then he was angry, and finally, he let out a helpless sigh...

Jason Lee could only ask, "Do you have an irreconcilableenmity with this Chris?"

Fraser Lee, now calmer, thought for a moment and said, "Not really, at most, it's just some minor

grievances." The feud between him and Chris was not an all-out vendetta. Moreover, in their

confrontations, he had always been the one at a disadvantage. Chris probably wouldn't go so far as to

annihilate the Lee family. But even so, Fraser Lee was thoroughly terrified. He looked at Jason Lee

anxiously and said, "Dad, you have to think of a way! Please think of a way! Chris! It's Chris! I've

provoked him! He's killed over a hundred of our grandmaster-level practitioners..."

What? Pay a price?

Jason Lee's face turned solemn. What price?

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