Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1057 Wiping Out King’s Leagues
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Chapter 1057 Wiping Out King’s Leagues

Chapter 1057 Wiping Out King’s Leagues

Aiden's phone rang. He picked it up, his expression changing as he listened. "Alright, I understand," he

said before hanging up. Turning to Chris, his face grew serious. "Mr. Shelby, trouble's brewing."

Chris frowned. "What's happened?"

Aiden explained, "The Lee family has brought in the second major force in the gray area of Star Island,

the East Lions. They, like our King's Leagues, originated from Amerosia and gradually established

themselves on Star Island. However, unlike our King's Leagues, which originated from Amerosia

Shandale, the East Lions came from Amerosia Southland. All this time, the Lee family has been

backing the East Lions."

"This time, the East Lions have suddenly launched a massive attack on our King's Leagues territory. It's

likely that the Lee family is instigating this, aiming to wipe out our King's Leagues. But their ultimate


Aiden paused instead of finishing his sentence, looking at Chris. Understanding Aiden's meaning, Chris

knew this was a critical moment. Chris had put in a lot of effort to save Leif Tate, which had strained the

resources of King's Leagues. If King's Leagues hadn't provided timely information, Chris wouldn't have

been able to rescue Leif Tate. Fraser Lee was extremely furious with King's Leagues. He had ordered

the East Lions to cause trouble for King's Leagues. In Fraser Lee's eyes, King's Leagues were just

Chris's lackeys on Star Island. Fraser Lee's simple goal was to wipe out King's Leagues and kill Chris's

lackeys. By wiping out King's Leagues, he aimed to set an example, hoping that Chris would recognize

the difficulty and lead the Chester Group to leave Star Island obediently.

Fraser Lee's methods were cunning, but he had underestimated his opponent-Chris. In Chris's mind,

he had never treated Aiden as his lackey, only as a partner. Chris looked at Aiden and said, "Since

Fraser Lee wants to play with me, then I'll play with him. He wants to wipe out King's Leagues? I'll wipe

out his East Lions and see how arrogant he remains."

He continued, "Arrange a major battle with those East Lions. This time, I will help King's Leagues

completely dominate the entire Star Island!"

Aiden, excited, said, "Yes, I'll arrange it immediately!" and hurriedly left. This was an extraordinary

opportunity for King's Leagues, and they had to seize it.

Meanwhile, at the headquarters of the East Lions, their leader Link, with a smug smile, confidently

proclaimed, "With the Lee family's billion-dollar financial support, this time I will definitely be able to

wipe out the entire King's Leagues!"

Link had long desired to eradicate King's Leagues. King's Leagues had always been the top

underground force on Star Island, while his East Lions had remained second. He had resented King's

Leagues for a long time, even dreaming of wiping them out to become the dominant force in the entire

underground world of Star Island. However, due to the lack of manpower and financial resources, he

had not acted. Fraser Lee's provision of a billion dollars was a rare opportunity for Link. After all,

without money, how could he expect his subordinates to risk their lives for him? Everyone knew that

without benefits, no one would engage in such dangerous actions. With the billion dollars, his

subordinates were excited and immediately began to swiftly expand their influence, swiftly taking over

dozens of King's Leagues' territories. This was the power of money.

At this pace, it wouldn't be long before the East Lions completely occupied King's Leagues' territory.

Link also understood Fraser Lee's intentions. He wanted to use the power of the East Lions to help thenovelbin

Lee family control the underground world of Star Island. But what did it matter? It was a mutual benefit.

At that moment, a subordinate rushed over. "Leader, Aiden asked me to tell you that he wants to meet

you for a final battle."

Link chuckled. "Aiden has guts, wanting to face me in a final battle!"

"If it were the King's Leagues of the past, I might have been afraid," he said with a disdainful smile. "But

the current King's Leagues..."

After the previous events with Ron Jefferson and Chris's actions, which had severely weakened King's

Leagues, Aiden's control of King's Leagues may have been in place, but King's Leagues as a whole

had been severely weakened. Therefore, Link was not afraid of Aiden at all. With the current strength

of the East Lions, wiping out King's Leagues was entirely within their capabilities.

With determination, Link ordered, "Issue my command: all East Lions forces must move out. This time,

we must wipe out the entireKing's Leagues! From now on, Star Island will be under the rule of the East


"Yes!" responded his subordinates, and they immediately left. Soon, the entire East Lions was in an

uproar. Thousands of East Lions henchmen gathered with one goal in mind-to wipe out King's


At the border between King's Leagues and East Lions, there was a vast open space. Here, Aiden led

tens of thousands of King's Leagues disciples, prepared for what was to come. Following Chris's

instructions, Aiden had directly challenged the East Lions. However, despite King's Leagues being the

dominant force on Star Island, they had suffered greatly after the incident involving Ron Jefferson.

Currently, their overall strength was somewhat inferior to that of the East Lions.

Aiden couldn't help but look back at Chris, who was sitting in a car, resting with his eyes closed. For

Chris, dealing with a mere East Lions was hardly worth his effort. If it hadn't been for Aiden's repeated

requests, he wouldn't have bothered to come.

Seeing Chris, Aiden breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Chris was there, he felt confident. He knew

that no matter how many people the East Lions brought, it would not be Chris's doing.

Suddenly, the deafening sound of engines filled the air as a multitude of off-road vehicles came rushing

in from the distance. It seemed that this time, Link had brought the entire East Lions with him.

Screeching brakes echoed as Link and his men disembarked from the vehicles. Behind Link stood tens

of thousands of East Lions henchmen.

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